⬦ PRODUCE100 ⬦ Kim Minhee Let's Walk on the Flower Path


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  Kim Minhee  

Birthname. Kim Minhee

– Valentine :: A nickname from childhood based on her birthday; she really loves this nickname, as cliché as it is, and is using it as her stagename

Date of Birth. 140204
Birthplace. Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity. Korean
Language Spoken. 

– Korean :: This is her native language, though to be fair she does sometimes say entire sentences to explain her point when she can't remember the one word she needs to convey the same thing, so she's arguably not exactly fluent.
– English :: She can say "I love you" "Hello" and "Where is bathroom?" and that's about it. She's technically studying it in school but she's really just awful. It might help if she tried a little more.


   what do i see.

Appearance.  Minhee stands at a dainty 155cm, but she insists she still has lots of time to grow. She weighs in at 45kg, putting her at the scrawny side of healthy, and she likes when things emphasize her small waist. She's very proud of her waist despite having done nothing to actually get it - it's just her body type. She's also a huge fan of makeup, always painting her lips soft reds or bright pinks and dousing her cheeks until she sports a permanent blush. Combined with her light skin - which she *has* gained from a rigorous lightening regime - she looks rather like a doll most of the time. Which is exactly what she wants.

Style.  Cute lacy dresses! Cute lacy dresses for days! If Minhee could go the rest of her life never wearing anything but cute lacy dresses she'd do it in a heartbeat. Alas, winter is the enemy of cute lacy dresses so she does have some leggings and winter-appropriate wear for the cold, but if there's sun and no snow this girl is going to be done up like a doll and loving every second of it. She also adores wearing heels - the shinier, the better!

   what is within.

Personality Traits.  Determined, Naive, Hard-working (selectively),  Proactive, Flexible, Opportunistic, Self-focused, Unapologetic, Shameless, Stubborn

Slytherin - ESTP


Minhee is a lot of things, but the most obvious of these things is LOUD. When Minhee is in the room, everyone is going to know full well that MInhee is in the room. She makes her presence known, doing whatever it takes to bring the attention onto her. She loves being in the spotlight, and despite all her other flaws Minhee is not prideful. If things aren't going how she wants them too she's more than willing to ask for help or share the spotlight as needed - so long as part of it is always shining on her.

Minhee has lived a rather sheltered life, resulting in her firm belief that good things will come to those who put in the effort. As such, she's quite hard-working, given she actually cares about something. When her goals are set she works steadily towards them with a razor focus that can be both impressive and a bit scary. The flip side is, of course, that she's never really dealt with any sort of struggle in her life and she's amazing oblivious to other people's problems - she doesn't understand that not everyone can simply work or pay their problems away, the way she has for her entire life.

That said Minhee isn't the sort to lounge on her laurels and wait for things to simply pan out how she wants them to. She's very big on doing things herself, and she's ready and willing to take whatever opportunities she comes across as long as they pertain to her goals. She's very proactive in taking what she wants, and if things start going sideways she's surprisingly proficient at changing her tactics on the go. Minhee doesn't give up so easily - it would take a major heel-face turn of events to make her stumble enough to give up.

Being loud, flexible, and shameless may be the most immediately obvious elements of MInhee's personality, but the core of it all is her self-focus. Minhee doesn't do things for other people, she does them for herself. She'll only do things if they're going to help her in some way shape or form, and her determination and hard-work only come into play when they're in pursuit of her own goals. She doesn't really care what others are doing - they can take care of themselves. And if her actions negatively impact someone else, well that's not really her fault, is it? She can bounce back from failure just fine, so she doesn't get why others would make such a fuss about it. You do you, and she'll do her. Nothing more to it than that.


Minhee grew up as an only child, and she lived the stereotypical spoiled princess life often associated with not having siblings. She'd honestly been a miracle for her parents, who had thought they'd never be able to have kids of their own after years of trying, As such, little Minhee got everything she ever wanted, as her parents could more than afford it after years of saving. Minhee took her privledge for granted, as she was surrounded by similarly privledged people, attending private schools from the very start of her education and making friends only with girls from a similar financial background.

Being an idol was something that was always vaguely on Minhee's radar. She and her friends were classic KPop fangirls, racing to the stores to buy albums from EXO and BTS as soon as they were released and begging for exclusive merch and concert tickets for every birthday and Christmas. Minhee had gone to several concerts by the time she hit fourteen, including two EXO and one BTS which she always brags about. It was at thirteen that she decided once and for all that she could be an idol as well. Her parents were more than happy to put her into vocal and dance lessons, though Minhee was more concerned with getting into a company and start her training as soon as possible. After all, younger idols do better, and she wasn't getting any younger.

Minhee started with the Big 3 companies, but with almost no skill to her name she was turned away. Frustrated but determined, she took a month to focus on her classes and then started her next round of auditions. This time there was a taker - CUBE Entertainment. While Minhee couldn't say it was her first choice - or her second, or even in the top ten - it was a start. She figured she'd train with CUBE for a year or so and then switch to a better company. Then Produce 100 came up and her plans shifted again.

– She's a fan of both EXO and BTS, with her biases being Baekhyun and Jungkook respectively
– Her favorite color is pink, specifically pale blush
– She's a dog person, and in particular likes Huskies. She's going to have 'all the Huskies' when she's older
– TWICE dancees - she doesn't really know or care about the group, but their dances are cute and simple, two facts that add up to Minhee looking good covering their songs
– Being the center of attention. As stated, Minhee is happy to do whatever it takes to keep the focus on herself, no matter how ridiculous it might make her look

– Minhee has zero tolerance for spicy things - she'd rather starve than set on fire
– When people correct her and she didn't ask for help - when she needs your opinion she'll tell you, otherwise you can zip it
– Any sort of creepy-crawly insect - the way they move squicks her right out and she has a 'kill it with fire' attitude whenever she sees a bug. This actually makes her a great bug killer since she isn't scared of touching them, she just wants them to stop moving
– Giving up. It's conceivable that someone someday will force her to quit, but so far in her short life she's stubbornly stuck to her guns and it's worked well enough for her
– People pitying themselves. Either pull your weight or get out, you don't see Minhee boohooing over every mistake

– I mean, does shopping count? Because Minhee does a lot of that
– She also keeps a diary, and though she doesn't always remember to write in it it usually gets at least one entry a week

– She does the cliché 'mean girl' thing where she checks her nails when she's bored. It's not intentional, just something she started doing at some point and never really stopped
– Will triple-check that all lights have been turned off before leaving the house or studio (if she's the last one there)

– She has looked up some facts about TWICE just in case she needs to pretend to be their fan at some point (since she will claim that they're her favorite girl group - after all, she likes dancing to their songs)
– She does technically know several of EXO and BTS' dances - she's just not fantastic at them so she only pulls them out when requested, otherwise sticking to TWICE or Orange Caramel
– She has her ears pierced, and all her earrings are pure gold and silver so she doesn't wear them on the show (she doesn't want them stolen). The reason they're all gold and silver is because she breaks out in rashes if she uses any other metal
– She has all the social media, and her handle is alway @PrettyPinkValentine_04. She's very active on Instagram and Snap Chat, always keeping her story as up to date as she can
– Minhee does actually like skinship, but a lot of people think she doesn't because she's super awkward about receiving it, tending to go ragdoll when people hug her and having no idea what to do with her hands or arms until she's released


– Mother :: Song Jinah (49) / Accountant / Distractable, Loving, Hard-working, Observant / 8/10
Jinah is always happy to help Minhee reach her goals, and Minhee is always happy to ask her mother for help when it's required. They have a rather solid mother-daughter bond and it's not uncommon for them to engage in shopping trips and bonding time. That said, there are some things about her mother that bother Minhee, namely her ability to always call when Minhee is going to fail at something. Sometimes failure is needed in Minhee's opinion, thank you very much (really Minhee just dislikes being wrong, and dislikes that her mother can tell when she's about to be).

– Father :: Kim Hojong (52) / Accountant / Clever, Determined, Ambitious, Supportive / 7/10
Minhee is pretty sure her dad has the same job as her mom, but she's not totally confident. This is because Hojong travels a lot more than Jinah does, so Minhee doesn't really have as close a relationship with him. She does still adore him, though part of that may be that he's happy to buy her anything she asks for. For his part Hojong strongly believes his daughter can do no wrong and wants to give her the world.

   Q&A time 

Hi welcome to Produce100, I am a staff from MNET and I'd need you to answer some of these questions.

There are 100 seats, which seat would you sit at, why?  Ah, pick a seat? Does it make a difference where I go? I'm gonna shine no matter where I sit, so I'll let everyone else pick their favorites first!

Be honest, you are here for the boys.  *blank stare* Boys? Um, no, I'm here to compete? I'm confused.

How would you pick your songs for evaluations.  
I love cute songs! So preferably something cute, like Orange Caramel or Lovelyz or TWICE! I can try other concepts though, I'm a... *clearly forgetting the word 'versatile'* I can do lots and lots of different things that aren't only cute! But I am cute. *Poses and winks*

There are so many trainees, how can you make us remember you.  
*Attempts a cartwheel, falls over spectacularly* Everyone! Remember the amazing Valentine, coming for your heart! *Pretends to fire hearts at the camera and cracks herself up* This is Valentine, thank you very much!



Face Claim. Busters Jisoo

Back Up Face Claim. fromis_9 Jiheon

Plotline. The Child

Talent Twin:

Vocal. Junghwa (EXID) - She has a cute voice, but is really, really breathy and her placement is all over the place. This makes her quite shaky when attempting to sing live.

Rap. Junghwa (EXID) - Oh she'll go for it with enthusiasm, but she's at the very best an idol rapper.

Dance. Junghwa (EXID) - Dance is definitely Minhee's best skillset, but even here she really can only follow a choreography. Don't expect her to be able to bust out some cool freestyle moves - if she doesn't have a set dance that she's been practicing she turns into a mass of flailing limbs. That said, with a choreo she's actually pretty solid.

Company. CUBE

Trainee Years. .75 years (October 2017 - current)

Trainee Life. Minhee started with CUBE in late October 2017, when it was the only company to accept her audition tape. Despite not being a fan of CUBE or their artists she took the offer since there wasn't another one. She's worked hard in her nine or so months at CUBE, never missing practice and staying late when she has time around school. That said, Minhee is far from their most talented trainee. She's improving slowly but steadily, but what really stands out is her determination and general shameless demeanour. Teachers love when she approaches them after rehearsals with additional questions about technique and style, and when the company staff look into the practice rooms she's always the one on her feet and encouraging everyone else to keep working. As is her way, Minhee makes sure she's known by everyone she can - and it paid off when she was chosen as one of the contestants for Produce 100.

Minhee is a smoll bean with absolutely no real life experience to speak of

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   unqua911 : dani

Last Words.  She's not my best, but I hope you like Minhee!

Scene Requests.

– Since Minhee is an EXO fangirl, if any of the members (especially Baekhyun) appear on the show you better believe she's going to be a puddle of fingirl goo (Not so much a request as a 'if this fits' kind of thing?)

Password.  I'm terrible at this, but maybe for the girls' unit they could be called Idolize? Or the guys, it's sort of a neutral name.



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