I'm in my 20s now.....

Hey guys!

kimtaeyeonsaranghae9 here!

Today's my birthday!

(It's still August 13 where I'm at)

Yes, ya girl officially entered her 20s today! lol

Being a teenager was a roller coaster in itself!

I'm pretty sure the 20s is gonna be an even bigger one!

But, I'm strapped on and ready for the ride!


Okay, that was extremely corny! Hahahaha

But, I hope you got the point lol


Still coming up with ideas, so please be patient with me.

Stay tuned!




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Ohhh man, I'm 22 and I still don't know how to adult. Buckle up your seatbelt, coz you're in for a ride.
Anyways, happy birthday! ..... I pray for you, comrade.....
Happy Birthday G ^^ and your 20's are certainly quite a ride! haha ^^
Happy bornday :)
happy birthday! ^^
you should abort tho lmao
don't grow up xD
thisisheaven #5
happy belated birthday , and congratulation on being an adult now