Just a random blog on NCT otome

Hey, hello guys. I posted two new chapters today. Jaemin has two more chapters written already. I'm working on Lucas's route as well. I guess my updates are not that often but anyway I hope you are enjoying the book. Many other chapters are ready, for instance, Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Yuta have several more chapters but chronologically those chapters are to take place in a further time. I write impulsively so I get carried away from the original timeline a lot. Just to give you an inside scope a little spoiler from an important future Doyoung chapter:

...“I punched him because he was out of the line.” Doyoung said. His voice was stiff and his hands still shook slightly, perhaps from the adrenaline. “It’s not your business to make everyone stay in their line. She could have said something if she was uncomfortable.” Resented Mrs.Kim. ..

...I gathered my courage “Did you really mean what you said today?” a blush crept his cheeks...

And just a bit from a coming up Lucas's PoV chapter:

...Ouw!” I yelled, she raised her eyebrows and breathed “Sorry, I.. does it hurt that much.” It was such a precious thing seeing her being all worried about me. I smiled sheepishly and shrugged “Nope, I was just teasing you”...

Also as I stated in some of my notes under the chapters all characters have a story, I'm trying to build them both psychologically good tailored personalities and a chronic backstory. The characters are not supposedly related to the members' real personas but they are merely roles for them to play, there will be more updates on this process I'm planning to add a special little section to some future chapters.

This is all I have to say for now. Thank you for reading and simply being there. <33

Also I could give little spoilers like trailers systematically, do you think that would ruin the fun or add to it?? 


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