IN NEED OF NEW FUN MEMBERS [ i, the active member need friends ]


Join us for the fun and the ugliness! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ xo everyone.


HI! is bored and looking for a fun rp to join? 


here is the solution!


we are @HTTPTIMOTHY in twitter. i, the active member summons everyone to join because i'm bored as heck. we once achieved of having 30+ members, and eventually everyone went inactive. [ SAD. ] 


i, as one of the active member is helping the admins to make this place as alive as the first day. we sure you can help us, me & the admins to make this alive again. the admins are still working on how to make this active. so slowly, let's work this out together. i'm helping a friend out ok. if you are kind enough, you can join us. the htj and rules are as easy as that to ease your work and to make you feel glad by joining us. join our craziness, or could i say, ugliness. i hope all of you would reserve anyone that you would love to be because there are so many empty slots! 


read the htj, rules, wishlist & the fcs that are available. join us now or regret later. we surely could make this rp alive, everyone. together we work!  

 yuqi offers good candies and anything that you want as long as you join. she is searching for a sugar daddy too, [ half joke and half not ] ok, it's a fully joke. let's join us everyone! 


HI! JOIN US @ httptimothy. we need more fun people to join. spread the words and yuqi will be giving you candies, or anything you want. the tl might be looking numb to look at, but the more people join the merrier. the admins are still working on to live up the rp, slowly and by slowly, we could have a fun rp in the end. join join join !!!

— non-au
— twitter based.
— nice and fun people! :-)


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kan-ye #1
hi! is this still a thing? i checked the base and it was Closed.