My first blog/ rant

It’s so sad that they had to be like that. Now I what story to subscribe and upvote. No matter how awesome their story was. I really like reading stories. I like commenting. I don't criticize no matter how bad their grammar instead I encourage them. Tell them to keep going. Something like, hey nice start or good job authornim or thumbs up to you. Or when they're going through something I give them my vitual hug. I'm a warm reader. I like positive things. I hate HATE. If I ever unsubscribe someone maybe it's by accident cuz as far as I remember, I haven't unsubscribed to anyone. I like reading back completed stories especially those that are on my fave list. And now when I looked for that particular story, I can't find it. I'm so disappointed. It's seems like I've been blocked or something but I made a new account and I found it. I haven't subscribed to it tho. No matter how hard I wanna read it. I didn't even for a slightest idea that done author blocked me until somebody replied to me when I commented to a story which apparently they hate, telling me I'm gross for supporting that trash and they were not surprised I got blocked by other authors. TBH, it really bothered me. What if I got blocked from my fave story? How will I ever know since I have 700+ stories subscribed. So I made I new account. I think I'll be more careful what story to subscribe. What if I subscribed to someone who blocked me? I think I'll be more strict on giving my upvotes too. Maybe I'll be crazy an upvote all that I haven't. My point is, I came here cuz I want read stories. I didn't know at first that you should verify email in order for me to upvote so when I did I tried to upvote every story that got updated. So there. That's my rant. I don't even know what else to say. 
PS. Maybe there are others who wanted to block me but can't cuz I happen to upvote and manage to write a comment everytime. Please don't hate me for liking that story. It's just a story, a FANFICTION.. I'm a good reader, I like reading a writing comments. If I haven't written a comment, maybe too speechless or a little shy shy shy. 
I'm a hardcore Saida shipper. Wherever I see Saida, I subscribe. That's all. K bye


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I'm so sorry this happened to you. Just kick it off your mind and move on. Be happy because it's your life after all.