What do you think?

I've been wondering if I were to create these wreaths again, how much would you be willing to pay for them?

I'm not planning on selling them, but if I were sell wreaths like these, I'm trying to figure out how much someone is willing to pay for them.

I want to create some wreaths, but I want to make sure that I'm not going to sell them TOO high or TOO low.

What do you think?







At some point, I do plan on making this as a side job to earn a little money. I'm not going to create the wreaths just for holidays, but I'm also planning on creating them for different occasions. I'm still thinking about it, but first I need to get a different job and then think about creating these wreaths.

Just so you know, I don't make the wreaths themselves, only the decorations. I had someone tell me that I'm talented that I can make the wreaths, I told them that I only decorated them. I buy them plain, and then they come out like this from my imagination. They come in all sizes and sometimes shapes as well. 

But, I'm just trying to get an input on how much someone would be willing to pay for the wreaths.





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OMG! They're so beautiful❤ if you want to sell them, then do so. I'm sure people will be interested to buy, but just make sure that it's the same price as the market price. Good luck❤
If you want to sell them, then you should look and gauge the market's price for wreaths for competitiveness. After that you calculate the materials cost of the wreaths. The plain wreath cost how much and the other materials (if you buy them in bulk, just divide them by number of pieces by price,) this way you'd have an idea of how much each wreath cost in general so when people give you a price, you can see if it's align with your cost. Do add in the value of it being customized so you can make a profit instead of break-even. If you let people tell you the price, they'd quote the lower of market price and lower than your cost, you'd lose money. Just a thought since I'm in business.

They're very pretty, keep it up! You can make them for easter or seasonal. Good luck.