I need an advice. Please Help me T.T

Have you experienced being let go by the one that you love? 

The moment he said before, "baby, let's not let go of this relationship whatever it takes, alright?" 

And then a not so big problem came and he said "I'm sorry. I need to let you go I have no choice." 

Should I believe his promise about coming back  for me? 

I kept on crying every night thinking if he's already gone forgetting me or he is still gonna do what he promised. 

Is this normal to hurt this bad? 


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Its normal to feel hurt when you love someone but time will heal. In my opinion , if you really love someone , you will try your best to work it out no matter how hard / bad the situation is... Running away / letting go a relationship just because its hard or rough its kinda irresponsible.

At least try to talk it out, discuss , let each other know whats on the mind , why he decide to go with such decision and etc.. Love dosent work by giving sweet empty promises.

I hope that thing get better for you soon. You need to think for the long run if its really worthy..
You cannot move on in your life waiting for an uncertain promise.
angelicbaby #3
Yes it's normal to hurt when you love someone. I'm sorry if I'll sound blunt but if he really loves you, he'll face the problem with you no matter what in the end.
If he acted like that when the problem isn't that big like you said, then how much more if it was a big one.
Sis, he's not serious. It's probably not convenient for him that's why he said that.
You deserve better. It's easy for people to say such sweet things when everything's alright.
So please wipe your tears, I'm here if you need someone to talk to. I'm honestly mad at that guy even if I don't know him. I've been n a similar situation so I know how much it hurts.