
Hello everybody,

Its been quite a while since I’ve done anything on this profile and I’m super sorry for that. Life has just been the rollercoaster it is and I’ve not been enjoying it for the past few months. Its been extremely hectic filled with many ups and downs that I was definetly not prepared for at all whatsoever and its been seeming to get worse as much as I would not like to say but what can I do?

To just update and give a general overview of how ty life has been:


More parents


Relationships…oof of course


School (because that’s totally not coming up)

But anyway,

I will start my updates fairly soon in the upcoming weeks as I do become more active during school than when its summer (because no motivation) so yeah! I am in a contest so look out for that book and also ive been planning a new one that is soon to be published, im just writing some pre-planned chapters.

Thank you all for your patience and see you all soon!



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