The Manor - Shin Jumin

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"All I want is a nice life."

The Manor


shin jumin

Hello. My name is Jumin. And I'm a lost soul...

My name is Shin Jumin and I'm 29. 
I was born in Daegu and spent all of my life there.
I'm a Korean man who is just trying to survive yet another day, having lost everything important to him.

FACECLAIM: Daesung (Eunkwang)


Honestly... when God was handing out good looks, beautiful features or just nice measurements, I was back in the room, not listening and missing out on any opportunity to look just a bit handsome.

I'm on the smaller side of Korean males, standing at a height of only 168cm. I weight more than average Korean men, carrying 78kg of weight with me. It's not that I'm overly fat. But unfortunately I'm not skinny at all and women don't ever give me a second glance because my statue is not very appealing to them.

I tried everything. Dressing like those kids on TV, dressing like those business men, dressing like the guys in the bars that enter with pretty girls on both arms. Right now everything left is resignation and so my clothes are far from being outstanding. All I need are some comfortable jeans, a plain shirt, a warm and cozy pullover and that's about it.


10% slave of habits

I'm used to a life in which I never change things... That might be the reason nothing nice ever happens to me. 
I'm waiting for something to change... but will there ever be a change without me doing anything?

 20% motivated

I'm actually very motivated. For a few moments. 
I'm a person who gets infected with the motivation of others. You can spark my interested in anything, but as fast as it will spark up, it'll die out.

 30% humorous

I often hear that I'm good at cracking jokes, even in situations in which jokes aren't  appropriate. But that doesn't take away from my jokes quality. 
Most of the time I'm wondering if people really find me funny or if it's just how goofy I act sometimes. Or maybe it's because I'm laughing most of the time myself.

40% scaredy cat

I'm scared of everything. Everything uncanny, at least.
Darkness, creepy sounds, people suddenly grabbing your shoulder.
I'll be the first to chicken out. 
And no, I don't have any pride. You'll notice the moment I scream like a girl.

 50% self-aware

I know that I'm lacking in so many things. I know I'm not handsome, tall or know how to interact with others well. 
But I also know that I have nothing to lose and that all I want is a better life. 
It gives me strength as much as it's dragging me down sometimes. 

60% clumsy

Give me just anything and I'll manage to break it.
I'm also very likely to stumble over most things in the dark.

 70% frustrated

My life . I'm honest about it.
And it frustrates me to think of who I am and what I failed to achieve. Someone please rescue me from this nightmare.

  80% lonesome

I've been lonesome for most of the time but used to be very happy a few months ago. 
There was a woman that seemed to love me the way I am. But even she left me. And found another man.
Now I'm alone. And this time it hurts so much.

  90% insecure

I know of everything I lack in, remember?
This should be self-explanatory then.
Someone like me... how could a person like that not be insecure?

  100% desperate

I really want this life to be different.
I just can't live like this anymore.
But I don't know how to change it on my own, either.



Once upon a time I was a little boy with much hope for a bright future. 
The dream shattered when I was so bad at school that I didn't get to attend any university. 
I started working part-time at restaurants, trying not to stay unemployed for the rest of my life.
But that's also where the story ends:
I never passed that stage. I stuck to one of the restaurants.
I'm still living at my parents'. 
I'm a failure.

For a brief moment I believed that everything was about to get better.
I met a woman. I thought she loved me.
We dated for a few weeks. 
She said I was funny.
But then she left me for another man.
Someone earning a lot of money. Someone handsome.
Someone successful.

And I was left alone again.

The Details

OCCUPATION: Waiter at a Chicken Restaurant

SKILLS: I... can make others laugh?

- I know nothing: I was always living the same way. Waking up, going to work. Coming home from work. Maybe play some LoL and then go back to sleep. Every day. Every night. There's little I know of and little I'm able to do.
- I laugh whenever I get nervous and start cracking jokes.
- I'm really bad at talking to women. It's just not happening for me. I'll blush, I'll stutter, I'll feel stupid. 
- I play a lot of LoL. When I can't play it, I will feel restless and miss it.

- sunshine
- nice weather
- friendly people
- LoL

- darkness
- scary things
- dangerous places
- myself

important people


Mom and Dad:

My mom and dad are glad that I have a brother who is doing better than I do. They feel bad, thinking it's their fault that I turned out to be who I am now. Knowing that they see me as a failure hurts all the more...
I'm trying to help out at home as much as possible. Because I know that it's the least I can do for them.


Yoona, my ex:
The girl I dated for some time. She is very pretty, she has a nice smile and she laughed a lot at the jokes I made.
It was nice spending time with her. But she left me after someone better showed up...

The Wish


I want Yoona back. But that's not all. Instead of just getting her back... I want to be her new boyfriend. I want a good job, I want good looks... and of course the girl, too.
Is there any possibility to replace him?


SUGGESTIONS: I really like the story concept and am looking forward to how it'll be even though I don't know if you'll pick my character. I'll read it for sure!

COMMENTS: Hello, my friend! I'm so sorry that this app turned out shorter than I expected. I just found your story today and panicked because the deadline is in a few hours! If you need me to explain my character further, please tell me.

I was looking for Daesung pictures that did not look like he's an absolute sunshine. But everything I got was this...


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