


How can it be so long?

So long that somehow, I can no longer recall the sound of your voice?

That I can hardly remember the way your hair felt and the smoothness of your skin when you held my hand?

How can I sit here, laying in bed trying to recall memories just so that I can feel as if you’re still beside me?

How am I only able to bring memories of your face to the surface.

Memories of how your dark brown hair shone red in the sunlight just as your eyes.

How can I remember tears. Sadness and worry filling your eyes quickly.

How can I remember the smell of essential oils and your shampoo. And yet your voice is lost.

I remember your laugh though.

The way you smiled and the way you loved.

I can remember so little but I can always remember your laugh.

I may be forgetting everything else, but I could never forget your love.

I can’t forget you.

But, I really miss your voice..


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Aww Hailey.... *hugs you* She lives on in you :)