セレブ愛 / hush, it's Jung Younghee & Kim Hanbin's secret

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basic information
더는 망설이지 마 제발
life is like flipping through the pages of a story book
full name
jung younghee
other names

hee- this name comes out naturally from kim hanbin and he too, have absolute no idea when it all started. perhaps maybe that they actually became so close in the end that they even started calling each other with these nicknames. It's very rare for hanbin to call her younghee except, when sometimes he called, "yah- jung younghee." whenever they have tense or deep conversations with each other which it shivers hee in some ways. 

my muse - this name was called by hanbin as well whenever she talks about Younghee to his friends that knows about their relationship. Not all members of Ikon knew about their relationship. Only a a few of them. but all of them knew that hanbin has a girlfriend but only a few of them knows who. younghee has always been hanbin's inspiration on writing songs and that's why he called her his muse whenever he talks to his friends. it would sounds like- "what are you thinking about now?" asked jiwon, his fellow bandmate while sitting beside hanbin that was busy thinking of lines for their new song and hanbin would answered while smiling, "my muse. it has always been her."


date of birth (age)
14th February 1996
birth place
seoul, south korea
seoul, south korea
languages spoken
korean + very fluent. Since she came from south korea itself, she speaks korean, she can do very well in this language. Not to mention how she is taking the path of being a writer, she manage to master this language so easily. she is good in writing a poetic sentences in korean as her words are sometimes very amusing itself too. 

english + aside from japanese, hee finds english much more easier. she reads a lot of english novels for more plot tactics in writing and she has been mastering this language by reading and watching animated cartoons in english rather than in korean. she is a pure korean but she manage to speak english in a proper pronounciation. plus, her deep love for english western music has gotten her more excellent in it. 

japanese + she can do average in japanese. She does write quite well but still is a bit slow when it comes to speaking it. She can speak it slowly, but not that fluent. she took japanese during her days in high school and she has been scoring quite average on it. Upon knowing how to speak "hello", asking directions, and all, she can quite do it.  

내 심장을 거두어 가
short character quote #2
FACE CLAIM: wsjn's eunseo
BACKUP FACE CLAIM: actress shin yeeun, actress kim ji eun

 Younghee basically have a very simple korean features. small eyes, and she stands on 168 cm and weight 54 kg which she looks basically normal and is not that lean anyway. She has a
tattoo of a fern leaf on her left ankle which she got it on her 20th birthday after being convinced by her friends for almost 100 times.. She has a long brown hair which she usually let it off without bothering to tie it except during working. Her skin is fair and she has that rosy cheeks and lips which made her looked somehow- younger than her age. 


   Younghee has a very simple look. She rather stay being extremely comfortable rather than being all pretty and gorgeous. She would usually pull of that ahjumma look. Tying up her hair in a bun, or maybe just simply let it go. She would be wearing the knee length pleated skirt with thick cotton sweater with dull colours and sometime pastel colours too. Younghee wears light make up which she is actually quite bad in pulling of make ups on her face and so that is why. But, however, if she ever felt like dressing up, she would be wearing white plain shirt with a long baggy trousers or maybe just long knee length plain skirt as well. She never have heels with her as she never really enjoy wearing it and so, she only owns a pair of sneakers and a few flat shoes. She would pull off either these two style when going to classes but usually she would dress up a bit, when going to class or the worst, she would go with a baggy sweater with jeans. 



그래 날카로울수록 좋아

                    kind, happy, hardworking, patient
       sensitive, selfless, stubborn, cowardly, weak-willed, guarded

 Sometimes, all a girl like Younghee can do in life is nothing but working hard. Younghee, has been a girl that is known to be very happy throughout living her average life. She would be having a very calm and beautiful smile plastered on her face everyday, as if she has absolute problem to think of. She is that kind girl next door type that would help you organize your rubbish outside every night and would always be there to greet you whenever she sees you pass by. Younghee is also known to be a very patient girl as she never gets angry easily. She would usually take everything as her fault and would say sorry even. Younghee is also a loyal person that she is very loyal to her idol boyfriend without bothering about not seeing him too much like every other couples should do. Plus, she is very hardworking that she had multiple part-time jobs aside from studying in her university as she knows well how she needs to gain more money in order to live quite a good life around the Seoul city. 

  On the other side, Younghee is eventually.. a selfless girl. Sometimes she cares too less about herself that it hurted her in a lot of ways and frustrates the people around her so much. There's this one time during her school days that she was left to be partnerred with the most dumb student in her class for project and that she told him that she would do it all as that dumb kid turns out to be very.. lazy. Also, not to mention how she was.. somewhat a bit mentally bullied. She used to clean the class alone although it was a team work duty when everyone lied about having jobs after school and seemed like they couldn't help her with that. Younghee is just.. sadly.. too kind that people kept stepping on her head. Yet, Younghee is quite of a stubborn girl in her parents' perspective. If they asked her to stop cleaning the neighbour's trash cans, she would still do it eventhough she knows her neighbours let it off as they knew she would do it anyway. Which explains exactly why Younghee is a bit of a cowardly girl. She isn't the type to step up for herself and so, she would most likely shut herself and smiled a bit anyway, letting herself get scolded instead of fighting back. Younghee is also a guarded person as she never really told anyone about how she felt in her own little world. Living in her own world with only writing and stories and novels kept making her staying in her safe side as she wouldn't want to be walking ouside of her comfort zone. She never really want anyone to be involved with her own world and some might be annoyed with that especially her brother, Youngho. Her too cowardly personality has gotten her to be scared of whatever new things offer and so it has been. It frustrates people in some ways on how overprotective she is about herself. She keeps too much things inside her head and in her ownself that she even debates with her ownself a lot. Younghee is also a sensitive person which somehow she's close to being a passive person. Upon knowing how sensitive she is, she would rather avoid being too close to someone and it stays that way until she met Hanbin, and she slowly started open up about her own world. 

Born in the city of Seoul, Younghee lived in an average life of korean people. She's not that damn rich and also not really that poor to be exact. She's just in a normal family where her parents run a fried chicken restaurant and she worked part time there too. She has a little brother that is quite close to her and yes, she is the eldest. Younghee goes to a normal school as she was an average student but she did absolutely well in languages subjects. After she graduated from school, she goes to Seoul National University (SNU) and is majoring in Korean Language and Literature. She didn't exactly have any dreams but she do want to become a writer as she knew her potential in writing. She published her first book online when she's 20 and it was a romance novel  where it actually went hit. She published under the name "Younghee" itself and she gained popularity but the netizens never once saw the face of the author before and then it remains as that. 


  Younghee is currently still studying in SNU while working on her novel as she has been publishing a book online where it went viral when she's 20 but none really know who she is as she never really have any SNS account for it. Even her friends in her university too, have no idea that it was her as she doesn't seem to be looking like someone who would be writing a romance novel, not to mention how she always keep herself being so low profile. Her first book was a hit and it was a novel which is a romance novel. She manage to pass every each final exams and is still working hard on her studies. She woke up early every morning and went to a kindergarten where she works part time there as a teacher for a morning shift until 10:00 a.m. since she has completely zero schedules of her classes on that hours. On 1:00 p.m., she went to her class in SNU and it ended on 3 p.m. Then, she would be spending her time in her library until 6 p.m. to study and then, she would be helping in her parents' restaurant until late night. She is in charge of helping in the kitchen as her mother didn't suggest her to go delivering at night.  During weekends, she would go jogging in the morning and sometimes play with children in the playground and then, she would be working in a cafe where he bestfriend works in and at night, she would still be helping in her parents' restaurant and would spend 3 hours before sleeping, sitting in front of her laptop to continue writing. Sometimes, if she asks permission from her parents, she is still allowed to go hang out with her friends and participate in group lunches or anything. 

+ Younghee did not own any SNS account. It's like- she did not alive via social media.  She just.. own kakao talk and a gmail account. kkt ; @stxrdust
+ Younghee has never been into any relationships before, nor having any interest in having a relationship as she just enjoy watching drama and reading romance novel, and writing romance stories, but experiencing it..? No. 
+ Younghee listens to english country songs and only listen to Bol4 and Ben's songs if it's korean music.
+ She... isn't really familiar with kpop groups. 
+ She loves working in the kindergarten and enjoys baby sitting kids. She even sometimes was paid to take kids for a walk or meetings if their parents can't seem to come. 
+ She loves animals and enjoy watching cats and bunnies a lot. 
+ She have a diary on Microsoft Word. 
+ Younghee only had lunch and breakfast but not dinner as she has gotten used to only have two meals a day.
+ Prefers tea over coffee. 
+ She went to SNU by bus everyday and she never once late for classes before. 
+ She has been spending her life on the web novel site since she was 16 and has been enjoying reading each romance novel there. She left out quite a lot of comments on almost every novels she read on the site and it has been quite a few times to see her around. As she is good in literature since her school days, she joined some competition of oneshots stories on the web novel site and won the first place quite a few times. Of course, she has once or twice she didn't won the first place, either she gets the second, the third, or just some special award. But due to how flowery her language could be, is what attracted most people to. She did not tell anyone regarding her novel writing and  she never really have any novels posted but after quite a few people insisted her to, she decided to write one. 
달빛조차도 눈을 감은 밤
"Whenever i'm close to books, it feels so safe"
fc: wjsn's bona, 22, 7th June 1997, a best friend, 98%

While the cinderella is.. somehow struggling in life, she was gifted with a friend since elementary school and is still hanging around her, pursuing the same course as her. Only, Areum wanted to be an editor. Areum is pretty much a bit different from Younghee as she is a free-spirited girl with dreams and ambitions. Areum and Younghee's relationship is something that couldn't be broken up. They're very close that they sometimes spend a night in each other's house. They shared every stories together and Younghee never left any traces behind when telling her every single thing about her life that is revolving. Areum is always there to protect and give her some advices if needed and Younghee is always there to warm Areum's soul whenever she is having a hard time. They first became close when Areum and Younghee became deskmates during elementary school and Younghee always helps Areum with her literature while Areum, is always helping Younghee with her mathematics and science. Areum is the one working part time with Younghee. Only, Younghee works only during weekends unlike Areum who works there everyday. They exchanges texts often and talked through phone a lot too. 

fc: straykids' i.n, 15th January 2002, a little brother, 88%

This kid, is like a puppy to Younghee. As a little brother, Youngho actually look up to her sister a lot. Especially for working damn hard just to help supporting the family, and also paying her own tuition fees. Youngho is pretty close to her sister as Youngho actually tells her like- a lot of things that happens in school and Younghee would just gladly listen to it. Youngho is the second person to know about her relationship with that male idol soon after Areum and he didn't really give much reactions to it as he thought that- Younghee is pretty so it's not suprising for a person to fall head over heels for her. Youngho isn't exactly a fan of iKON but he does listens to iKON anyway. He is the one that introduces her to iKON right after she asked him to - which is the time when she got to know that the man that flirted with her is an idol from a group named iKON.  Youngho honestly supports whatever decision his sister made and he is always there, to support her. As a sister, Younghee supports him and give him advices a lot about life and Youngho really respected her for that. 


7th February 1994, fellow iKON member, 71%

click here for a clearer vision of his atittude.

As iKON's oldest member, he is the hyung in the group. If anything happens, he knew he needs to make sure the members are doing well although he is not the leader. He could be seen that he actually gave in a lot with other younger member and yes. To Younghee's perspective, he is a bit calmer and more mature compared to the other members. Since Jinhwan manage to contact Younghee via phone messages, (which he got her number from hanbin after persuading him like- almost billion times), he actually took quite a good care of her in the terms of keeping hanbin and her relationship quiet. Jinhwan also sometimes became the person who reports a lot of things about hanbin to her. Like sometimes if he's a bit sick, Jinhwan would tell her that he's sick since he knew hanbin would never tell Younghee that he is anyway. Jinhwan is very much caring about s and so, he cares a lot about hanbin and his very secretive relationship with younghee. Jinhwan is also the person who tells a lot of advices to his fellow members and the members teases him a lot too. 


8th February 1995, fellow iKON member, 50%

click here for a clearer version of his attitude

Younghee felt somehow the most awkward around this guy. Maybe it's because he's seriously outgoing that somehow Younghee felt a bit- "ha-ha" and so that is that. Yunhyeong however didn't think the same way. He always thought that Younghee is a nice and kind girl and during her visit to the practise room along with hanbin's mother and hanbyul, Yunhyeong felt warm hearted upon seeing all of them. And the moment he got to know that Younghee is Hanbin's girl, he was shocked but honestly very happy. Younghee and Yunhyeong didn't talk much like how Jinhwan talked with Younghee but still, Younghee thought that Yunhyeong is a very nice man as he has that look of a nice man and she knows he's quite close to hanbin as well.


21st December 1995, fellow iKON member, 72%

click here for a clearer version of his atittude 

Younghee is quite close with Jiwon, or they all called him "Bobby". As he is very friendly in a cute and bubbly way, Younghee finds him very comfortable to talk to. Not to mention how he is always like- almost so careful with her while talking which Younghee finds him cute. Younghee always thought that Jiwon is somekind of a playful boy but honestly, Jiwon is the kind to be very nice and careful towards other people especially the girls. Jiwon actually talked to Younghee via kkt sometimes which- he replies to her post sometimes which an emoji usually. Younghee isn't that close much to him but she does finds him comfortable to talk about Hanbin and maybe sometimes Jiwon would spill some of Hanbin's funny past stories and would secretly take some pictures of him working hard in his studio. 



3rd January 1997, fellow iKON member, 80%

click here for a clearer version of his attitude

Donghyuk.. can be seen oftenly as a guy who has a bit of a matured way of thinking. He could be the fakest guy amongst iKON as he has a very good acting skills when it comes to pranking people and stuff. Donghyuk however, he understands people quite a lot and could be the person where you would be screaming your problems to. Donghyuk could be very dangerous too, as he has quite the temper that s are well aware of too. It was Donghyuk's idea to create group chat of the whole group with Younghee in it as he is damn excited on how their leader is finally getting himself a girl he's interested in. Hanbin at first was seriously opposing on this idea and he didn't want Younghee to get involved in his matters and Hanbin also kept denying and telling himself that he didn't like her but oh well- the members know well how he is actually denying his feelings and they actually grew fond of Younghee herself and knew how kind Younghee is to them. 


31st March 1997, fellow iKON member, 80%

click here for clearer version of his attitude

Honestly, Younghee is quite scared of Junhoe at first as he kept pulling off that strong man look. Not to mention how tall he is in person and how his face actually looked like he just came from a group of gangster. However, Junhoe is actually quite kind and he's that one person who constantly say "good morning, Younghee noona" in the groupchat created by Donghyuk but then he'll just left it there as it is. He gave out his opinion a lot about Hanbin, having interest in Younghee and he is the one who constantly reminds him how he needs to be careful of every single thing that he does just to avoid Younghee getting hurt. Junhoe may looked like he's a bit fierce on the outside, but he actually cares a lot about both Younghee and Hanbin. 


26th January 1998, fellow iKON member, 51%

click here for a clearer version of his attitude

Younghee isn't exactly close to Chanwoo but she knows well how Chanwoo works real hard and Chanwoo didn't really talk to her aside from exchanging smiles and bows and sometimes they exchanges stickers on the group chat a lot too but it honestly just stay that way. Hanbin warns Chanwoo a lot but of course, in an advice way to make sure he didn't really accidentally talked about this matter on camera or something. Chanwoo, on the other hand, of course he is so much aware of this and he, also know how much he needs to take care of Hanbin's secret as he honestly grew fond of how kind the girl is to the whole members and he knew he didn't want the nice Younghee noona to get hurt just because Hanbin hyung is eaxctly falling for her.


born in 2011, Hanbin's little sister, 88%

click here for a clearer version of her attitude

Hanbyul is somehwat considered as Hanbin's soulmate. She's a little sister of Hanbin and it seemed like Hanbin is willing to give his all for his little sister's happiness. The kindergarten where Hanbyul attend is where Younghee works part time at. Hanbyul is the closest to Younghee. They talked and have conversations a lot at her school and sometimes, Mrs Kim would ask her to stay with Younghee for a bit as she may be late to come and pick her up. Hanbyul loves how Younghee is always talking to her as Younghee is known as one of the teachers who smiles a lot amongst the others. There were time when Younghee brought Hanbyul to walk around the neighbourhood, and sometimes to the mall for eating with Mrs Kim's permission as Hanbyul insisted her to do so. But Younghee never knew Hanbyul have an idol brother as she knew well how she shouldn't be bragging about him here and there for her own safety. And so, it remains that way to Younghee too. Younghee honestly grew fond of Hanbyul as she already thought of her as her little sister and loves her very much too. That's when one day Hanbyul decided to tell her about her idol brother which was the day... Younghee met Hanbin. 

너의 그 사랑과
i kept coming to you, is it because you're my gravity?
full name
KIm hanbin
BACKUP LOVE INTEREST: day6's youngk, svt's jeonghan

  Hanbin is very much known as someone with a bit of unique personality. He's a leader with quite of a leadership but he could be baby-ish at times. Hanbin pretty much nags a lot, complains quite a lot too, and Hanbin is also an awkward person especially with new people which he isn't comfortable with. He always put work first before anything. He's a hard working person eversince their trainee days and their mixandmatch survival show. He made songs. Not just any songs but good songs. WINNER's debut song, Empty is also made by him at that time. He's also... the type to be a bit of a scaredy cat and is loving too. When he loves something, he really did do well on it. Hanbin is pretty much the same on and off camera. He's a bit savage too sometimes but is very very shy. He never once dated which he didn't really know much upon how it feels to love and be loved. He treasure his fans a lot and always have fun during concerts and meet ups with the fans. Hanbin is rather playful and out-going too. He's always up for new things and he is... somewhat... dumb... too... 

hanbin videos ( click on the number!) : 1  2(recommended)

+ He was a contestant on Show Me The Money 3
+ He hates aegyo and he wouldn't do it even if Yang Hyunsuk ask him to but he did it the first time for his fans during Weekly Idol
+ He never dated before and uses movies and books for inspiration to make songs. He even repeated the scene of a drama 20 times to finally get the inspiration to make one. But of course, things changed after he met Younghee.
+ Once in Mix and Match, where he couldn't take it anymore, he disappeared and then spotted on a bench at Hangang river, gathering his thought while writing lyrics. He said, "I wanted to escape. I wanted to get out of the world"
+ He composed WINNER's Empty and BLACKPINK's Whistle.
+ He is a part of the clean members within his group members which means, he actually is a clean person. 
+ He goes bowling and play video games with s when he has free time.
+ Younghee still calls him "Hanbin" before and after they dated.
+ Younghee and Hanbin never go on dates before and Younghee only met him through video calls, other than meeting him at his house where his family is there too. 


 first meeting 
It was a beautiful sunday morning where Younghee actually promised Hanbyul to hang out with her at 10 o clock. Younghee even take a day off from her part time work just to see Hanbyul and spend a day with her. Younghee took Hanbyul from her house and bid a goodbye to Hanbyul's parents before they walked to the park together. It seemed like there's more elders around here. They were happily walking and talking a lot too when suddenly Hanbyul craved for some ice cream. Fortunately, there's an ice cream stall nearby and bought some ice cream for both of them. Not long after, Hanbyul seemed to be distracted and suddenly called out, "Oppa!" while pointing to a man with a dark coloured sweater and jeans and seemed to be walking with another guy beside him. 

Hanbyul then carelessly pulled her hand away from Younghee's grip as Younghee was paying for the ice cream. The little girl ran to the man which worry Younghee a whole lot as she was much aware that she was in charge of a person's daughter. Immediately, with two ice creams in her hands, she ran after Hanbyul, and started to slow down her pace when she was starting to approach the guy from the back, seeing Hanbyul already talking and smiling a lot, standing in front of the guy. Younghee was facing the guy's back and she honestly felt a bit scared of the guy. 

"There she is! My teacher!" cheered Hanbyul happily as she pointed at Younghee which made both of the guy turned to look at her. Damn, Younghee was seriously nervous. She bit her lips as she bowed a bit before introducing herself. Hanbin, on the other side, he was a bit... amused at how she... dress. She wore the long knee length pleated skirt with a baggy t-shirt. What a fashion... he thought. Then he suddenly got a bit pissed. Not to mention how Hanbyul seemed to be freely walking and this girl seemed to not taking care of her enough. And so, he sounded her for not doing so. Younghee, has never felt this annoyed before and she too, didn't know from where did she gain the strength to actually talk back. "Okay look. Your sister actually ran to you, I hold her hand while walking-" 

"Then take a closer look on her!" he didn't even let her explain and so, she shut herself up. 

That day, becomes the day Hanbyul went out to eat with the two guys. It's Hanbin and Bobby. As told by Hanbin, which Younghee herself didn't much understood, he told her to sit a bit far, but still visible to Hanbyul as he didnt want her to get caught by the papparazzi. Younghee didn't really understand at first but she obeyed. Younghee has absolute no idea who is Hanbin and Bobby as she isn't really familiar with kpop groups and have absolute no SNS account. 

After they've done hanging out, which they even walk around together, Hanbin playyed with Hanbyul, carry her, pampering her and Younghee was left walking 2 metres away from them. Just like what Hanbin told her to, it's time for Hanbin to go home. Hanbyul returned to Younghee and Hanbin, as he wanted to make sure Hanbyul's safety is well taken care of, he decided to have Younghee's phone number. 

"What? What for?" she asked, protectively.
"I need to make sure you send her home safely and that she's always safe since she seemed to be very close to you and likes you so I need to make sure you're a safe person for her to like." said Hanbin, eager. 
Younghee sighed before she gave her number as he saved it in his phone as, "Hanbyul's teacher." while Younghee, saved his number as "Hanbyul's brother." 

Growing fonder 
  Hanbin... happens to text Younghee a lot. He constantly asking her to give him pics of Hanbyul at school, and they sometimes talk about how Hanbyul is doing at school. The whole conversation is Hanbyul based. They only talked about Hanbyul and Hanbyul and Hanbyul, until one day, Younghee accidentally sent him the wrong text message that she was supposed to send it to her friend as she was texting both Hanbin and her best friend at the same time. She texted, "Life isn't that much of a beautiful thing that you need to spend every single minute, only to appreciate what's there, right?" 

It was at late night where Younghee was used to text her best friend for deep talks a lot. But when Hanbin received that text, he frowned and replied, 
"Why, so? Suddenly?" 

While Younghee leave her phone as she was in the toilet, Hanbin replied more, 
"True. I agree on that. But life isn't that much of an ugly thing that you need to spend every single minute, to only hate on what's there." 

which, when Younghee read it, she was startled. And so, after that night, their conversation, that was used to be Hanbyul based, constantly changes to deep talks and Hanbin used to be asking if she had her meals and so does Younghee too. But again, Younghee still had absolute no idea that he is an idol. 

Not only texts, they actually become friends and.. talk on the phone too. Sometimes, video calls too which both Younghee and Hanbin actually becomes fond of each other although they talk like friends. And, both of them have absolute no idea that they actually have feelings for each other. 

Whenever Hanbin's mother and Hanbyul came to visit Hanbin, Younghee tagged along this time. They exchanged glances and talks quite a lot too. The members of iKON immediately realized this and so they asked him about her. Hanbin told them the truth and the members cooed and was honestly excited for their leader's loveline but, they too, constantly remind him to always be aware and to always make sure that she is very well taken care from the papparazzi. 

That's the thing. Papparazzi. Hanbin and Younghee never went to date. They only meet up, and when Hanbin came home, Younghee would come over and they would be hanging out in his room, talking, drawing something together, watching movies and just that. Yes, they kissed and hold hands and share stories, deep talks and all that only happens when Hanbin is home. Which, the papparazzi hardly caught them. Younghee, as she never dated too, and is so dense about love too, she didn't mind at all and never even asked for more. After knowing how Hanbin is actually and idol, and how much his life is so secured with fans and his company, she immediately understand and even felt sorry for him too sometimes but she does feel happy whenever he is. And so, it stays that way. 

Hanbin texted her, after thinking almost a thousand of times, and the members even convince him to do so. And so he did it. 

"Hey I like you." - Hanbin.
"......" - Younghee.
"Well- I... like you too, honestly." - Younghee. 
"Ah-... I see." - Hanbin, which he was actually just staring at the chatbox, eyes widening, feeling unbelievable and is absolutely.. amused. 
"Does this mean I'm your girlfriend and I should not have other people liking me?" - Younghee. 
Hanbin was... startled before he replied shortly, 
"Yes, girlfriend." 

As Younghee is very dense about dating an idol, and didn't really know how hard Idol's life is, all she did was obeying what Hanbin told her to and she is totally okay with only dating via video calls, voice calls, text messages, as they honestly did it everyday. And she feels his love every single day even. Plus, she herself is very busy too which explains to why she is really okay with it. Younghee learned slowly about iKON and started listening to all of their songs as she loves how all of them reminds her of him. Yes, she does saw some other idols being shipped with Hanbin but then again she didn't care much. After all, Hanbin still sends her love via texts and calls and she never really feel empty. Hanbin became her inspiration in her stories and so does how Younghee became his inspiration in songs. 

Soon, when the two became more and more successful, iKON, became all successful and Younghee, became one of the popular writers in South Korea, and also, revealed her true identity as she holds book signing event and gain a lot of fans too, she is very much loved by the netizen. Their relationship remains secret until one day, which Hanbin finally turned 31 and Younghee is 30, South Korea- no, the whole world is shocked by the news that Kim Hanbin is legally married to the young beautiful writer, Jung Younghee. 

Just like UKISS's Eli Kim and UKISS's Dongho's marriage, netizens and fans, have absolute no choice but to accept the fact that both of them are in love. Yes, haters still exist but there's only minority of them as the iKONICS become more mature due to how Hanbin is actually at the age where he is supposed to be having his love life, after all. 

fun fact : iKON's Just For You is made for Younghee

Since I have include all of them on the relationships part, I'll just drop the percentages here :)

Jinhwan : 71%
Yunhyeong : 50%
Bobby : 72%
Donghyuk : 80%
Junhoe : 80%
Chanwoo : 51%
바꾼 상처 모두 태워 버려
FINAL WORDS: honestly,, I believe that this will have a lottt of mistakes, but really I have really loved applying this and i'm sorry that it took a long time for me to fill in  the whole app T^T I'm sorry if there's english errors and... probably more errors,,, just tell me things to fix and things to clarify... uwu.. thank you!!


+ the scene where Hanbin and Younghee hanging out in Hanbin's room. 
+ iKON members teasing Hanbin in his dorm about Younghee and laughed at him while Hanbin being all whiny and nagging. 
+ Hanbin  was actually texting Younghee when suddenly he rushed to his studio and started writing something on his computer (lyrics)
+ Yang Hyunsuk,,, be worrying if any of iKON members is... dating and all the members are actually protecting Hanbin's secret. 
+ After Hanbin's marriage + finally dating news, the fans who came to the concert, which was held on Younghee's birthday coincidentally, they actually sang birthday song for Younghee while Younghee was sitting at the backstage and no one knows she came. 
+ Younghee's romance novels are all hit. 
+ tba!! 



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