Return of the Clingy

Hey everyone!

I'm not so sure how I should go about on this sort of post really. It's been a while since I've written a blog post, and somehow, I just end up coming here when I feel like I literally have no one to talk to. 

So a couple of years ago, I had written and deleted a post in regards to someone I used to consider a friend. Long story short, my friends, bosses, coworkers, and people who surrounded me noticed that this "person" liked me. We'll call him Clingy. He would ask me to hang out almost everyday, offered to carry my stuff to Starbucks so we could do homework together, offered to buy me drinks even though I insisted that I could pay for my own things as an independent woman, worked out together, etc to the point where people would immediately think that we were a couple. He definitely flirted with me, and I'll admit, I flirted back as well, but I didn't want to catch on feelings. 


Several confrontations on his bull personality and later, we stopped being friends. We had been ignoring each other in the school hallways for almost 2 years or so. 


Things have definitely been a lot more calmer and I was able to focus on studying until recently. My friend had shared a post that he posted about him working out with another person captioning along the lines of, "fitness couple". Not that I'm against him seeing other people. We haven't spoken to each other in years and I'm happy that Clingy's moved on, but somehow I just have had this unsettling feeling in my chest. I don't want to feel it, but I do. I've been constantly listening to Joji's Slow Dancing in the Dark and other sad songs. I'm not sure if I could ever admit this but I don't know if I liked him then, or even now. 


Again, I am happy for him if he is actually dating someone because now people around me can shut up about him; other than that, I just can't seem to get rid of this unsettling feeling.


What are your thoughts? Should I blog more? Let me know!




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yogurt96 #1
Ew I actually felt that way about him 🤮🤮🤮