no! its too tempting!

its already 4 and i didnt do my hw yet T-T

"She's our Angel" is sooo freaking tempting!!!>.< i need to stop reading!! argggh 

do hw do hw do hw!!!!

btw guys was there anything other than math?


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still . XP
SaranghaeZEA #2
yeah those others read it! <br />
mines not good either counting u guys off i only have 1 subscriber. u have two. T-T
haha. i was talking about 'She's an angel' thingamabob.<br />
but ur story too. haha. my story is not so good. T.T nobody reads it. <br />
nd no, dae's or n e one of u guys reading it dont count. >x<
SaranghaeZEA #4
oh lol im not done yet i just needed to save it for now cuz it was a whole paragraph i click something and it went to another page T-T
hahaha. coincidentally, i was on. ^^<br />
just read the short foreword. glimpsed a comment. seems like it's gonna be sad. i think i mite like it already. lol
SaranghaeZEA #6
read it read it!<br />
i know at least someone was gonna answer and u did lol
haha. how would u kno if we were gonna answer. ^^<br />
no just the 3 wksheets. <br />
oo... is tht a fanfic? i wanna read (if it's that interesting. ^^)