CHEXIRE. HYEROO. 9/10. 積読本.
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kang sura
FULL NAME kang, sura
suran / eggy / egghead + close friends and family
zura + a play on gintama's katsura because she often says 'i'm not an egghead, it's sura!'
DOB + AGEjanuary • zero two (twenty four)
BIRTHPLACE damyang, south korea
HOMETOWN  damyang, southkorea
ETHNICITY a hundred percent korean
korean + mother tongue
english / chinese / japanese / french / german + she knows little bits of phrases to include in her picture books, novels, or webtoons
FACE CLAIM luna hyunjin
BACKUP loona heejin, twice tzuyu
• sura has long, large almond eyes with the hint of hazel to them. long lashes and tinted cheeks blessed her features, along with downturned lips and endearing round ears. often mistaken as having black hair, sura's hair colour is often more of a dark brown than the former, though it's very hard to tell if not under direct sunlight. with blemish free skin and little to not ache problems, sura is often told that she is 'blessed'. (though she doesn't disagree.)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — one hundred and fifty nine cm & fourty five kg
• having prepared for the worst in a long time, sura knew that her new lifestyle won't be a short strict on her and she decided to rid her wardrobe of any 'problematic' outfit and switched them all to basic, single coloured items to minimise any harmful pairings as a result.
"i'm not scared of the dark. it's just that... i can't get used to the emptiness."
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AESTHETICS — fallen leaves, winter trees, open fields, winds over a grassy field, flying feathers, dainty steps, dusty books, wind chimes, a house over a hill, dawn sightings, morning air and little walks, crinkling of autumn leaves under each step, vase of white flowers, dried plants, lavender pressed bookmarks. 
*positives - headstrong, insightful, dignified, pleasant
*neutrals - artistic, imaginative
*negatives - vulnerable, sensitive, repressive, depressive
• perseverance is just one of the many hopeful traits sura has as a person. despite being weak-hearted and too soft for her own good, sura's a rather hearty challenger, wanting to hurdle through new things and create a new turning point in her life. "if you've never done it... then you won't know the results right?"
• once she decides something, it's rare for sura to back out of the game and break promises. she's a person of her own words and most probably overly-chained to the idea. "there's probably no turning back."
• as a person, she's shrouded with an old wise air, someone who you'd label as intelligence and knowledgeable. "i would recommend you this book. it has the correct psychology of a ptsd soldier after world war two." in combination to that, she's rather airy and graceful in her actions and often gives out the image of a highly trained noblewoman.
• before her illness, she was a bright, aspiring artist with the mind of an abstract piece. she often enjoyed the thrill of new adventures and often searched for higher trials to overcome. "no one told you about today? oh, i see. well, it's nothing much. we're just going skydiving."
• after being diagnosed with progressive blindness, it all made sense to her. why sometimes she would wake up rather foggy, with tunnel visions, and needle-like pain in her eyes. "yeah, i'm fine. don't worry about me." sura began with a rather optimistic outlook of her state of being at first... but then it all regressed into depressive thoughts and actions after she truly realised the meaning of this prognosis. she would sooner or later be unable to see any longer. no colours, people, sceneries... or even herself. 
• post-illness, sura would lock herself in her own apartment. she would rarely ever let any visitor in and gradually attempt to erase her own existence within both friends and family's minds. "hello? mum? yeah. i'm eating well. i'm a bit busy with my book so i won't be able to come home for chuseok." she felt rather pathetic and useless after each and every mistake. knocking things off, tripping, and not being able to tell what's in front of her. her world slowly, and undoubtedly began to shrunk... it all left with whatever of her survived.
• both of her published visual novels include the genre slice of life and romance. book reviewers often scandalise her work as being "superbly original. with priority to audience engagement and a spectacular illustration to withdraw readers and skimmers alike into a deep reality of our world and human relationships."
• the publishers of her novels are her father's company. her skyrocketing fame instantly enabled the company to get big business in and sign with other authors or illustrators. 
• drinks honey and warmed milk whenever she's showing insomniac tendencies. gets cold easily, so she's always bundled up for bed. after jaehyun's arrival, the android purposely cranks up his internal thermometer to suit sura's liking. somewhat like the idea of a mother to a newborn baby, the presence of another human being soothed and greatly aided sura in regaining her lost sleep.
• has prescribed glasses that supposedly helps her in seeing better-- but sura's vision has it's good and bad days, with it only aiding her during better days, and have absolutely no function whenever her vision's gone haywire... literally.
• goes to see the eye specialist once a month for regular screenings.
• her work requires her to constantly create new settings, personas, and ideas. hence, sura is always on the hunt with watching any kind of genre or shows, reading everything she finds interesting, and googling for new things. she doesn't discriminate in engaging herself for new materials.
• sura came from an ordinary family of four. nothing about her seemed out of place. she had loving parents, a tricky older sister (who wouldn't leave her hair), and proper friends at school whom she could consult to. even after finishing her university degree and hitting it big with her visual novel, 'the patriot' and 'knightly heels', she was creating a name for herself. during this time, her family ascended into a higher class, after her father secured a deal with international sponsorship and with her hard-earned money, sura bought her first apartment in seoul.
• unlike her parents, who lived back in damyang, sura chose to live in seoul after the success of her novels as the main branch of her father's publishing company is located in seoul while her father manages the background work from damyang. (he does come down to seoul from time to time.) after seeing how fascinating the city is, and having sleepovers at her sister's apartment, she decided to live in the big city, just like her big sister.
• the next part of her life wasn't all bright and sunshine as sura gradually noticed the symptoms to her eye disorder. she would get constant migranes, chronic eye pain, and often waking up with blurry, tunnel visions. when she visited her local general practitioner for advice, they referred her to an eye specialist after listening to her symptoms.
• after finding out that she has an eye disorder which constitutes of progressive blindness, meaning that she'll sooner or later lose all of her vision, sura began the descend into an endless pit. 
• sura can practically live off her warranties to her two big hits of a visual novel. despite so, she longs to keep on creating books and adding more and more to her discography.
• even after the diagnosis, sura became even more persistant in writing and illustrating. she would often fall asleep on her desk and find herself waking up near midday the next morning. her sleep schedule has totally crashed and there are days where nothing would be comforting enough to lull her to sleep. 
• she ate when she feels like it. her eating schedule is often completed at a disarray and missing meals aren't uncommon in her apartment. 
• despite ignoring her sleeping and eating schedules, sura would always brush her teeth twice a day and take a shower at least once. 
• she used to enjoy taking long walks around the neighbourhood and even bicycling for a whole day, going wherever her heart desires. but of course, after being a shut-in, seeing sunlight on a good day is rare for sura.
• father - kang yeonho (53) - ceo - not quite coming into terms with his youngest's disability, yeonho is often stiff and awkward around sura. he shared a rather joyous relationship with her prior to her progressive eye disorder. despite everything, he has shown to be somewhat invested in sura's welfare and sends her significant living aid every month.
• mother - min semi (50) - housewife - cares for her daughter deeply and is currently in the midst of reconciling the strained father and daughter relations. 
• elder sister - kang juri (26) - journalist - juri acts like what any other elder sister do. she would come over to rant over her boyfriend's mistakes and no apologies; over work bulldozing her; over her fears of ageing and not ending up married; and over life in general. even after sura's illness, she tries as hard as she can to erase the pained, pitying looks she would catch herself giving... perhaps a skill picked up by jaehyun whenever the sister would visit. 
ANY PRIOR ANDROIDS — n/a (her family was middle class in the past and her mother doesn't quite like anyone stepping into her kitchen. (she has trust issues.) and therefore, even after climbing up the social ladder, they never got an android.) (they also never felt the need for it.)
FINANCIAL STATUS — upper middle class (going to upper class) (that awkward middle tier)
• her family own an upcoming publishing company with branches into internet webtoons and a connection to a sister company (speciliased in manga productions) in japan.
CURRENT OCCUPATION — author and illustrator
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ANDROID NAME — jaehyun 
BACKUP MODEL — jungwoo
WHY DID YOU GET AN ANDROID? — 'due to sura's progressive blindness, she's no longer able to manoeuvre through daily household chores and activities as per usual, and hence, in need of assistance during these matters.' -  kang juri 
*her sister was overly anxious for her as sura lived alone and was miles and miles away from her parent's home. juri herself is often buried in work and barely have time to visit. hence, she deemed it fitting to gift her younger sister a functioning metal human to aid her in times of distress. the point of jaehyun's model was that his face resembled the type of boys sura used to have a crush on.
*positives - refined, conscientious, affectionate, heartening
*neutrals - narcotic, warm
*negatives - worrywart, overprotective, aggressive, manipulative
• the first few traits which jaehyun acquired rapidly mimicked bits and pieces of sura's personality with alarming accuracy. he acted fairly posh and undoubtedly highly elegant. he would her to places with mannerly antics and proceed to surprise her with his gentlemanly acts. "are you cold?" with haste, he then wraps his outerwear around the expanse of her shoulder, artificial puffs of white condensation appearing over his words. "you can use mine."
• on bad days where sura's vision would get worse, jaehyun wouldn't set his tone any difference in order to accomodate to her loss of familiarity. he would make sure that his voice wouldn't sound so worrisome and to act fairly normal around her. "since it's raining outside, should we have some tea?"
• jaehyun mostly act like a sleeping pill for sura. she has trouble getting into deep slumber due to her consciousness being overly fear-stricken to the idea of waking up with completely unable to see anything. in order to settle her down, jaehyun usually would turn his body heat up a little more and wrap his arms tightly around her shaking frame. "tell me if it's too warm for you liking." feeling a sense of undoubtable security, sura falls asleep most night in his arms, waking up to jaehyun's somewhat clear facial complexion (sometimes it gets really fuzzy and hazy for her). 
• despite all of his companionably qualities, jaehyun had picked up an over-the-top bodyguard attitude through time. he saw how some people had treated sura, as she sometimes might crash into them, have to squint real bad or be too close to another person that it could get out of hand, (as it invades the other party's sense of personal space), (or her gaze seemed to be insulting). they would push, repel and throw her onto the ground, having no good grounding, sura would ultimately fall, having injured herself more than several times in the past. since seeing it first hand, jaehyun's mostly the one interacting outside of their home and would glare, verbally threaten, or even engage in a physical brawl with other individuals. when sura asks why he would do such a thing, he would sigh and firstly apologise, before clarifying that: "there are only a certain limit to a person's inhospitability that you should tolerate. they have no right to treat you like something of a lower value." he then averts his eyes, "sura, above everything i have seen, watching you being cast aside as a less capable human being pains me. i'm not even sure why i'm feeling this- but my chest feels suffocated and somehow i would act before i could even process it."
• sura was practically threatened by her very own older sister. 
• the elder just wouldn't leave her alone and often nagged her in getting an android. when sura did nothing to comply to her, all she got for her twenty-fourth birthday is a giant box filled with mechanical parts, and a face of her liking. 
"he looks just like your ideal type, doesn't he zura?"  "stop talking takajuri."
• without being able to refund the android and being told she won't be able to drop the android off at her parent's home or juri's apartment, sura was stuck with the damn, big box. 
• with or without choice, she decided to play calm and integrate the android into her home. after all, sooner or later, she'll need someone to care for her. why not a being which doesn't involve human intricacies?
• sura practically treats jaehyun like another person. even with much bluffing on her part, often calling him a 'robot' and 'machine', she slowly succumb into having companionship, especially as she attempts to become the ultimate shut-in. "you should sit down." "there is no need for me to do so, kang sura." "you'll get cramps, so you should sit." highly amused with her reasoning, the android decide to spell it out to her once and for all. "unfortunately, i do not have the luxury of such sensations."
• they would do everything together: shopping, cleaning, folding the laundry, doing the dishes, cooking, sleeping, watching tv, and on bad days that her vision's very slim, jaehyun would accompany her to the bath, not wanting his owner to slip and injure herself. "okay, why are you here?" "i am simply conscious of your wellbeing, kang sura." "you should just call me sura instead." "of course, sura." "..." "is there any more mannerisms you require altering, sura?" "i'm... still not sure why you're in the bath with me." "as i've stated beforehand; i'm worried." "why?" "when i tested your eyesight earlier on, it scored very low on the clarity testings and you incorrectly answered six instead of the two fingers i held up."
• as jaehyun progressed as an android and picked up more personality and life experiences, he began to be hooked up on the idea of being sura's personal butler. (no one told sura that watching 'black butler' with said android would awaken it's dormant otaku tendencies.) it was to the point where he wished to attain a proper butler attire and sura would flat out reject him. (though she was weak enough to purchase it and allowing him to wear it only on special occasions... aka every sunday.) "would you like some darjeeling tea, miss sura?" "sure, but drop the miss please." "i can't... it doesn't go well with my character."
• sura would often ask jaehyun to act as one of the character she's drafting for her new novel, and jaehyun's more than happy to comply. "shut up woman! your eyes are a ing mess and you still want to forgive this bastard?" "do you think you would kick the door down?" "as ruis? of course. but as jaehyun? i'm afraid i'll damage my knee parts in the process."
• on days where sura can barely see, jaehyun would be typing down the novel for her while sura sits beside him, speaking out the narrative. jaehyun has also mastered sura's art style, completely able to take over her work even after the retirement of her vision. "and as shin ruis trodded over to the dirtied pavement..." "does he reunite with rena in this scene?" "is it that cliche?" "not quite." "well, you practically read my mind... so i'm guessing it is. should i make him encounter a thug or something?" 
GAME OVER jaehyun ends up staying with sura-- but how romantically invested they are at the end is completely up to you! (surprise me!
FINAL WORDS this applyfic was just a great treasure find! i really loved the theme you've picked cx it's so innovative! hope you enjoyed my character and good luck!
*jaehyun is only aggressive and manipulative when aggravated with situations involving the danger of sura's welfare. if he sensed that she is not threathened, he will never display such qualities. i know you say that they are not able "to harm or feel towards humans", but jaehyun would mostly do a bit of self-defence or immobilising them at most. (he learnt the moves from a couple of martial arts demonstration videos sura watched for inspiration on her characters.)
• the girls meeting during an android maintenance session
• sura crying when she's not able to completely see and the doctors confirming her condition. in this situation, jaehyun's most probably frustrated, but he doesn't let it show. he'll be extra attentive without seeming too different from his usual self.
• sura signing up for an eye donoring program and being anxious when she thinks about how to thank the person who she'd be receiving the anatomy from. 
• sura and jaehyun's bathroom scene (from their interactions section)
PASSWORD — white


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