— character quote here.

character name.
username  ALIAS  activity
nameinsert 'em here.
dob & agedd/mm. age
nicknamesonly the real ones that matter.
ethnicitymatch those faceclaims!
special ablitykeep it short for now, we'll go into it later.
faceclaiminsert 'em here. (maybe provide pictures? if you want? or links? because i have no idea who anyone is anymore.)
backup faceclaimhave at least 1 here. also same thing as above, i don't know, pls let me know how ur peoples look like i love faces)
appearanceother than what the eye can see, what are some other things? do they walk a certain way? what's their posture like and how do they hold themselves? do they undergo a sort of transformation with their power? do they glow? holy , what color? you get the gist. really only necessary if they have little quirks in their appearance that you want for them. not completely mandatory.
fashion. give me a feel for their style (and maybe their aesthetic.) the academy doesn't require uniforms unless you're doing physical training, which gives you a uniform set of gym clothes. do they prefer the shorts or the pants? the tshirt or the crewneck sweater? how do they dress when they aren't doing traiing?
physical quirksdo they have a lisp? is there a certain pattern in the way they speak? a little subconcious habit that they do, like twiddle with their thumbs when they think. 
personalityoh hell yes. this is my favorite part. get in the nitty gritty with your bad (or not so bad, since they're heroes and all) of a character. be creative and detailed, but give me a little more than traits. go off, babe.
abilitiesgo in depth with your character's power or abilities. what can it do? are there downsides to it? have they completely mastered it, or do they make little flubs here and there. does it allow for agility, or does it slow you down? is your strength enhanced? or is it more of your hearing than your physical abilities?
historygimme the significant stuff, the juicy lil bits about what happened in your character's life. maybe just because i forget sometimes, but not everyone needs a complex and deep backstory. . i know you're superheroes and all, but really.
lifestyle. when they're not studying, how do they go about their days. in a 24 hour day, with 8 hours spent on school, how do they spend the rest of the 16 hours? are they organized or sloppy? do they leave the academy to do their own thing?
relationshipsyeah!!! friEnDS!! familY!! that are significant!! love interests!! if you really want one!!! please, y'all, only put the really, really, really significant people. and tell me about them. because i love knowing characters.
you do gotta put a lil slot in there for axel, though. he's a bit biased, so clearly he put you in project l for a reason.
also for love interests!! i could care less what gender they are or if they're a real person or oc or a comic book/movie character! you don't even have to have one wOW. but yeah, just as long as they are interesting and you give me good content to work with, bc i don't know every group out there.
because we love interviews, don't we. let me see how your character acts in real time. (not really real time, but do you get what i mean?)
axel was kinda busy, so i'm here filling his spot for the interview. but, hey, i'm peter, how's it going? and an answer goes here.
axel has the clipboard with him, so tell me who exactly you’re taking after? i’m trying to not say “legacy” too often... aaannd, i just said legacy... anyways, yeah, the question.  and an answer goes here.
so when you were told about project l in the first place, were you interested? and an answer goes here.
what's it like being a replacement for a hero? er, i mean, a legacy? and an answer goes here.
so do you mind not having your own name or brand or something? and an answer goes here.
scenario, totally hypothetical, but: as you're saving the city, you see a group of people hiding, but above them, a tower is about to crash down on them. at the same time, the bad guy is planning a blast that'll erradicate another building that hasn't been fully evacuated yet. who do you go to? and an answer goes here.
why do you think you're valid enough to, you know, take on these new forms of heroes? and an answer goes here.
another hypothetical scenario, just for fun, ya know? you're on your death bed, and you have a special heirloom you want to pass down. who do you give it to? why? and an answer goes here.
aaaanndd... that's it! quick and painless, right? and an answer goes here.
get personal with me.
trivia. gimme some fast facts.. contrary to what most believe, i actually want the stupid . give me your character's favorite color and ice cream flavor or talk about the weird mole on their foot. dooo it. fill me up with useless information and important information all alike. i wanna know, cutie.
comments? questions? concerns? something i missed? suggestions? tell me about it, my friend. tell me allll about it.
cheatsheet    turn in    story


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