I ❤️ Jimin (but most people already do)

I don’t love Park Jimin; I love the Jimin of BTS

And it’s sad to say that I don’t love Park Jimin, the person, but I’ve fallen in love with Jimin, the idol. I'm not sure. At this point I don’t even know if they’re truly the same person, if one is just a persona and the other the usual. If one is just used as a front for business and the other reserved for pimes. It’s not fair for me to assume or intrude to find out because he deserves that much respect. Be that it may, I love him. I just don’t know if they’re different from the other or they are the same person.

I know it’s too much to say that you love someone, especially when you’ve never had a conversation with him. You’ve never gotten to know him intimately, even. So how can I say that I love him?

I don’t know who he is behind closed doors.

I don’t know if he’s real behind and away from the camera.

I don’t even know who they are for goodness sake. I don’t know what he holds dearly, his biggest fears, his hopes and dreams. I don’t know any of that.

So how can I say I love him?

Because he’s a beautiful human being from what I could see. But even that is subjective, isn’t it? Because I don’t even know what he’s like in his private life to make judgement. I don’t know nor will I know.

But I love him for his beautiful soul. Especially his love and bond with BTS, his family. I love that he can laugh freely, become more confident in himself. Appreciating who he is and knowing that he’s loved, so he doesn’t have to change himself anymore. He doesn’t have to please anyone anymore because he knows that there are many people who will love him for who he is.

I guess seeing his journey towards self love, made me love him in turn. Seeing someone’s journey to self love is like looking at someone solving a puzzle. You can see all the pieces around them, as they take one piece at a time. Examining it, studying it. Uncertain where it would go. Would it fit they wonder? Slowly but surely, they can see how some pieces fit, while some you need to wait for, and some pieces can’t be forced in no matter what you do. Only time can solve it. But as they piece bits and pieces of the puzzle together, they begin to see the whole picture. They begin to see themselves. Who they are. And in that moment, they realize they’ve always had all the pieces and answers. In that moment, he begins to see through other people’s eyes; he begins to see the reasons why we love him. That inspires him to move on and carry on. Because he knows that there are people who love him unconditionally. Driving forward as he continues to put the pieces in their place, his love for himself grows, and so does our love for him.

He’s beautiful because through his journey to self love, he’s taught me that there’s more reasons to love myself than to hate. That when there are flaws, there is also beauty. We are imperfectly beautiful in the outside. But this let’s our souls shine through; our essence, our aura. This let’s our own, unique, beauty, shine on to the world.

He’s beautiful in that his aura is beautiful. He spreads love around to whoever he talks to and interacts with (as far as I could see). Be it ARMY, other celebrities, and especially BTS, he inspires everyone that everyone can love themselves. We’re all beautiful, but sometimes we’ve all been beaten down, ashamed and scared of our own outer shell. That when there is someone who has the courage, the resilience, and the support, and they transform. But not as an improved version though. Instead, who they were always meant to be. It’s inspirational.

Beautiful creatures that we are, it only takes an example of what self love can do to show us our own beauty.

Park Jimin, BTS’ Jimin, whoever Jimin, I love you because you inspire me to love myself.


I just caught some feels watching a  ton of BTS videos. I got so caught up that I had to write an entry for the beautiful Jiminnie. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m all ears. 


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