Tooth Extraction

Ugh. I got a tooth taken out earlier today and man am I feeling it. I'm not a fan of pain, but I've been taking aspirin and trying to keep from talking. But, I know that I won't be able to get away from talking when I go to work. I'm going to have some pudding and apple sauce to munch on until I can finally eat hard food. 

It's funny, I told my mom that I'm REALLY going to overuse my willpower to keep from eating my favorite foods and treats. But, I know that I can't eat anything that could potentially harm the wound. So, I have to wait until it's fully healed.

I'm just glad that it wasn't an absess. My brother always gets absesses in his mouth because he doesn't brush his teeth. I brush mine, but the tooth broke and I never got around to going to the dentist. Hopefully, I don't have to see the Oral Surgeon for a while.




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Take good care and may you get well soon :)