Skin care product recommendations?

Yo guys been trying to find these:

1. Eyecream that's good for dark circles and eyebags?

2. Anti-aging cream or serum ?

3. Maybe products to help with pore care?

It's so hard to find good ones, their price is no joke too (rip if they don't work)

Can anyone recommend me anything? 



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1. Lots of watterrrrr, it's really important. I used the Este Lauder night night creams and they worked well, I always woke up with really nice soft and firm skin, but was still very hydrated.
For eye creams, ive tried alot of serums but it wont work well unless you have enough sleep daily. That’s the best medicine :) And ive seen some facial relaxation methods that can also help to reduce wrinkles if you google it! for pore care, sadly i think you cant do anything because pore enlargement is permenant, but use a pore filler or primer before makeup bcos it helps make your skin look smoother. You can also try to use charcoal/mud clay mask as it helps to dig the dirt out of ur pores!