I just don't understand

     I just don't understand,why some people are making fun of a person who's suffering from depression.

Did they think it's fun to feel depressed? It's not.

Should they suffer it,so they would understand? Yes,they should.


     They should,so they would experience how fun it is leaving in a body that always empty. Living in a body that fights to survive with a mind that want to die.

    They should experience it so they feel all the anxieties. They should suffer it so they understand how their harsh comments help the person who's suffering from depression feel more depress.


   I have seen this post in a social media about a young kid,sitting in a edge of a high place in the mall,the kid was suffering with depression. While the guard was trying to convince him not to jump,some harsh people was yelling ..


"go jump head first!"


"I hope lots of people suffer depression here die,so the population of the Philippines will listen"


"just ignore him,he just need attention!"


"what taking him so long,go jump!"


     What the actual people!?Don't you have a heart  does this rude comments made you so cool? I hope and pray that you too,all of the harsh people,acting so cool,commenting harsh also suffered depression so I will have my chance to say....


"Go jump!nobody cares about you anyway!What taking you so long want me to push you for moral support,dummy!"


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I hear ya.. I'm sorry people are so sh*tty :( I also don't understand why people have a hard time putting themselves in other people's shoes, especially those who suffer. There is nothing funny about suffering, whether it be something external, physical, or mental. It . People . Just remember you're not alone! There are a lot of people who suffer from depression, myself included. Stay strong xx
wow, I'm so digusted that such humans exist..as someone who also suffers from depression, it's not something to be made fun of. We take every word to heart and we value other people's words about us more than ours. Words can easily harm people.
I hope that all people living with mental health issues know that despite the world being an ugly place to live in, there are still some things worth living for. Small things, banal things that make life a little tastier and I hope this boy is met with support and love instead of hate ><
Be kind people, always