I'm graduating!!!

Yes, you heard that right!!


I'm finally graduating from college!!!


I graduate in August, but we'll be having the ceremony in December!


I'm so happy and now whenever I see things for graduation I get all giddy and excited. Next month, I'm going to get a cake that says Graduate 2018. 


It's about time that I graduate. After 6 years of going to college, I'm finally graduating. Of course, it's not for the major I'm in because I have enough credits for Liberal Studies. So, I'll be getting a diploma with that instead of Office Administration.


I got congratulations from everyone except my dad. He won't congratulate me and he thinks I should continue to stay in school. Nothing my family or I do will ever make him happy. I don't care, I'm happy that I'll finally be out of school. I can finally enjoy my time instead of having to worry about homework.





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Congratulations :) Well done keep up the good work and continue to shine