this is a: rant

so, this is a rant. if you ain't a fan of rants, you can exit anywhere. lol.
there's a reason why i only join new and relatively new roleplays. older roleplays tend to have cliques in it even though it's always stated in the rules that forming of cliques is prohibited. they would welcome you but like ignore you after that. of course it is normal to be awkward at first, but to feel left out like even after a day of joining that's really a no no. ofc, given that you've also done your part.
so why am i ranting about this right now? because i joined a roleplay like the other day and it was meh. i was glad at first that it is very very active. the tl was very fast, i tried to keep up ofc. i even reached a hundred tweets in just an hour. 90% of it is just me trying to keep up and talk to people. some are even rude. you try to befriend them but they ignore you. rolls eyes.
i left just an hour ago. thumbs down. not friendly at all.


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#1 Join Aeternum! We are new, friendly, and crazy active looking for more people!!
likiyasfeet #2
I try to join places as jpop artists but I get in trouble for threads about the muse ‘s group. Because I usually join as ldh artists . I’m as friendly as possible but I get picked out to get kicked out .
Just curious, what is the name of the rp?