⬦ PRODUCE100 ⬦ Lee Baekhyun Let's Walk on the Flower Path


  Lee Baekhyun  

birthname. Lee Baekhyun

– Baek :: Just a simple shortening of his name
– Puppy :: Used by fans (and himself) because he's a giant puppy dog

date of birth. 041293
birthplace. here
ethnicity. Korean
language spoken. 

– Korean :: Native language, though he speaks very simply
– English :: He technically learned this during training, but it's broken at best


   what do i see.

appearance.  Baekhyun isn't  a very imposing person. In fact, he's pretty much the opposite of. At 174cm and 59kg, Baek is slim-boned, with little muscle mass or pointy features to speak of. Baekhyun could better be described as "soft", from his perpetually fluffed hair to his round cheeks. Even his faint toning looks more cute than hot. He doesn't mind though, puppies are supposed to be cute and fluffy.

style.  Baekhyun was always dressed by other people growing up, so he doesn't really seem to have his own style now. If he has to dress himself without any coordinator assistance he tends towards single-colored tops of all varieties and jeans. Always jeans, and usually trendy ones. If ripped jeans are the fashion then he'll blow all his saved money on those. If paint splatter jeans are the hot new thing he'll fork over the dough to own several pairs. He trusts trends to dress him now the way he trusted his mother to growing up.

   what is within.

personality traits.  Autophobic, Cheerful, Repressive, Dependent, Dramatic, pitiful, Energetic, (Forcibly) Optimistic, Single-minded, Simple


Baekhyun's defining feature is absolutely his optimism and propensity to find a silver lining in any situation. He's always smiling and always trying to get the people around him to smile as well. He's like a puppy in many ways, from the constant excitement to the desire to always be around other people. Baekhyun's second most easily noticed feature is definitely how overly friendly he is with absolutely everyone. Whether you've known him for years or just met him ten seconds ago, Baekhyun will be absolutely thrilled to see you and be friends. He's always surrounding himself with people and is constantly looking to them for validation and encouragment. He's the kid always asking "did you see? Did you see me?" and generally looking around to everyone else to see if he's doing things correctly.

Of course, even if he doesn't get his needed confirmation from the people around him, Baekhyun has become very good at faking it for himself. His ability to stay optimistic in any situation is unhealthy in how it actively prevents him from facing his own inner demons or acknowledging that anyone else might have them. He's been lucky in life so far in that he's incredibly easy to feel sorry for, so his tendency to stray into insenstive territory can be accepted with a heavy sigh from most people, especially those closest to him who know he wouldn't understand anyway if they tried explaining the problem.

Because aside from his actve avoidance of negativity, Baekhyun is really a very simple person. He's often times just not capable of understanding the bigger picture, or of thinking outside the box. The obvious answer is the only one he can conceptualize, and his world is very black and white because of it. This leads to him being a major drama llama over honestly ridiculous things as he's not capable of grasping anything other than what is immediately in front of him. Asking Baekhyun to be helpful in a tense situation is like asking a cat to fetch. It may occasionally happen, but you can be sure it wasn't in any way intentional.

At his core though, Baekhyun's greatest drive is an absolute terror of being alone. He's all but incapable of even vaguely resembling a productive human being if he doesn't have someone else nearby to keep him grounded. Baekhyun uses people as an emotional crutch, and more than that he's desperate to make himself likable. He is happy to do whatever asked so long as he doesn't have to be alone for any lengthy period of time. And while any person will work to keep his happy mask firmly in place, he is best when with close friends and family, because those are the ones he most fears will leave him. He's emotionally dependent, but is conversely very scared of making any meaningful connections for fear of getting hurt again, leading to an unhealthy oxymoronic life.

tl;dr - Very bright and friendly kid, always happy and trying to make friends, keeps a positive mindset because a negative one would give him an internal crisis of faith, terrified by the idea of being alone, can't focus on more than one thing at a time, thinks the obvious answer is the only one because he's bad at thinking outside the box, so pathetic he's endearing


Lee Baekhyun was born the only child of a relatively happy middle class family. He grew up fussed over by his mother and scolded by his father to be more "manly". In most ways Baekhyun was a very normal little kid who loved running around, getting dirty, and throwing tempertantrums when he wasn't allowed ice cream before dinner. The only thing that people found odd about the little Lee was his tendency to do things often deemed "girly". He loved wearing skirts and dancing "like a girl" and he was as likely to want to be the princess as he was the knight when he played pretend with his friends. His parents did their best to tell him why this was wrong, but he never really understood it so he kept up his carefree and happy life until he was seven years old.

Shortly after Baekhyun's seventh birthday his parents divorced. Everyone around had seen it coming for a long time, but for Baekhyun it was a complete blindside. Even worse for the developing child, neither parents wanted to raise him for fear of it preventing them from starting their new lives without each other. And so Baekhyun ended up in the adoption system. At first he was confused, and tried to figure out why his parents didn't love him anymore. Finally he realized that he'd never listened to them about being a "proper little boy". And so he strove to fix himself.

However, as a seven year old, the chances of Baekhyun being picked up for adoption were extremely low. He did have a few interested parties, but nothing ever panned out. But Baekhyun was learning with each rejection. He learned that people liked little boys who were polite. They liked little boys that were cute. And most of all they liked little boys who were happy. And so he strove to stay cheerful in every situation, to show how perfect he was and how he deserved love. And by some miracle, at age ten, an older couple adopted him.

Beakhyun's life went uphill from there. His adoptive parents were sweet and supportive, and he remained cheerful and polite to make sure they'd keep loving him. His life went back to being quite normal, with the addition of him being a bit more clingy with his family. He made friends in school and was noted to be a very cheerful and friendly person, though some teachers also noted an inability to work by himself. But all in all his life was good again. Then one day, when he was seventeen years old, he was out shopping with his mother when a scout from Amuse Korea started chatting them up. His mother had always loved music, and when she heard that the scout thought Baekhyun could be an idol she became quite excited. It wasn't something that was too interesting to Baek, but he wanted to make his mother happy so he cheerfully agreed to an audition.

By some miracle, possibly his cute face and upbeat personality, he passed the audition and was offered a contract at Amuse Korea. He signed with no hesitation when he saw how proud his mother was, and when they told his father that night he was proud as well. But when training actually started, Baekhyun started to wonder if he'd made the right choice. He wasn't very good at singing, dancing, or rapping, and though he did his best improvement was slow. But when he got home after long, exhausting days of training and saw how excited his mother was to hear all about it he'd put on his signature smile and tell her it was wonderful. And so training continued, until two years later when he was placed in a project group and for the first time he actually became excited about the whole "idol" thing.

tl;dr - born in a regular middle class family, life was good (until the fire nation attacked) until his parents got divorced. Ended up in the adoptions system for three years until a miracle happened and an older couple adopted him. Got into music at age 14 thanks to his mom and was scouted by Amuse Korea when he was 17. Training but his parents were so proud of him so he kept at it until he debuted at age 21.

– This guy is a total cuddle . Any kind of physical contact he will do with gusto.
– His stage name is literally "Beagle" since his mom called him that growing up
– His common nickname with his friends is simply "Baek". His dad is one of the few who uses his full name
– Rapping is his best skill simply because he enjoys it the most and ends up putting more time into working on that than singing or dancing
– He's high-key freaked out by fireworks and there are memes of him flipping his when sparklers go off near the stage
– Honestly just so many memes with this kid. He does it on purpose at this point, they make him laugh
– His motto is "Every cloud has a silver lining" and he clings to it for everything he's worth
– His mother passed away in a car wreck just after Double Strand's debut and it completely broke Baek for a while. He still doesn't really like to talk about it beyond admitting that she's gone and he does miss her.
– He hates crying in public or in front of people, but if he wins on the show he's probably going to start bawling and be very embarrassed about it.


– Adoptive Mother :: Lee Hyomin (67) / Elementary School Teacher / personality traits / 10/10

Hyomin was a bright, enthusiastic woman who did everything as if there was a fire under her . Nothing was boring around Lee Hyomin, as she went out of her way to make it as ridiculous as humanly possible. She had a knack for humor and socializing, and both worked to her favor with her elementary students. This is the part that Baekhyun loves to remember, the woman who affectionately refered to him as her "little Beagle" and acted out his bedtime stories. But Hyomin was also a highly controlling and borderline manipulative woman who wasn't afraid to hit below the belt to get what she wanted. Baekhyun adored his mother with every fiber of his being, and she adored him right back. He always tried, and still tries, to emulate her in every situation and to do everything in his power to make her happy. He held her on a pedestal and she never did anything to change it. She did love him dearly though, and under everything she genuinely wanted him to be happy - she just tended to lose sight of what were her dreams and what were his. Though to be fair, so did he.

– Adoptive Father :: Cho Nohil (71) / School Counselor / personality traits / 6/10 

Nohil is a very quiet man, especially when compared to his wife of 27 years. He's a thinker more than a doer, prefering to watch life go by and enjoy it while he can. He's not particularly motivated, but he does what he likes and puts in effort to make people around him happy. He's a family man at heart and he's happiest when taking care of those he's closest to. Baekhyun loves his dad, but they never connected the way he did with his mother. Nohil of course cares about his son very deeply and tries to take care of him in small ways, such as calling him at all hours of the day if he seems stressed or tired in his interviews (and Nohil makes sure to watch every single one - he even learned how to use TVO to make sure he could record anything he might miss) and sending small care packages. Nohil recognizes a lot of Baekhyun's problems, but isn't sure how to approach his son after years of minimal communication.

– Groupmates :: Double Strand (21 - 26) / Idols / Varies 

Baek loves his groupmates, though they can find him to be a bit overbearing and annoying at times. Since his mother's passing Baek has relied on them for emotional support and his biggest fear is that they're going to break up. The Main Vocal has already left the group, and if Baek can't bring in fans with Produce 100 then the group is pretty much done for.

   Q&A time 

Hi welcome to Produce100, I am a staff from MNET and I'd need you to answer some of these questions.

there are 100 seats, which seat would you sit at, why?  Ooh, my favorite number has always been ten, so I want to take seat ten!

be honest, you are here for the boys/girls.  There are going to be girls??? Is that allowed???

how would you pick your songs for evaluations.  
I really like rapping, so I would want to do YG songs or BTS songs! Because they're the best rap songs!

there are so many trainees, how can you make us remember you.  
Ah, um, I don't know? *Starting to panic a bit* Oh gosh I really hope everyone will like me but I bet everybody is going to be so talented and pretty, how can I stand out???



face claim. Boyfriend Hyunseong

back up face claim. SHINee Taemin

plotline. The Debuted

talent twin:

rap. High4 Youngjun

dance. High4 Youngjun

company. Amuse Korea

trainee years. 7 years ( 2011 - current)

trainee life. As a trainee Baekhyun was known for being cheerful, but also for being pretty flighty. He never stuck with one group, jumping around between friends on a regular basis (mostly so he could tell his mom about as many "friends" as he could so she wouldn't worry about his social life being ruined by his training). So when he was put in a project group, he actually made his first real friends in years. He ended up attached to the others, and was their biggest cheerleader even before they officially debuted. He wanted the group to succeed (for his mom) so he did everything in his power to make sure that would happen. And when they finally released their debut song Headache he felt like he was really accomplishing something great.

Then the debut song completely bombed, and Baekhyun was heartbroken. Nonetheless he soldiered on as best he could, practicing for their next comeback and talking to his mom every night to remind himself why being an idol is so important. And then one night his mother didn't pick up, and Baek was left with no one. It was a rough two months, and his groupmates did what they could to help him through his grieving process. He managed to pull himself together by the skin of his teeth in time for their next comeback, and although that failed miserably as well he had new determination. He had to succeed for the memory of his mother. No matter what. So when, after a nearly 2 year hiatus following several more failed comebacks, the opportunity to go onto Produce 100 was offered Baek jumped at the opportunity. He had to save his group.

Debut with Headache :: 2014
Comeback with Day by Day :: 2015
Comeback with Baby Boy :: 2015
Comeback with D.O.A :: 2015
Comeback with Love Line :: 2016
Hiatus, Main Vocalist Leaves :: 2017 - Current

replace with fc 95*95

   unqua911 : dani

last words.  So this kid is repurposed from another story that he wasn't chosen for, but I quite like him so I thought maybe he could get another life here ^^

password.  I'm still bad at this but perhaps Lar? It's a Latin term meaning Diety.



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