My mom and I are helping each other out!

So, since my mom came home from the hospital back in April, mom has lost a lot of weight due to watching what she is eating. Well, because of my mom, I've lost weight. We've been watching what we've been eating and checking our weight.

So far, my mom is at 197 lbs and I'm at 181 lbs. 

Before she went into the hospital, she was 230 lbs and I was 198 lbs. 

So, you can see how much we've lost. We are still losing weight and being happy with the way we look. 

My aunt told us once that it's always better to lose weight with a partner.

She went from wearing a size 22 W in pants to size 18 W.

I usually wear between a 16 or an 18. Lately, I've been wearing a 16 in pants. I'm hoping that I can come down in a few sizes.

We don't do any drastic weight loss, we don't eat a lot and we don't really snack on anything anymore.

So, I'm so proud of my mom and of myself that we've lost this much weight.

And we are looking forward to our vacation.




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