Some philosophical XD

So, while watching Broken Blossoms (silent movie), one of the narrative plans goes like this ”Asian man wants to convert the europeans to Buddha so he moves in England, saying they were so torn they needed his teachings. Europeans think the asians and other religions are heathens. It is kind of ironic because no religion holds the supreme truth alone. All the religions have bits and bits of the final truth yet they spend millenia arguing about who is right about what when in fact on the deep ground there Is all about the planet's resources. Then then he is told about hell. This also reminded me of that native american chieftain who told the missioner that he would not go to hell, if he would not have heard about it! And then, these days, I happened to get across a fb video about how the body still keeps running a little even after we died. As if it would still go on from inertia and the dead also know they have died. I believe that the image your brain will replay in these moments can be the actual hell or heaven which somewhat matches the christian opinion. But also after we decompose in atoms and molecules, at least our moist tissues do it faster, we re-enter the circulation of matter in nature and the atoms will find themselves part of different organisms. Here lies the problem : Do atoms and molecules hold memory? At least empirical studies ex Masaru Emoto's show water has memory. In some cases of organ transplant, particularly heart transplant it was shown that the recipients slowly gained traits of the donors which were deeply ingrained in their DNA. This is cellular memory which should be greater than the atoms since the tissue is still alive, biologically and functions as it should be, There is also collective memory of your nation, species if you want, which is done by passing down traits and experiences. At this point, it matches the buddhist and hinduist theory. But, how can we be sure of the reliability of the memory or that there are not fakes claiming they remember their past lives? I simply believe that the information from the past should be like something redundant, just there, deep inside ourselves, hard to access since it cannot be converted in actual knowledge. One cannot tell for sure "Hey, ya, I've been the banana and you ate me while you were the monkey! So all these past lives become forgettable for most, since they do not mean much for the present. From the superior being which is human, we become something simpler and lose it. Nowadays, they attempt to create virtual copies of your memory to transplant into a physical engineered body. Meaning you should live forever, just becoming a machine instead. As cool as it sounds, I think it greatly disrupts the order of the universe and karma itself. People and all living things were made to come and go. This planet will eventually be swallowed by the sun as well. And everything will become a small star with our atoms as its whole being.


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