Guys...IMPORTANT !!!! *TTATT* you think I was hacked?

ok i went to sleep this afternoon and closed the laptop

ok now i opened the laptop and could not input the password. Why? the keyboard was set on french. I remember leaving it on Romanian. 

how tf it became FRENCH??? I did have in the past french keyboard installed thou. 

so poor me inputs and inputs the password and gets incorrect password till poor me realizes that the keyboard is in french! So i had to put it on Romanian. 

and it worked

ok i checked my email ADRESSES no weird sign in notice the desktop looks the same...and now the FRENCH IS GONE...

All my passwords are memorized in the laptop sooo guysss...have you seen weird activity on my account ???




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*randomly reads this*
I have one question....
Do you by any chance....

Have cats?..