Baek Xiyeon is ready to eat the blossom essence to be the top Kumiho


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birthname Baek Xiyeon
birthdate (2/19 + 2916), looks 16 or so 
ethnicity Korean

faceclaim Yeri from Red Velvet
backup Kyulkyung from Pristin
height & weight 166cm & 52 kg, she's lean and tall, but has curves in all the right places like most of her kind. 

appearance She naturally has long bright blonde hair, mysterious grey eyes with a pink/purple undertone depending on the lighting. Although when running about in the streets of Seoul, she usually shapeshifts the color of her eyes to brown and her hair to a calmer ash blonde.



△ Ice Queen/ Princess :: She seldom smiles or laughs. She has a cold aura that makes most men freeze in reverence.  

△ Moneybags, miss chaebol :: a nickname she has earned at school for her extravagance 

△ General Machiavelli :: She made her way up the military ranks of the Gumiho kingdom and earned this nickname for being cruel and merciless 


Baek Xiyeon


Baek Xiyeon is an all powerful kumiho with a short temper who is a constant wanderer searching for something to fill the emptiness in her heart. Nothing quite brings her joy anymore, so she searches for the next best thing: entertainment. She corrupts and manipulates humans with her ability to control minds and likes to play god. 

Xiyeon doesn't care much for humanity or men. She sees them as her toys and a way to kill time until she finds the next blossom. The only thing she really wants in life is to avenge her first love who was murdered by her ex-best friend. 


+ : courgeous, protective loyal, self disciplined, just, tactful, charismatic, logical, intelligent, strategic, sharp senses, intuitive

=  machiavellian, independent, flirty, lonely, perfectionist, sarcastic, mischievious

--  apathetic, distrustful, paranoid, capricious, rebellious, manipulative towards humans, arrogant, likes to play god, impatient, cunning, whimsical


 Just, but machiavellian, logical, apathetic

Although nowhere near benevolent, Xiyeon is not one of the inherently evil kumihos. She believes in karma, retribution and no matter what your reasons were, she believes you must pay a price for those actions. She lacks empathy and thinks very logically. She's machiavellian in the core sense: an eye for an eye, a leg for a leg. She believes the ends justify the means.

Xiyeon is also machiavellian in the sense that she believes that fear is the best way to rule. She uses scare tactics and commands respect with her soldiers and seldom lets her true self show to her underlings unless she believes that they will be loyal no matter what. 

△ Capricious, volatile, rebellious, independent, flirty, whimsical

Xiyeon is a highly mercurial creature. She can be quite nice when she's in a good mood but can also switch over to a fury in the next. She hates restrictions and being told what to do. Although you can piss her off failry easily, leave her to her own devices and she'll be okay for the most part. She seldom holds grudges.

Xiyeon, like most kumihos of her kind, is flirty. She likes to steal boys even though she's not going to keep them and has been in several non-serious relationships. She goes through boys like underwear. Xiyeon is quite whimsical when it comes to love and is unable to open up. She keeps the boy toys hoping they would be able to fill the void in her like Christopher did, but just can't seem to find one yet. 

△ Distrustful, paranoid, lonely, manipulative (<--towards humans)

After gaining the ability to control minds, Xiyeon had many opportunities to examine many souls. So many were corrupted and selfish. She soon lost the ability to trust. Her distrust heightened to paranoia once Kyungri, her best friend, devoured a blossom and killed her first love. She's super paranoid of others and always keeping an eye on what they do and what they are thinking. 

However, Xiyeon's paranoia and distrust leaves her lonely. She longs for some deeper meaning in her life besides avenging her first love and seeks to find someone who makes her feel like she belongs again.  

So she copes with her loneliness by entertaining herself with the stupidity of humanity. She manipulates humans for sport. If she finds them entertaining, useful or attractive, then she often keeps them as pets. She has helped some humans' dreams come true. But most of the time, Xiyeon prefers justice and creating mayhem. She often goes after the inexplicably bad humans. At first she pretends she is on their side. Xiyeon finds out what the human she sponsors desires most and finds a way to cruelly shift it around. 

△ Arrogant, elitist, likes to play god, mischevious, perfectionist, sarcastic, impatient

Xiyeon likes to play god: she pretends she knows more than she does, she pretends she can control more than she can, and she especially loves it when humans revere her. Xiyeon's pet peeve is being wrong and not being informed on what is going on.

She also cares a lot about rank and is elitist. Xiyeon knows she's one of the few best in the demon world and will judge other demons by their status. She's elitist also in the sense that she feels entitled to a lot of things and only buys name brand and expensive things. 

Xiyeon can also be sarcastic and has a sharp tongue. She is also impatient, can have a short temper because she is used to things going her way. 

△ Cunning, intelligent, strategic, sharp, charismatic, tactful, intuitive

Outside of her human experiments, there is a reason why Xiyeon was a revered military general. Xiyeon is not afraid to play dirty to get what she wants and is remarkably cunning and intelligent. She has an unparalleled ability to observe and analyze people. She's strategic and sharp. Most people are in awe of her intellect and find her enigmatic mystique enchanting. 

She's also tactful in the sense that she almost always knows how others feel and perceive themselves. She has a great sense of intuition and for those whom she likes, she can actually offer great advice as she has the brains and the ability to understand people. 

△ Courageous, protective, loyal, self disciplined

Although Xiyeon has a lot of negative personality traits and most people describe her as a cunning , once you have her trust, Xiyeon will never ever betray you. She will stand up for you in your times of need and will do anything to protect you. She is also bold and has a lot of courage. She will always do what she thinks is right (not always for humans) and she is one of the most self disciplined beings you may ever meet.


background Baek Xiyeon is an ancient, all powerful kumiho thats literally lived almost three millennia. Although most kumihos can only shapeshift, through her years of existence, she's also gained the ability to control minds. Baek Xiyeon was born as a fox of course, and soon after she turned into a full fledged kumiho, she ended up being caught up in a magical war between the demons. During her tenure as a foot soldier, she met Commander Kyungri who soon became her mentor and best friend. However, Xiyeon soon surpassed Kyungri. Her cruel and effective nature served her well and she soon became Lieutenant General. She was appointed amongst the top tier Kumiho nobility soon afterwards and gained the title of Duchess of the Great Night.

However, the life at the top of the aristocracy wasn't as entertaining as Xiyeon would have thought. She quickly tired of all the ettiquette and people seeking to abuse her power, ditched her whole entire estate and went into hiding so people could not find her. She found all of them annoying. Do this, do that. She left her head advisor / closest thing she has to a best friend in charge and decided to wander around the human world.

She was genuinely curious about how humans were after having spent so much time with the kumiho. However, she soon ran into one major problem: humans annoyed the heck out of her. They were just so stupid and greedy. Like the greater demon she is, she decided to just screw them over. She has spent the past few decades manipulating humans and seeing how much chaos and destructions she could cause. Sometimes she helped clean up the mess she caused if she found a human she liked, which was rare, but most of the time she just sat there and watched it burn. 

However, Xiyeon did find one human that she actually loved. She didn't realize she loved him until much, much later, but he was murdered by Kyungri after Kyungri devoured a blossom. Xiyeon found a ring amonst his belongings that he had meant to propse with. 

Thirsting for revenge, Xiyeon now wanders around the earth in such of the next blossom while entertaining herself with the human race. Xiyeon was behind some of the biggest corruption scandals in South Korea and contributed to a refugee crisis in the middle east. At this point, humanity is her playground and experiment. She secretly longs for a pet human again but hasn't found one that doesn't piss her off yet. 




  • Exercise and being active. Eating healthy. She's a bit of a health freak even though she's fricking immortal. 
  • chess -- has never lost a game 
  • fruit -- especially blueberries and grapes 
  • the color purple 
  • shopping, dressing up, brand names (only wears expensive clothes), makeup, accessorizing (is very particular about the earrings she wears)
  • heels -- she loves towering over everyone  
  • psychoanalyzing demons and humans alike 
  • collecting expensive cars 
  • trenchcoats
  • investing in stocks, real estate 
  • animals


  • bullying : although she's apathetic towards most humans, Christopher, her favorite human had been bullied a lot as a child. If she sees kids / teens bullying each other, she looses it and will scheme until she feels justice has been served. 
  • fast food, super sweet things
  • when people don't give her the respect she deserves, hypocrites
  • nature, she much prefers an urban city 
  • when people pick at their food 
  • clingy people (usually) but to befriend her, you have to be willing to make a lot of effort, bc she brushes people off all the time. 
  • zoos & aquarium: she thinks its cruel


  • gets up early every morning and exercises no matter what. She usually jogs, does martial arts or pilates. She then proceeds to read the news.
  • tends to call her true love(s) favorite human. She rarely likes to acknowledge them for what they are. Rarely ever compliments others in fact. 
  • analyzes everyone she first meets with a hard gaze that usually petrifies them
  • when she gets bored or anxious she fidgets with a ring that has a small amethyst embedded on to it. It was the ring Christopher had meant to propose to her with. She never takes it off and it is one of her most prized posessions. 
  • before she devours a human with her fox bead, (passes it to them via deep kiss), she usually lets them glimpse a peak at her hybrid form to watch their reaction. It's priceless every time. 
  • She also doesnt usually go straight for the klll as a demon. She has fun toying with them before devouring them. 


  • messing around with humans: she loves to manipulate people whether on a big scale [ corruption scandals ]  or small scale  [ make people miserable, break up couples lol ] and likes to just sit back and watch the drama. Humans never cease to entertain her. 
  • has had human pets/toys as mentioned in the app. She usually sponsors her pets in the sense that she will help them achieve whatever they want. All her pets have amused/ entertained her in some way (her pets are usually intelligent funny, or attractive, some of them have been her short term romantic partners) However, if they failed to continue to delight her or betrayed her, she would not hesitate to abandon/kill them. 
    • difference between human pet and toy: 
      • toys are for short-term entertainment 
      • pets she usually keeps long term, and she usually likes them or holds some sort of affection for them.

fun facts; 

  • carries a magically concealed fox bead in the shape of a brooch, (the more elaborate a gumiho's fox bead is, the higher their ranking/ power, the lower tier gumihos have actual beads), focuses her powers, allows her to absorb the energy of humans through the form of a kiss, however, if she decides to lend her fox bead, it can empower humans with a certain energy/power/ability (depending on the human). However, the longer she lends it to someone, the weaker she gets. 
  • sometimes sleep talks, when she does, she's usually crying out for Christopher or barking military commands 
  • is very good at using modern guns and weaponry, along with twin swords, her favorite weapon. Expect her to school your . She is a standing general after all. 
    • has a black belt in karate, muay thai and boxing championships. She's prepared but won't usually resort to violence easily, especially against defenseless humans.
  • bought a giant mansion near Jaemin's house, hired butlers, drivers and servants. has a swimming pool, shooting range, game room, movie theater, ballet studio, and rose garden. 
  • likes to be driven in a different fancy car every day of the week to school. Xiyeon is a showoff and students mistakenly believe she is a chaebol of some sort. Xiyeon has just accumulated a crap ton of money in her years wandering around earth. 
  • made a huge donation to the school after Jaemin refused to transfer schools because she was disgusted/ not okay with the state of his public school 

     "The ends always justify the means." 





Best Friend(?) | Kim Yeseul | 1088 | Kumiho | Loyal, warm, full of adoration 

  • Kim Yeseul is Xiyeon's head advisor and closest thing to a best friend Xiyeon has. Xiyeon chose Yeseul as her head advisor as she saw that Yeseul was quite loyal, warm and quite the opposite of her. However, Yeseul looks up to Xiyeon a lot and adores her. She whines a lot and asks to follow Xiyeon around, which Xiyeon finds cute. Yeseul is a young kumiho and balances out Xiyeon's darkness and is not afraid to reprimand Xiyeon if need be. 
  • She pops up sometimes in the human world to check up on Xiyeon and to beg her to return to the aristocracy as many are looking for her. 


Nemesis | Choi Kyungri | 4500+ | Kumiho | taunting, spiteful, hate 

  • Choi Kyungri is one of the kumiho princesses. The title for kumiho royalty is reserved for those who have gained power from devouring blossoms. 
  • Xiyeon's history with Kyungri goes far back. Kyungri used to be her best friend and mentor until Xiyeon overtook her in power and prestige. Kyungri became jealous of Xiyeon and plotted against her. She later devoured a blossom and finally beat Xiyeon in rank. When she found out Xiyeon didn't particularly care, she killed Christopher (Xiyeon's first love and favorite human pet) to get a rise out of Xiyeon.  
  • Only then did Xiyeon vow to get revenge and beat Kyungri once and for all.


Favorite Human Pet / First true love | Christopher Hansol Nam | 19 when deceased | Human | 

  • Chris Nam was a half Korean half American child Xiyeon had saved when he was about 8 during the Japanese Colonization of Korea. He was her favorite human ever. He was her soulmate. He told Xiyeon that he loved her all the time, but she couldn't help but see him as the abandoned child she picked up in the midst of war until it was too late. He was her best friend, one of the only few able to calm her rage, solace her loneliness, and create a feeling of belonging. He was killed by Kyungri. Only when he was gone, did she realize he had meant more to her than the pet she had treated him as. 

OTHER CHARACTERS: (or at least how I imagine they would interact) 

Im Yeoreum: Xiyeon has a bit of a soft spot for her. She understands Yeoreum's anxiety well, being quite a paranoid person herself. Although she doesn't make an effort to befriend Yeoreum exactly, she takes care of some of Yeoreum's bullies behind the scene. Yeoreum soon realizes Xiyeon's actions and sticks onto Xiyeon once she realizes Xiyeon's not as scary as she seems. Later on, as they are closer, Yeoreum starts telling Xiyeon how she wants to fall in love and all that jazz. Xiyeon scoffs and lets her go on because she finds it entertaining and doesn't want to burst her bubble about how most men really are. 

Kim Nayoung: I don't see Xiyeon getting along with Nayoung. More than likely, Xiyeon would also see her as an uncultured brute. Xiyeon prefers using her intellect and scheming skills rather than using violence to solve her problems, so the two of them would probably not get along too well because Xiyeon would look down on Nayoung. I can see Xiyeon taunting Nayoung whie Nayoung is being held back by friends. Also Xiyeon would probably see Nayoung as one of those self absorbed humans that wants to be famous for the perks and would not see it as a dream. 

Jeon Somin: Xiyeon has no feelings towards her at first, but then later on Somin and Jaemin grow close. And since Somin can see past Xiyeon's craftiness better than most humans, Somin decides to try and convince Jaemin what kind of person Xiyeon actually is. From then on Xiyeon probably hates her and the only thing preventing her demise is the fact that Jaemin tends to like the loser. 

Kim Minjae: Because Minjae seems like such an inherently good kid, Xiyeon tries to avoid him. He sometimes makes her question all the bad things she's done in the past, and she doesn't like that. Sadly, Minjae seems to get along with Jaemin, so she just shuts out whatever Minjae makes her feel. Eventually as Jaemin grows on her, so does Minjae. She'd find Minjae's efforts to befriend spirits entertaining and kinda stupid in the cute/adorable/ little kid way. "You do realize they want you dead, right?"

Nam Sangwoo: Sangwoo is like the more human less evil version of her. The two run on the same frequency and get each other pretty well. Why bother opening up when people are so pesky? She appreciates his courage and confidence for a human. She sometimes comes to hang out with him at his part time job as the two become good friends and against Sangwoo's wishes, secretly makes his customers tip more. 

Song Dongwoo: A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G Why is such a small runt like him so talkative? Does this pathetic excuse for a demon know he would never be within a 100 foot radius of her back in their world? Xiyeon finds Dongwoo annoying because A) he talks a lot and B) he dares talk to her? Xiyeons arrogance & aloofness is not a good match for his humbleness and  talkativeness. When Dongwoo is being humble and stuff, Xiyeon snaps at him. "Of course you have to be humble. you literally have nothing." Xiyeon probably scares Dongwoo. 

Son Hyejoo: Xiyeon doesn't think anything of Hyejoo. Xiyeon thinks Hyejoo is an ambitious nobody, but doesn't really act on that judgment because Hyejoo does not outwardly annoy her. They have some similar views except Hyejoo doesn't understand how Xiyeon has so many countless boys and why such a greater demon like Xiyeon bothers wasting time with love and men. Xiyeon can feel Hyejoo's judgment and the two mostly leave each other be. 

Min Seohyun: Xiyeon scares Seohyun. How anyone could be so cruel, merciless and apathetic -- Seohyun had met some greater demons before but Xiyeon might be the scariest of them all. Xiyeon preferred chaos to destruction. Xiyeon played with her food instead of giving them a quick death, and for Seohyun, that was much much scarier. And of course, though Xiyeon likes Sangwoo, Xiyeon would probably ridicule Seohyun for being such a weak demon who actually empathizes with her prey. 

Woo Kitae: Although Xiyeon keeps her judgment to herself, she kind of thinks he's stupid -- One of Xiyeon's exes is the one of the strongest Tengu around, and although Xiyeon has no love for her ex, she clearly thinks there is simply a difference in station between the two that devouring the blossom will not fix.  Xiyeon also gets this feeling that Kitae is not going to eat Yeoreum. Xiyeon feels sorry for him -- she can see he loves Yeoreum and Xiyeon perhaps knows best out of all the demons, the consequences of loving a human. In short, Xiyeon thinks Kitae is too loyal and noble to really take over his species, much less take over the world.

Kang Joon: Xiyeon adores Joon, and I feel like they would be the best friends. They're both the scheming type and intelligent. Joon would probably look up to Xiyeon because she has all nine tails and Xiyeon would probably see potential in him. Plus Joon is good at balancing her out Xiyeon's flares as he is zany and patient. The two would make a great duo. 


Oh Jaemin 



Girin: Xiyeon decides to nickname him giraffe in Korean because his neck is so damn long 



At first, Xiyeon approaches him after school right after his parents had just given him the talk about his curse. She tells him she can fulfill all of his wishes if he just gives himself to her at the end of his puny lifespan. Hearing how Xiyeon can help him travel the world, send him to medical school, shield him from other demons, help pay off his medical bills, Jaemin agrees to be her "pet". They sign a magically binding contract, of course, Xiyeon had been observing Jaemin and noticed he was gullible and wrote the contract to her favor, but nevertheless, Xiyeon became his guardian.

Xiyeon then transfers to Jaemin's school and uses her power to become his deskmate. Xiyeon immediately has many male admirers, however they find it difficult to approach her. Because of her flashiness and the amount of money she donated to the school, teachers don't say anything to her about her blonde hair or anything she does. Xiyeon sits there quietly with her face and does all her work. She scares most teachers even and most students leave her to her devices. 

Xiyeon at first finds him annoying and regrets not just eating him alive. Why is he so upbeat and mischevious? Why can't he just stay out of trouble? Xiyeon is also surprised by how Jaemin wanted to become a doctor as his penultimate wish. It was her first time meeting such a selfless human. Most humans she bargained with asked for money beyond their dreams, power, or good looks or something stupid like that whereas this little kid who just barely survived cancer wanted to explore, change and give back to the world. How thralling. At first Xiyeon just guards him while he tries to get her to open up to her. She's mostly cold and caustic and even though Jaemin sees the horrible things she's done to other people, he doesn't give up on her. He firmly believes Xiyeon is a good spirit. Once he says that out loud, he sets Xiyeon on a rampage. She disappears for a few days maybe and sends her best friend to guard Jaemin.

She thinks of just assigning the guardian task to her best friend, but realizes after awhile that Jaemin had already grown on her. His weird and goofy antics cheer her up, he shows her what it feels like to be human. Xiyeon finally understands what empathy is. 

The two are polar opposites, clash a lot and argue a lot at the beginning. Jaemin causes a lot of trouble and Xiyeon usually has to clean it up. They also bicker and tease each other a lot as they get closer. But later on they find that they have one similarity. They both searching for a place to feel like they belong. They later realize it was not a place, but rather each other. 

trivia Listed on Jaemin Oh's application.

Jaemin, at first is very starstruck with Xiyeon. He's utterly enchanted by her. The spell wears off as he soon sees the negative parts of her: her arrogance, manipulativeness, inability to trust and her scars from the past. And he sort of resents her for taking advantage of him, until he sees the good parts of her. Xiyeon unconsciously starts treating him like less of a pet and he sees that she is just, loyal and courageous. It's strange how Xiyeon knew him like the back of her hand even though they argued a lot. That was when he knew he was in love with her. 

Although Xiyeon returns his feelings later, she wonders if he truly loves a demon like her and wonders if he likes her because of the creature she is. Her kind were meant to seduce men after all. Xiyeon ends up developing a conscience because she realizes she is not the best match for him; she's not good, she's evil. When she voices these thoughts to Jaemin, he points out she would have never cared whether she was the best match for him in the beginning. He points out how Xiyeon has changed. 

How the two usually end up arguing: 

Jaemin lands himself into trouble, Xiyeon has to clean it up and nags him about it. Xiyeon gets annoyed he's not listening and Jaemin usually says/does something stupid/ funny to cheer her up. 

Or Xiyeon is being perfectionist about something and Jaemin can't see why she can't just go with the flow 

Personality tensions: (Xiyeon's  v Jaemin's) 

apathetic v empathetic

perfectionist v go with the flow

intuitive & tactful v dense

manipulative v gullible

distrustful v trusting <-- I could see Xiyeon getting annoyed with how he's so trusting, bc other demons could easily get to him 

both are independent 



△ [POWERS] : supernatural senses, shapeshifting, mind control, telepathy, influence emotions & (has all nine tails) 

When using her powers, Xiyeon's eyes will flash to a dark amethyst purple. She can control the minds of beings, and depending on how weak they are, the easier it is for her to completely dominate them. For humans, she has no problem manipulating their memories, hearing their souls and minds and animating them to her every whim. She can also use her powers to communicate with people telepathically. She is usually able to control lesser demons and only has trouble controlling those who have devoured blossoms. For super powerful demons, she is able to influence their emotions without them noticing. She has kept the fact that she can influece emotions a secret. 

She can also talk to animals. She can communicate directly with foxes like all kumihos. However, she can extend her mind control power to animals if she wishes and thus so can communicate with them. 

When she starts drinking from Jaemin (whenever this may be), she first realizes she can control the minds of more people/beings than before. At first she was only able to fully control up to seven beings at most, she then later could orchestrate a whole platoon. She also later starts seeing glimpses of the future and actually fully develops this power. 

△ [APPEARANCE] In her true humanoid form, Xiyeon has long bright blonde hair, mysterious grey eyes with a pink/purple undertone depending on the lighting. Although when running about in the streets of Seoul, she usually shapeshifts the color of her eyes to brown and her hair to a calmer ash blonde. In her hybrid form, where she has the ears and nine tails, her outfit looks like this, a gauzy elegant lilac purple dress. In her full fox form, she has a white fur coat with hazy purple eyes withs pecks of blue and grey. Her eyes will glint to a darker shade of purple when she is using her powers. In the case she actually needs to fight, her aura (a light that envelopes magical beings) emanates a light close to the shade of amethyst. 

△[FOX BEAD] carries a magically concealed fox bead in the shape of a brooch, (the more elaborate a gumiho's fox bead is, the higher their ranking/ power, the lower tier gumihos have actual beads), focuses her powers, allows her to absorb the energy of humans through the form of a kiss, however, if she decides to lend her fox bead, it can empower humans with a certain energy/power/ability (depending on the human). However, the longer she lends it to someone, the weaker she gets. 

how did you find your blossom?

I found him through one of my human toys. I had a short brief fling with a college student, and when he introduced me to his friends, I noticed one of them had a peculiar scent. I followed her home and found the almond blossom with his family. 

what is your game plan?

I'm going to approach him. He seems like he just recently turned 16, and seems like an interesting child. I'll make him a deal. He's going to be my new human pet. I'll give him whatever he desires and at the end of his lifespan, he will give his life to me. Protection, wishes fulfilled, and a life. What else could he ask for from a demon that wants to eat him? And I get entertainment and a meal. Perfect.  I also generally stay away from abruptly killing humans. As the stronger species, I dont see it as fair. I usually give them a gift of some sort, although I do often twist their wishes, before I devour them. *smirks* 

how do other demons think of you?

Most of them respect me. I am the Lieutenant General of the East and Duchess of the Great Night. Although some of them do look down on me for finding humans interesting and shirking off from my duties. None voice their dissent aloud. They fear me. And the only thing that's saving *ahem* Princess Kyungri's life is the protection she gets as Kumiho royalty. We kumihos have a hierarchy based on power and worship those who devour blossoms. I must find a blossom myself soon.  

is there any possibility that you won't eat your blossom?

Why wouldn't I? *laughs* Unless he's Christopher's reincarnate or something like that, I'll definitely take the chance to even out the score with Kyungri. Plus, never turn down power when its at your fingertips. I already found the blossom. He's mine. Besides, humans are meant to be toys anyway. *rolls eyes* 

"Humans: they're the source of ultimate entertainment."

last words 

I might add some of the other characters into the interaction list for both characters later, but for now I hope you enjoy the dysfunctional pair. 

I also don't see Xiyeon killing Jaemin, as she wasn't quite set out for power, but rather revenge against Kyungri. I see her willing to either: 

A) waiting until Kyungri finds a lover and craftily murder him w/o a trace, because that would be true justice. Kyungri doesn't deserve death, but at least a few centuries of anguish and mourning just like Xiyeon was in. 

B) absorb all the power from Jaemin without killing him bc Xiyeon was already more powerful than Kyungri before she devoured her blossom, and once Xiyeon finds out she can straight up posess demons for a long period of time, she can send a puppet to capture Kyungri's heart-- which shouldn't be difficult becuse she knows Kyungri really well, and once Kyungri falls head over heels in love for this puppet, have the puppet meet a cruel fate.


scene request 

Since I can see Nam Sangwoo and Xiyeon getting along as friends pretty well, a scene of Jaemin being jealous would be nice hoho 

Jaemin begging Xiyeon to use her powers to help him get a motorcycle: he then takes the both of them out on a ride.

Xiyeon nagging to eat his vegetables quote: "I'm immortal and I take care of myself better than you." scoffs. 




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Xiyeon fits the gumiho plot line alot. Her basics are good. I really love her personality and how that makes her who she has become. She really embodies that idea of the enchanting but still monster aspect the gumiho has. I love the tension that she has between her and Kyungri - that will add an interesting add into the story. I like said in Jaemin's little review thing - their relationship is very interesting and I really look forward to see how I write and how it plays out. I really loved Xiyeon so she is chosen!