*・。゚⁺✧ hyperion: to the stars! °.*・。゚
heogirin  chrys  3/10?
replace with an icon of your chara! 180x180
i'm friends
with an alien!!!!
replace these with icons of ur chara or aesthetic or whatever u want lol 80x80replace these with icons of ur chara or aesthetic or whatever u want lol 80x80replace these with icons of ur chara or aesthetic or whatever u want lol 80x80
the sound of birdie ono's shrill laughter approaches, and one by one the ice dream customers duck for cover. though she's a delight to be around most of the time, you put a tray of frozen treats and her hand and all bets are off. she's often compared to a newborn deer because of how unsteady she is on her spindly legs. how she remains employed after spilling ice cream on so many customers remains more of a mystery than how many it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. the world may never know.
character name birdie ono
other names 
· ono kanae 小野 香奈枝 )  her japanese name, used only on legal documents
· the april fool  as she was born on april fool's day and is quite silly in nature, she became known as the april fool
· b  since she has a pretty prominent fascination with the bees, her friends try to save her the embarrasment of having an old fashioned name and call her b.
birthdate 040100  aries sun, pisces moon
ethnicity full japanese
uality demiual, panromantic
face claim goto moe
backup shiroma miru
· though her looming height is one of the first things people notice about her, the wide smile and deep smile lines is usually the second. birdie has been compared to a bug in the past for her big eyes, a giraffe for her long limbs, and probably a ton more wildlife if we're going off her looks alone.

· as for makeup, she tends to stay away from most products as she has no idea how to put them on, number one, and number two is very picky about which brands she'll use. if it's not cruelty free and vegan, she's not going to touch it. the few products she does use are mascara and blush, though according to venus she goes overboard on both. birdie has an aversion to lip color as she loves the natural red hue of her lips.
moe during pd48
fashion sense 
· definitely an eclectic dresser, throws on way more layers than necessary, but she loves the sequin skirt, and the star print tights, and the holographic jacket.... honestly a mess. the only thing that remains a staple is her rollerskates that she's dumped glitter and star stickers on and her bee necklace she got from participating in a save the bees project.

· birdie's ice dream uniform has a few... special modifications. after too many falls in the skirt that led to some very indecent exposure, it was decided that pants may help her salvage her dignity. until she started tripping on the legs of her pants. eventually venus said it and let her make the pants into shorts just to keep her from spilling anymore ice cream on the customers. birdie also ironed a poodle on the back pocket, as that was the reason she wanted to wear the skirt in the first place. during work hours she normally wears her hair in a side ponytail, just because she doesn't want any hair flying in her face and obstructing her vision.
height & weight 175cm & 55kg
personality format this however you like as long as i can get a good idea of what your character is like! Blease dont just serve me a bunch of traits .,., i might cry
· enfp, sanguine-phlegmatic, gryffindor, chaotic good
· big ball of flailing limbs that tries to do the best that she can, a true chaotic good.
· not many friends because she's so strange, makes her really spoil and cherish the few friends she has!!!
· the type to sing and dance when there's no music, she'll get a song in her head and just start singing without a care in the world
· people assume that her optimism stems from a place of ignorance, but she just chooses to be happy, even when things aren't looking the best. her optimism is how she coped with moving to a new country, so she justifies it as a reason to keep seeing the bright side of things. if an experience she thought was going to be terrible turned out okay, so can everything else!! 
· prone to ramble since her mind works faster than ( though tends to go a mile a mintue too )
· also prone to bottle up all her negative emotions and release them in a very unhealthy explosion when it's too built up for her to cope. this usually ends up being isolating herself, not eating, destroying things ( but that's only when she's held them in for months and months and months upon end )
· the type to seek acceptance and affection in other places since her aunt and uncle don't quite understand her. this is why she feels the need to have so many friends but can't really keep a lot of them.
· though weak-minded and weak-willed about most things, she has some pretty strong morals that she won't budge from.

· ono kanae lived with her parents in japan until the age of four when they started traveling for work. instead of bring her along for all of them they dropped her at her aunt and uncle's house in elysia, promising that they'd send money every month since they were taking on one more mouth to feed. she grows up on a bee farm in elysia, making friends with the bees instead of her relatives as they can't speak japanese and for a time, she can't speak english.
· goes to school from 8am to 3pm at elysia high school before heading to her shift at ice dream
· she tends to do her homework during slow periods at work, but never on breaks as she uses them as an excuse to eat ice cream. she tends not to skate on breaks, mostly because venus gives her a look, but has been known to do it if she's feeling particularly "skate-y" on that day.
· on days when she doesn't have work, she'll help out with the bee farm until her uncle yells at her to go away. normally she just talks to them, lets them crawl around on her hands, tries to break up fights and things like that. 


· VENUS HWANG venus and birdie have an,,, interesting relationship to say the least. though one part of venus wants to strangle the tree-like girl, another part of her is fond of how hard she works at ice dream. they're like cats and dogs, their interactions are often hilarious to those watching, but they can be sweet to each other at times.
"veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" "what" "veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" 
"w. h. a. t." "veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnuuuuussssssssss"
"W H A T" "can i go on break, i want ice cream"

· CLAIRE LUNE-DO birdie already had a big phat crush on claire before she discovered she was an alien. claire being an alien pretty much sealed the deal that birdie was aboutta wife up this girl. alien. whatever she is. their daily interactions consist of cheesy flirting attempts that are ruined by claire's interplanetal mannerisms. ex : "you know what this shirt is made of?" "98% cotton and 2% nylon" "well yeah... but i was going to say girlfriend material!!!" "but,,, that's not a fabric?"
when not being a giant cheeseball, birdie's trying to find out everything she can about claire's culture. has a pocket journal or, "field guide" as she calls it, that she writes everything down in. but really it's half practical things, 1/4 star doodles, and 1/4 notes to herself about how pretty claire is.

· "i'm telling you guys, i'm more steady on my skates!!!!!"
· tries to be in bed by 11pm every night!! though most nights she gets distracted by trying to find the constellations and falls asleep outside
· "so when do we get our costumes?"
· birdie doesn't have her driver's license yet, as her uncle won't let her use his car to take the test, so she skates everywhere. 
· "i mean, i'd probably date an alien if it was a nice alien"
· b average student!
· believes in ghosts, aliens, and pretty much anything else supernatural. listens to buzzfeed unsolved on her way to school and work, #teamboogara
· likes to think she's a conspiracy theorist mastermind, but most of the time they end up being off the wall theories that barely pass as such. almost always blames everything on aliens. birdie ono = the new history channel alien meme guy
· active participant in the save the bees organization!
· "rollerblading is for elitists, plus that's just silly to have a mohawk on your foot instead of double space buns"
· most things are not called by their right names. bees = bumblebutts, cats = meow-meows, dogs = drooly borks, etc, etc
· has very off the wall ideas that she spouts out of no where. "who even thought of eleven, it should've been onety-one that way it keeps with the theme!" 
· carries her ds with her in her bag, everyone knows it's hers because it's covered in puffy stickers and glitter, only ever has animal crossing new leaf or pokemon diamond in the game slot, and is scratched up rather harshly from where she's tried playing and skating. on more than one occassion.
· "onety-one, onety-two..." "birdie you're not going to revolutionize the counting system with that mess"
· holographic queen, simplynailogical is quaking
· instead of listening to bands or the radio she listens to animal crossing themes on a loop
· freaked out about isabelle being on super smash brothers, has decided that she's her new main
· voted mostly likely to play pokemon go and obstruct the peace
· no but seriously, she goes ham when playing pokemon go
· olaf from frozen is her. she's just human olaf, confirmed.
power bee manipulation
· user can control various species of bees. they control them to do their bidding, for example, helping them during situations, using them against foes, and using them to see locations and gather information about a particular place. users can also understand or communicate with them, hence creating and strengthening friendships.
· it took a while for birdie to even realize she had powers, mostly because she already hung around the bees before claire even arrived. because of this she can control her powers pretty well, and only has to work on building up her range, as she still can't talk to the bees in most other states yet. 
reaction everyone was surprised by birdie's uncharacteristic silence through claire's explanation. they thought claire had finally broken her, but really she was just trying to figure out how to spell paeonaleucin. it wasn't until she popped in with "so...are you gonna keep going by claire? because i tried to spell it and i don't think pavlova or whatever it was you said is gonna fit on your nametag," that they realized birdie was just as strange as ever.
hero stats 

· with rollerskates, speed increases from 5% to 45%  
replace w ur character's fc 140x140
why did you apply for the job?
"i thought i was going to get to rollerskate at work!!! plus my uncle said i had to get a job since i kept knocking over the bee enclosures, so i came here since i rollerskate here after school and eat ice cream!! ice dream has really, really good ice cream by the way, i might go and eat some after this..."
on a scale of 1-10 how much do you like the uniform?
"probably a nine, only 'cause i have to wear actual shoes instead of rollerskates!!! if venus would let me wear the rollerskates then it would be a ten billion!!!" 
favorite ice cream flavor and favorite constellation?
"hokey pokey!! i get to do the hokey pokey dance whenever i eat it and it has honeycomb toffee in it!! it's really good, we should have it in the store sometime... oh and the northern crown!! it's also known as corona borealis but it's the crown that dionysus gave to ariadne and she put it in the sky to commemorate their wedding!!! isn't that a beautiful story?"
chocolate or vanilla?
"can i say both??"
"it's an or question,, that means pick one..."
"but what if one feels left out?"
"birdie, ice cream doesn't have feelings."
with or without sprinkles?
"with!!!!!!!! they don't taste very good, but they're fun looking, so always with!"
waffle cones or cake cones?
"cake cones!!! they have a flat bottom so you can stand them up!!!"
choose a pokemon starter!

"well...my favorite pokemon game is pokemon diamond, because diamond is my birthstone, and i chose piplup when i played so, piplup!! i choose you!!!"
uh. what perfume do you use
"champagne apple & honey illuminating fragrance mist from bath and body works!! it has glitter in it and it smells so good!!!!" 
why am i all tingly...
final words hi nes!!! the code kinda messed up on the first half?? i'm not sure what happened but i tried to fix it and it wasn't working so i just left it.
"are we sure birdie isn't the alien???? i mean compared to her claire is somewhat normal!"



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Sorry for being so random, but agreeing with screwcool below.
Bee Manipulation is so cute <3