nathaniel levant ashton.
NAME  nathaniel levant ashton
BIRTHDAY  january, 18th.
AGE  21
ROLE lieutenant general of the hajnal military, (former) royal babysitter of the hajnal princess, and undercover spy for the hajnal royal family  
songs-i-listened-to-for-the-old-af- Mood™-and-some-world-building playlist here to help u get thru this monster that is nathaniel's life lul.
FACECLAIM  bts jeon jeongguk
BACKUP  nct jung jaehyun 
a weighted sigh draws from his lips, chapped from bearing the brute of the winter cold. aequor's frigid temperatures do a number on him, it seems, and he's greeted with a harrowing gauntness to his cheeks and a paler complexion spectrum truly uncharacteristic of the hajnal native. if at hajnal he has the form and fit of a true military superior, fitted with gleaming maroon-and-black armor and broad shoulders to reflect the decades of training, the aequor nathaniel is a little leaner, a little dirtier, a little less decorative, a little more conspicuous. he glares unhappily at the increasing thinness of his arms, dark brown locks falling into his eyes as his gaze travels up to the thin gold bracelet emblazoned with his family crest hugging his wrist —his one memorabilia of home. it's strange, having to shed the confidence once standard of holding his head up high for a shruken version of himself. but then sharp hazel eyes scan the pub, picking up on the blues, blues, blues. if sacrificing his standard guise to perfect his role meant he'd help his kingdom destroy the antagonists, then so be it. — 178 cm, 70 kg.
QUESTIONS so i probably did hella world-building that doesn't actually work so pls lmk if there's anything that's wrong, could be fixed, etc. !!! also,, this isn't completely beta-ed so lmk if you see any mistakes !! >__<;;
COMMENTS firstly, you probably noticed how the layout changed !!! wisterais and i took the liberty to change it up a bit if that's ok (also thanks to her baller coding skills). also, creds to wisterais for the side bar thingies throughout she's a coding goddess hHAHA
lowkey this came at such a good time bc i was hella geeking out last week replaying all my fire emblem games and #medieval asf lmAO. either way, i had a ton of fun writing this :-)
this fic brought me back to my middle school days when i listened to,,, bands all the time (me, searches up "epic music") lmAOOO FALL OUT BOY WE OUT HERE im done w myself.
all the horizontal people pics are scrollable so there's that !!! i have absolutely no ability to write concisely so everything ended up depressingly long lul. 
also i just randomly saw hella jeongguk fanart a la knight asf style this week and i was like "issa sign this is da man" hAHA.
i also wanted to clarify penelope and nat's relationship a bit! i can see them being the couple that could never have been, even if penelope didn't die (did i not mention that explicitly, yeah that happens), just from his loyalty to the country and really, that romeo n juliet hard irl,, but i can see him coming back having gained such a different perspective of the world that he comes back wiser and much more mature? and while he did fail his mission in aequor i can see his father recognizing this change in his son as honorable? though like tbh what a ty dad nat don't need no man like him lmao!!
SCENE SUGGESTIONS imma come back to this asap i'm super tired from staying up to finish this ahhHh >n<
❝ pick a god and pray that you survive foolishly opposing my king. ❞
valiant.                        headstrong.
valiant.                        headstrong.
observant.                    avaricious.
observant.                    avaricious.
disciplined.                       critical.
disciplined.                       critical.
soft.                               imprudent.
soft.                               imprudent.
impish.                               intense.
impish.                               intense.
seoul, south korea / 2018.
"so are you going to tell me why you woke me up at 9 am to drag me to a museum? and just to look at some dead hardass?" jeongguk scowls as he stifles a yawn, much to the chagrin of the phD student next to him.
"you're the one with the medieval history project due next month. might as well just thank me for saving your as your ta," yoongi rolls his eyes before examining the little booklet adjacent to the painting. "even better, there's a pretty decent character examination of ashton here. just do your project on him — i studied the ashtons in undergrad and they're pretty interesting, 'specially nathaniel."
jeongguk sighs before leaning closer to study the small booklet, squinting at the small print. "nathaniel levant ashton? that's such an extra name."
"it's the 14th century, let the man ing be."
general nathaniel ashton, circa 14th cent.
colorized, medium: fresco. (pc: yimei zhu)
he's a smug little is what he is. nat may be an ashton — a family hailed for their loyalty to the crown and their strength on the battlefield, yes i am awfully aware — but all i get a taste of with the youngest son as my personal bodyguard is an impish goon who's more amused with making fun of me than slaving away for me. just yesterday, he pointedly ate my favorite apple tarts right in front of me with a stupidly haughty look on his face while i had a toothache that had me unable to eat solid foods. the ing audacity he has, with me, a princess! hah! but in retrospect, there's really no one else i am as comfortable with — keep it a secret from him that i am complimenting him, alright? he may be a little intense, even hotheaded at times, but his courage, discipline, and sense of duty are unrivaled. he loves hajnal, and it reflects in everything he does. there's not a day when i feel unsafe around him, and there are multiple occasions where he's laid down his life to save mine. there's no one else who would be so willing to follow along with all of my admittedly less-than-savory antics and late night kitchen runs despite their status. we've had our arguments, but nat has become someone i trust with my life, a friend.
journal excerpt from the diary of princess katherine maia bellarose of the kingdom of hajnal, circa 14th cent. 
"he sounds like he should've gotten hung for treason," jeongguk comments wryly as he squints at the small black print on cardstock. "i'm surprised that despite all the formalities at the time they had such a close relationship, not gonna lie."
yoongi snorts in affirmation, looking up from tapping away at his phone to the younger. "yeah, i remember professor lee being super interested in ashton's dynamic with the princess of hajnal. it was definitely unconventional."
jeongguk scrunches his eyebrows together in thought. "think they were ing?"
"ha ha," yoongi rolls his eyes. "doubt it. she seems to outline her guard's platonic qualities. excessively. read, you little ."
lieutenant general ashton is, dare i say it, rather disliked amongst us in his unit, though i sympathize — doesn't mean i'm happy cleaning the stables. again. a lot of the negative sentiments that simmer in our quarters come from his uncompromising, harsh personality and unforgiving exercise regimes that have injured the best of us. he's awfully stubborn with a pride to match, and we end up taking the brunt of his anger and callous actions. many of the older members in our unit — even the colonel! — have grumbled of his imprudence. but if i'm to be honest to you, dear sister, i think much of their resentment, while justified, comes from jealousy. lieutenant general ashton is rather young, and with a military family name that sends even the most outspoken of soldiers into silence. many believe his position to be undeserved, considering his age and inexperience on a real battlefield. but i do think he's trying. somewhat. he's reckless, but i recognize anxiety in every glare or cruelty he throws our way. the ashton name is strong, but it also comes with expectation. there's also been gossip within my barrack that senior general ashton has no love for his youngest son. isn't that rather sad, dear sister? a loveless family.
excerpt from "a hajnalian soldier's last letter to his little sister", circa 14th cent.
"hold on, this is totally different from the princess of hajnal's account," jeongguk frowns, eyes flitting across the words again as to see if he'd read something wrong. "like, he just sounds like a ."
yoongi grunts. "from what i remember, ashton had a lot of trouble in his first few years as a military official, mostly due to familial pressures and an excessive need to prove his worth. could probably say that same determination ended up being a detriment. he came off as a hardass, to be blunt." yoongi says rather bluntly as jeongguk stifles a laugh. 
oh nate? he's the sweetest, if not a little shy at times. the first time i asked him what pastry he liked best from the many i gave him, he stumbled over his words so much i thought he'd gained a stutter! but he's awfully competitive — just last week, he wouldn't stop bartering with old sir trentine until he got the bracelet i'd been eyeing last market day. i'm not even sure how he noticed, and i said it was really alright, but he insisted. he's so stubborn. mama and papa seem to love him though, which i'm glad. is he courting me? well ... my sisters seem to think so, though i don't want to get my hopes up. i mean, he seems uptight and awkward at first, maybe even a little cold, but i just know there's a heart of gold somewhere in there. little sis was terrified of him at first, but even she's warmed up to him after he taught her how to weave together the ends of dandelions to make flower crowns, though to be honest, i'm the one that taught that to him. rosie letting him teach her but not me — i think my little sis has a crush, lana! he's offered to help mama on grocery day every week, and just. i don't know. what should i do? i don't want to wax poetic but i just can't stop thinking about him. i know, i'm done for. he brought me a bouquet of forget-me-nots yesterday, lana. flowers!  
letter excerpt from "a general's lover and her correspondence to a friend, abridged", circa 14th cent.
"oh , our boy nathaniel was in love?" jeongguk gapes before quirking a grin. "hyung, remember how i said i hate history? i take it back this is interesting as hell."
"the ," yoongi mutters under his breath. "seems like historians found new . it's only been a recent discovery that nathaniel ashton acted as a spy for the hajnalian king in his twenties. they probably were finally able to put ownership to this letter after figuring that out."
"the dude was a spy? what the actual ?"
yoongi hums. "but i didn't know the guy had a lover. that info wasn't discovered when i was studying him."
it is nathaniel's 17th birthday today, and while he should be getting ready for the blessing ceremony, i can see him through my window practicing his swordsmanship with lyras hunt, duke of rowain. he's improved, even i can begrudgingly tell, but last i recall father did little but grunt in when his trainer praised him highly during dinner. serves  him right, that brat. still, training on the day of the ceremony? he'll do anything to please father. but let it be known that he's hopeless. nathaniel and i haven't gotten along since we were children, though i cannot fathom why he has to be so crass with all of us. i may take aiden's side in their arguments, but that's the role of being a younger sibling, no? one should show respect to their elders, no? the lack of consideration he shows for our feelings is appallinggone is the bright, boyish mischief he and aiden used to exude, instead replaced by someone with a terribly obstinate personality and bitterly biting word choice. he is skilled, but he is proud. he is potentially a great leader, but he is also potentially a reckless one. leira, dear, i know you look back on the accounts. i could care less if you tell nathaniel of what i have written, for i'm sure he knows of my sentiments — though i'll know where your loyalties lie.
excerpt of entry in "the house of ashton" by cara felicity ashton, first daughter of general garin ashton, circa 14th cent.
yoongi and jeongguk stand in silence, letting one of the last entries sink in as the busy noise of the museum fades into a low buzz.
"nathaniel levant ashton, huh?" 
the morning of nathaniel ashton's birth was a rainy one — overcast, downpouring, gray. and as strong as premonitions are, perhaps such stormy weather was revealing of the the boy's future. born as the youngest son and third of four ashton children to garin and aurelia ashton, nathaniel grew up with a family name that held more strength than his grubby five-year-old hands could handle. the ashtons had gained great influence in hajnal at the beginnings of the kingdom itself with special privileges from royalty, when an ashtonian ancestor saved the then king's life. as gratitude for such heroism, tradition set for the male ashton lineage to be blessed with the fire at the turn of the 17th leaf. with such power, in turn, generations had served the hajnalian crown with little falls in loyalty.
"father, father! look at the frog aiden and i caught today!" the five-year old exclaimed, eyes bright and curiosity even brighter as he proudly showed off to his father in his study. nathaniel as a child had a knack for getting into mischief and making his nannies cry in terror when the ashton boys came back with mud streaked across their faces and smudged on their clothes, but his great admiration for his father — such sentiments bleeding into hero worship — was enough to quiet even the worst of tantrums with one commanding voice. "well would you look at that," the older man grunted, a twinkle of amusement in his eye as he ruffled the curly raven locks of his youngest son. "son, you'll grow up to be quite the soldier."
and really, someone should've caught it then and there. his father's almost obsessive push for all of his sons to further hajnal's military prowess. nathaniel's free-spirited nature and surprising aptitude and love for music. when, at the age of 12, nathaniel declared his desire to become a travelling musician, the reaction should've been expected. the shouts of anger, the crying mother, the untouched dinner plates, the slammed doors. his father's anger never seemed to ever truly quell afterwards, and that night changed dynamics, changed family. someone should've known.
nathaniel had made a habit out of skipping training to instead play his lute in the small meadow behind their estate with a nicely practiced set of puppy eyes and a fake cough that had his trainor sighing before dismissing him. after all, his father was a busy man who rarely checked. yet, here was general ashton, demanding answers to where his son was, asking why he wasn't practicing his swordsmanship. the day of aiden's subsequent betrayal of nathaniel's whereabouts (and the start of the ashton brothers' strained relationship) and a broken lute was the day nathaniel's heart shattered. "you, an absolute shame to the ashton name," his father hissed, gaze hardening in boiling anger as his son shriveled into himself. "you are no son of mine."
but you see, the problem with family was that one could never truly let go, even if recognizably toxic. nathaniel dropped music to instead formally pick up a sword, returning daily with cuts and bruises marring golden skin in hopes of winning back his father's favor. he would become the best soldier there was, because . at age 17, he would become the first to be blessed with the fire under the newly crowned king kalum. days would pass and he'd improve considerably — reaching a high level position in the hajnalian military by 21, whether it was well-deserved would be up for debate — though friendly familial relations had noticeably dropped. grudges ran just as thickly as blood in the ashton family. but of course, comfort was temporary. 
"we thought it best for you to take up a position protecting the princess. the royal family's safety is a top priority, after all." nathaniel had his head held up high despite his despair. it came under the guise of supposed incompetence and laziness that his father accused nathaniel of having after a few rogue members in his unit were put under trial for treason, and it felt like a straight demotion when he was told to protect (babysit) princess katherine, his unit being passed to his older brother. constant military training turned into trailing the princess around as she shopped, and well, he moped. of course, this was all before kalum gave him the mission that he'd needed all of his life: act as a spy in aequor and find the red that sold hajnal strategic information for pardon.
he'd find the traitor, and this would finally be his chance at glory.
in hajnal / at the first drops of sunlight he rises with the morning sun, rubbing the sleep out of eyes heavy with the burden of the ashton name. shrugging off his sleep clothes in exchange for something more fitting of a military official, duly painted in shades of red, he unsheaths his sword to check its condition as he marches towards his unit's quarters to oversee their morning exercises. he leaves halfway through, patting the shoulder of his colonel, to instead attend breakfast and morning tea at the ashton estate with his mother and sisters as per the former's insistance. it'd been a bother at first for a boy more inclined to restlessness than not, but over a decade of routine has trained his murmurs of affirmation to his mother's ramblings over cups of oolong. nathaniel spends much of the day either training or following the likes of aidan as his older brother choreographs military strategy with practiced ease — and well, considering he's more of a figurehead than anything, he's bored. around mid-afternoon is when he joins princess katherine in her antics, albeit with a roll of his eyes, shadowing her as she goes about her day. he lets out a wary sigh and a snarky comment as nathaniel stands with various fabrics draped over his shoulders, impatiently tapping his foot as kat strolls through the city shopping. if he's treated more like a servant, nathaniel has a day's worth of complaints resting on his tongue. it's not until midnight that he returns to his room (3 am, if kat is feeling particularly inclined to bother her bodyguard). it's ordinary.
in aequor / it's strange waking up to surroundings a little more weathered down than his grand bedroom back in hajnal, but his body is trained to rise with the sun, and with a quick ruffle of his hair (it's getting longer — his mother would click her tongue if she saw him now) he shrugs on the familiar shirt and pants he'd laid out to dry near the window the night before after laundry. nathaniel peers blankly around his barren one bedroom before tearing a piece of bread off of the loaf he'd bought from the aster bakery before setting off into the city to gain more intel into the whereabouts of his target (if in the back of his mind he misses his mother's oolong tea, he pushes it away). he takes to exploring every inch of the city, though nearly every afternoon leads to the small, slightly run down bakery in midtown where he finds himself quirking a grin at the absolute beam the frazzled middle daughter throws at him, laughing as she offers him a sample of yet another weird concoction of wheat she's managed to think up. if a few days he forgets to do his job and instead takes penelope out into the market or watches a play with her, flowers in hand, it's a secret. night time greets him just as gabriel does, the familiar grin of the older man welcoming as nathaniel enters the pub. he converses with a few familiar faces before settling into his seat in the back left, nursing a jug of beer as he quietly listens to the drunken gossip and shouts of poorly kept secrets. 
limitbreak, do not erase.
the sword at hand / nathaniel often spars with lyras hunt when he's in hajnal, especially after he starts guarding kat and no longer joins in on the lengthy daily trainings of the military. it's an informal affair, taking place in one of the empty training fields in the mid-afternoon, laughter ringing as they good-naturedly swing their swords with practiced ease.
his belongings / nathaniel isn't allowed to take much with him when he heads to aequor per the king's request — thus, he leaves behind the ostentatious metals and elaborate jewelry once signature of his noble status, instead only keeping a thin gold bracelet with his family crest on him. his clothes endure the same fate, and he ends up buying most of his belongings when in aequor.
pour up, drink up / he's a pretty avid drinker — even during feasts back at home, he'd always loved a good cup of red wine — so loitering at gabriel's bar is a welcome task, considering it's normal for him to nurse a glass of alcohol there. he can take alcohol well, but he does get a bit louder after a few drinks. still, he'll never pour out hajnalian secrets. he's not the traitor.
his fire powers / nathaniel's fighting style is best described as reckless, if not graceless. he's more the type to overwhelm his opponent with a barrage of flames than a well-coordinated offensive effort. he'd always been a little too impatient to perfect the actual art of his power, preferring to instead learn how to be fatal, quickly.
the general's companion / he has a horse named pip, a sleek black stallion of the breed that all hajnalian military horses are. nathaniel was gifted him for his 10th birthday, and they've been close ever since. nathaniel swears that his stupid horse can understand him sometimes, because if pip laughs one more ing time when nathaniel trips...
home away from home / in aequor he's staying at a trusted ally's house in the spare bedroom where their son used to stay before turning of age. they're an older couple that kalum met years ago when he once visited the aequorian city under disguise. though they don't know of nathaniel's true reason of stay, they offer nothing but kindness to the boy. in turn, nathaniel makes sure to help with odd tasks around the house and buy groceries when he can. 
limitbreak, do not erase.
penelope lucy aster  
penelope lucy aster   
19, the baker's daughter, aequor commoner   
"it's nate," she quickly wipes her floured hands on the front of her apron in excitement and hurriedly fixes the stray hair strands that escaped her braid while she was baking, much to the amusement of her family. they watch her with uninhibited fondness, letting their youngest work herself into a frenzy.
"you sure he's just a customer?" her older sister stops kneading the dough for a second to have the audacity to look smug, a twinkle in her eye. 
penelope sputters. "of course! just a very kind customer. he's the only one that likes my salad bagel recipe. we're friends, sis. friends," she repeats despite the pretty flush in her cheeks. 
"oh, i'm sure friends bring such beautiful flowers," her mother laughs as she nods towards the boy standing awkwardly by the doorframe, a bouquet of forget-me-nots clutched tightly in his hands.
"i didn't know what you'd like," nathaniel bursts out, blabbering about how he could just return it ("can you return flowers?" he questions to himself) if she didn't like it or just feed it to daisy, the aster family's beloved cow.
"i love it," penelope gently interrupts, taking the bouquet from him and beaming. she fiddles with the frayed ribbon tying the flowers together as nathaniel looks ready to burst. 
"are you two just going to stand there looking at each other all day or are you taking my daughter to the play, young man?" penelope's father jokes as he starts shooing the two out. he stop at the front door, face turning serious. "i expect you back by midnight though, penny."
penelope just laughs, unabashedly taking nathaniel's hand as she practically skips out (if nathaniel's face turns any redder, he's sure to reveal his hajnalian status, really).
"so, shall we?"
 the girl that shows him what home looks like.       
nathaniel goes to buy bread and comes back with way more than he bargained for in the form of the middle daughter of the local bakery in all 157 cm of her cheery glory. she's sugar, spice, and every bit of a bright aequorian b with energy — and nathaniel can't say that he wasn't taken aback by how unabashedly she talked to him while he was trying to lay low (if their first interaction was a combination of muttered "let me buy my bread in peace" and "would you like to try this new sausage egg roll sample i made!" no one has to know). if he comes back to his room more flustered than ever before, he swears it's the weather changes. but one visit turns into two, three, fifteen as he finds himself buying bread every day, though he has little need for such quantities. he makes vehement protests when gabriel questions him with a knowing smile, "oh so an aster daughter? which one" when nathaniel walks into the pub with yet another one of penelope's weird bread concoctions. visits to the bakery turn into visits to plays and markets, and as the line between friends and lovers start to blur, nathaniel begins to question the very foundation of his beliefs — just how could all blues be bad people when he has a prime example right in front of him of someone so naturally purehearted? how can he justify killing her friends and neighbors in battle? nathaniel starts getting side tracked from his mission as he starts building a life around his fake identity, and it's not until penelope gets gravely hurt from standing up to a corrupt government official in public and nobody, not even the present queen, helps her — "why isn't anybody healing her? isn't the whole ing point of this kingdom that you're supposed to protect those who can't fight for themselves? aren't you supposed to be the good guys?" — that he shakes out of his reverie. and his heart hardens double over. / sweet, kindhearted, audacious, naive
katherine maia bellarose  
katherine maia bellarose   
23, the cause of all stress, hajnal princess   
nathaniel can't help the sigh escape his lips as he walks through the darkened hallways of the palace with dinner leftovers carefully tucked into his arms, praying that this will be the last of katherine he'll see tonight.
it's all fun and games until she calls for you at 2 am screaming it's an emergency and you run over only for her to tell you the kitchens are closed but she's hungry.
he's dealt with worse when it comes to the rambunctious princess, but he's deadass tired.
"are we really doing this," nathaniel deadpans, trailing the princess as she strolls through the hallways with an energy unfitting of the hour.
"what i say, goes. and i say i'm hungry." katherine smirks when her bodyguard lets out a huff.
thirty minutes later, they're sitting in front of the fireplace in the princess's suite, cold chicken and day old bread stuck onto long sticks over the flames.
"i really, really can't believe we're doing this kat."
"and yet, here you are," katherine sing-songs, "you said that the time i made you climb a tree to pick the apples at the top, and the time i made you walk backwards for the whole entire day, and the time you had to– either way, i guess you're an okay bodyguard."
"you mean i'm the best? couldn't live without me?" he shoots a pointed look at her before he shoots his index finger at the flickering flames to strengthen them.
katherine scoffs before checking on her skewer. "whatever. oh, remember kalum wanted to see you tomorrow. don't know what for but he was pretty close-lipped about it."
nathaniel narrows his eyes, "you didnt accuse me of treason for no reason or something did you."
"relax nat," the princess rolls her eyes, "i hate you but not that much."
 the girl that knows him inside and out.       
(wisterais' character) when he's chosen to be princess katherine maia bellarose of hajnal's knight, nathaniel is nothing short of disappointed, frustrated, angry, devastated. while his mother crows of how much of an honor it is to serve the royal family in such a manner, nathaniel views it as a total demotion — a nicely packaged "you messed up so here's a desk job for you." the princess unsurprisingly feels just as negative about having a constant babysitter, and with the new arrangement she makes sure to be as petty and ridiculous as possible — though all of her outlandish requests do nothing but make them spend more time together than they already have to. it's only natural that they end up getting extremely close, and at some point "younger ashton" turns into "nat" and "princess katherine" turns into "kat" — "katnat is our nickname" "why are you first though i want to be first" "i'm royal? hello?" — spending all day every day together does that to you. even when nathaniel is sent to aequor, they stay in constant touch via carrier bird, and in turn katherine is the one updating kalum on nathaniel's mission. after all, the fewer people know of his whereabouts the better. who better to keep royal secrets than the princess? / ambitious, elegant, calculating, caustic 
kalum marcus bellarose  
kalum marcus bellarose   
24, the strategic ruler, hajnal king   
the door suddenly opens, and an attendant steps in, bowing his head. "nathaniel ashton, the lieutenant general from the house of ashton, your majesty."
kalum nods, waving the attendant in dismissal as he makes to close the large book on his desk. he rarely invites people to his personal study, but it'd seemed like the safest location to convey what he was going to say next.
he his head a little as he looks at the boy walking in, noting the stark contrasts in disposition since the first time he'd met the younger. gone were the bright sparkling eyes kalum had seen during nathaniel's day of blessing, though the glint of determination and loyalty burned on. he'd be perfect.
"your majesty," nathaniel makes to bow before kalum just snorts, shifting his body weight forward as he rests his chin on clasped hands.
"i pray that guarding my sister hasn't been too taxing, though i know how rambunctious she can get," kalum quirks a small smirk as nathaniel nods his head quickly.  
"nothing i can't handle, your majesty."
"i've noticed however," kalum starts, basking a little in the amusement of seeing a look of terror flit across nathaniel's face — it was always fun messing with him a little, "that the lieutenant general could perhaps.. do something else as better use of your time."
that sounded like a straight demotion.
nathaniel looks almost frantic now, "o-oh no your majesty, i'm doing alright. i know the princess and i had our differences at first bu-" 
"what i'm saying, nathaniel, is that i have a better proposition for you." kalum says gently as he drops honorifics. kalum reopens the large book on his desk as he waves a hesitant nathaniel closer. "what i will be revealing to you now is of the utmost confidentiality. though you're not obliged to take the responsibility, i ask this of you because i have confidence in your ability to succeed."
nathaniel stares back wordlessly before breaking into a smile. "anything you wish is my command, my king."
 the boy that gives him the chance he needs.       
while nathaniel had only gotten a few glimpses of the young king as a child, every time had been memorable — and not just because of the added royal title. he recalls feeling awed at seeing how, even at 14, the older boy seemed to command entire halls with unwavering confidence and power well beyond his age. in turn, when nathaniel is presented as the first to ever be blessed by the phoenix's spirit through the hands of the new king, the young ashton earns a place in kalum's heart, especially when he observes his bright determination. he can spot a loyal soldier when he sees one, and kalum only sees potential — an opportunity to further secure the ashton name into his regime. it isn't until nathaniel is elected as katherine's knight, however, that they really start to build a strange kind of friendship. nathaniel almost begins to feel like the younger brother he never had, and even the likes of kalum can't help the roll of his eyes and the quirk of a grin when he sees katherine and nathaniel playing some childish game. but kalum can also spot wasted potential with ease. when he gets reports of a rogue hajnalian in aequor, he propositions a deal no one could refuse. prove your worth and pave your roads, young soldier. / alluring, observant, inexpressive, righteous
aiden helio ashton  
aidan helio ashton   
28, the chosen son, hajnal general   
"don't mess up, little brother." aiden smirks in response to nathaniel's scowl as the younger goes around packing the last of his belonging into his small travel bag.
"wouldn't dream of it."
the two were in nathaniel's room in the ashton house, nathaniel flitting about his room as aiden lounged on the maroon velvet couch near the fireplace. he traces his hands on the fabric — the two of them had sat on this couch for ages when they were little, reading books and jumping off "like real soldiers" much to their mother's and nannies' horrors.
but childhood had ended tragically for the both of them. aiden glances back at his brother as nathaniel had his back to him, trying to cram a small washcloth onto the top of his pile of belongings. 
"you need help?"
"not really," nathaniel mutters, struggling to pull the pile together. aiden inwardly sighs. the two brothers didn't talk much, and much of it was due to deep-set pride, but they were still blood.
aiden walks over, pulling the small travel bag from another corner forward so things would more easily fit. with both of their joint efforts, the belongings seem to click into place, and nathaniel lets out a small almost inaudible sigh of relief.
"thanks." nathaniel says shortly, to which aiden hums in response. with nothing left to do with their hands, it's almost awkward with just the two of them — not having a heart-to-heart for 15 years will do that to you.
"little bro-"
they start at the same time, nathaniel shaking his head to let aiden talk first. "well, i just wanted to say that. i hope you uh. stay safe?" aiden clears his throat awkwardly as nathaniel widens his eyes before quirking a small grin.
"yeah. i'll try." nathaniel opens up his body language a little more now, and aiden takes it as a cue to continue. it'd been years since they'd talked for longer than one back-and-forth sans any insults. 
" know," aiden stops, grasping for words. it's hard, when you're so used to talking negatively to each other. "you know. i'm sorry." he ends quietly. though it's open ended, both brothers seem to immediately understand what he's referring to.
it's not an apology for any specific event, really. it's for, well, everything.
"you're still my little bro," aiden smiles, daring to ruffle nathaniel's hair as the younger lets him (he surprises himself, really). the older boy pulls out a small pouch from behind the hilt of his sword in some hidden pocket, and nathaniel hears the small clink of coins. "and i heard it's cold in aequor."
"colder without all that fire, i assume." nathaniel snorts.
"buy yourself something warm in aequor, alright? and little bro. prove father wrong."
 the boy that tough-loves his way out of real affection.       
"thou can do no wrong," nathaniel will mutter under his breath as the ashtons gather together for a feast to celebrate his father's 55th birthday. it's a grand affair, with piles of food and hundreds of guests, and nathaniel will sit stock-still, back straight and head up through habit alone while his head swims with the constant acknowledgment that in this family, he is worth little. nathaniel will watch as his father claps aidan on the back, congratulating his eldest son on his latest successes with a sheen of pride on sharp gray eyes. it's always been that way — it always will be that way. the favoritism shown to the eldest son is stark, and while aidan can absolutely do no wrong in his parents' eyes, nathaniel has had to bear the brunt of all ill will since the age of twelve. while the two brothers had been absolutey inseparable in their childhood, with puberty comes a strained relationship part from nathaniel's inherent jealousy and part from aidan's cocky personality. passive aggression is passed with every interaction, and when aidan isn't turning his nose down at him nathaniel is all bite. still, blood runs stronger than any bond between the ashton children. when nathaniel is first sent off, aidan is undoubtedly the most concerned. / charismatic, inexpressive, cunning, loyal
gabriel simon kenton  
gabriel simon kenton   
27, the hawk, aequor commoner   
"don't you look like you're in a good mood today," gabriel comments with a laugh as nathaniel slides into his seat with a wide smile on his face. 
"well, i did just beat braden murdock in a game of chess, so what can i say?" nathaniel looks smug as gabriel raises an eyebrow in surprise. "you should've seen the way the smile slid off his face when he realized he was going to lose."
"you actually put that old geezer in his place? oh man." gabriel bursts out in laughter as he turns around to play with the taps. "that reminds me, i'm trying out a new fermentation method this week. wanna taste test for me?"
gabriel is already pushing a frothing glass of beer towards nathaniel before he finishes his sentence and the younger just snorts.
"others may wonder why gabriel kenton forces his customers to drink at 3 pm, but alas," he fake grumbles before taking a swig. "it's good. kind of sweet though?"
gabriel nods thoughtfully to himself, already seemingly calculating how he could change the recipe in his head.
nathaniel smacks his lips, swirling the glass around. "speaking of sweet, penelope wants me to take her to the candy shop down two blocks from here. anything good there?"
"how'd you flirt your way into that one, talked about how sweet she is? is that how all you hajnalians flirt?" gabriel says, a tint of amusement in his eyes. 
nathaniel widens his eyes, turning around to make sure he was still the only one in the pub, "literally i swear you're going to be the reason i end up dying in the middle of the forest, burned at the stake. you can't just say that out loud," nathaniel mutters to himself, disgruntled. "you trust a man with a secret one day and he's out spouting it all over town the next."
gabriel rolls his eyes before going in the back to restock. they both knew if gabriel wanted to expose nathaniel, he would've done it long ago. it's almost a joke now, how gabriel will randomly bring up nathaniel's non-aequorian status with unbridled amusement.
nathaniel just slumps forward, resting his cheek in his hands as he stares out the window. it's a little dirty, worn with time and age, but nathaniel can't say he won't miss this familiar view when he has to go back home.
after all, when was the last time he had a friend like gabriel in hajnal?  
 the boy that knows it all.       
it's not until nathaniel's third visit, always sitting on the same corner stool, that gabriel lets his curiosity get to him and approach the young man. he'd noticed it from the first visit — the nearly undetectable hilt of a non-aequorian accent, the subtle hand mannerisms signature of a trained soldier. as the owner of one of the most popular pubs in the lower part of the city, gabriel had learned how to discern people. thus, as the two become friendlier, gabriel becoming one of the few blues other than penelope that nathaniel starts to trust and nathaniel in turn becoming one of gabriel's favorite conversationists, gabriel learns. he's friendly and seems like a big goof, always ready to offer a smile and an open mind, but he has the eyes and ears of a hawk. he knows everything that happens in his pub. figuring out nathaniel's hajnalian identity is a difficult but doable puzzle for the likes of him, and when he doesn't report the younger boy or do anything about it, instead shrugging a "you're a paying customer, aren't you?" that's when nathaniel starts really trusting him. they're friends of sorts, and gabriel lets the younger boy sit around, making him try "new batches of beer" in return for some menial labor here and there. / perceptive, practical, personable, trustworthy
aveline adrianna hart  
aveline adrianna hart   
23, the merciless ruler, aequor queen   
"poor girl," jayce clicks his tongue later that night in the safety of the queen's personal study. their monthly trip into the city had undoubtedly been a little different this time around. "she seemed young."
aveline hums, pouring over the paperwork on her desk as she spots jayce lounging casually on one of the couches from the corner of her eye.
"and perhaps she also wasn't wrong," he starts quietly, "in saying hawthorne had been extorting from her family and her neighbors. the hawthornes certainly do seem to have much more money and ascedancy than they used to."
"i'm not here to listen to you gossip like a court lady with too much time," aveline says sharply, raising her head to shoot a glare at her personal guard.
he raises his hands in defense, though not without a small smile gracing his lips. aveline just sighs, dropping her gaze back to her papers. the anxious chew of her bottom lip is almost indiscernible to the untrained eye, but jayce had been with her for years. he knew.
for a queen that built a reputation for cruelty, she wasn't completely heartless. while her rule did perhaps lack the empathy of her mother's, she was reasonable.
and that young commoner girl's death had, she knew, been wholly unfair.
"the hawthornes have supported the aequorian crown for generations. to undo the head's actions in public, a councilman at that, would be a direct offense towards the entirety of the family. that's what it is. jeopardy." she says quietly.
"your majesty is ever the logical one." aveline searches jayce's eyes for any sarcasm, but finds nothing but a gentle, honest smile before he stands up. "i'll be going for a quick round of the premises before i return in ten minutes' time."
aveline nods as to excuse him before she starts her paperwork again — but it soon proves fruitless.
because the boy. the only one that had run up to the young girl while the other villagers just looked on in shock and pity. because the boy's eyes. they'd held so much desperation. so much rage as she turned away.
aveline didn't build her rule on a kind heart or any mercy — no, that'd be absolute weakness — but if the boy's expression haunted her even as she returned to bed, she never mentions it.
 the girl that ices any empathy from him.       
it's almost ironic how nathaniel's antipathy for the young queen comes not as a hajnalian but as an aequorian, for truthfully, in all his time as a lieutenant general he'd had little reason to personally dislike the ruler save for her kingdom's constant antagonism towards his own. but his attitude sharply changes in the face of a bleak winter afternoon. it's common, nathaniel hears an aequorian merchant mutter, and he can't breathe as penelope's pretty eyes start to gloss unnaturally, hand trembling as her dress starts soaking maroon, for nobles to look unkindly on those who oppose them. his heart pounds erratically in terror as he stumbles out of the crowd, catching penelope just as her legs collapse. he'd grown up surrounded by red, but now there's too much, too much ing red pouring out of her side and he can't help the whimper as he looks almost pleadingly at the scatter of royal healers and officials who'd witnessed the event. he looks at even the queen, and while something unrecognizable flits through her expression he watches as the pleas die on his lips in time with the queen turning back on the subject bleeding out onto the streets. perhaps he would understand if he was clear-headed that aveline had had no choice, but alas. she'd pay. / rational, perfectionist, possessive, quiet
hover for descriptions! also scroll up on all those bigger pics up there for dialogues lul.
good evening. thank you for coming in tonight, your answers will greatly contribute to our kingdom's knowledge on its citizens opinions. our ruler will take your comments into consideration while making any new revisions to our current laws.
(*jaimes auriga is straight up a rando lmAO fc i pictured him as dujoon or smth but yah)
nathaniel plays with the tip of his deep maroon tunic, pushing a stray hair out of his eyes as he nods his head once. "it's always an honor to speak with you, tactician auriga. i do hope that my answers help the kingdom in some way, though i doubt my knowledge of military prowess is as extensive as yours." he stares resolutely as the man in front of him his head, quirking a grin. the older man opens the small notebook in his lap.
"while i appreciate the sentiment, no need to be so formal. we've known each other for decades, ashton," he says. nathaniel lets his stiff shoulders relax a bit as he lets out a laugh. the tactician flips to a blank page, writing nathaniel's full name at the top in a neat print as organized as the man's battle tactics. "this may be a formal interview, but in the confines of your home i believe it's alright to drop formalities." 
"still thought i should keep up pretenses, jaimes."
now then, let's start with something simple. what are your opinions on the current rulers? by that, we mean her royal highness queen aveline adrianna hart and his royal highness king kalum marcus bellerose.
"his royal majesty is-" nathaniel starts before stopping, as though thinking. "his royal majesty's loyalties are with the people. many may claim that the king is lazy, even imprudent, but the observations i've been allowed to have as princess katherine's personal guard have reinforced my beliefs that every action king kalum does is in the best interest of the kingdom." 
jaimes nods to himself as he writes down the words, ink sprawling across the paper in a flourish of beautiful print. "may i ask for specifics?"
nathaniel nods. "he takes his council's word into account but realizes that many of the older nobles are in it for their own riches or personal gain. in this, he is quick to make decisions that benefit the greater whole more than simply the top 1%. in turn, he recognizes the importance of maintaining the loyalties of the nobility and takes the time to cultivate a court that thoroughly respects him, making them want to support him. he may have his enemies, but he has his supporters as well. queen aveline, on the other hand," nathaniel stops, grimacing a little. "i couldn't tell you much. i've never met her and only have the general negative sentiment against the aequorian kingdom to go off of."
how do you think your ruler could do better? is there something about them you do or do not like?
"for one, he could make sure princess katherine doesn't run off into the city without anyone knowing, again." nathaniel sighs as he shakes his head, much to jaimes's amusement. the older man just snorts.
"did you have to chase her down again?"
"mm. only took me half an hour to find her this time though," nathaniel puffs out his chest in pride before dropping into a more serious expression. "but like i said, i do think that the king could do more to shed his mask of inexpression. there's grumbling amongst the upper nobility from those who believe the king does little. there are underhanded conversations that speak negatively of his majesty's personality. i do believe that if his majesty were to just reach out a little, everything would settle." nathaniel releases the breath he didn't realize he was holding as he folds his hands together. jaimes hums, scribbling down the words while nodding to himself in affirmation. 
how would you feel if aequor were to go to war with hajnal? how would that affect your life, would you contribute to the war in any way?

"well, war would put me to work is what it would do," nathaniel smiles wryly. "i'm not sure if i'd be allowed to leave princess katherine's side, but as lieutenant general i do indeed have my own unit, though it is under my brother's discretion as of now." nathaniel looks up as if in though, setting his lips in a tight-lipped resignation. "but i assume that in the face of war the sheer need for numbers would put me back on the battlefield." 
"but do you want to return?" jaimes says softly, hand having paused from writing awhile ago when the older boy had noticed his companion's increasing trepidation.
"i-" nathaniel stammers before sighing. "it's not that i don't want to. i love the feeling of a sword. i love serving my kingdom. i just, don't know if my father would allow me to contribute much when he has no faith in me." his shoulders slump as jaimes lets out a low mumble of agreement.
in all the years they'd known each other, jaimes had always been one of the most understanding of nathaniel's family drama. "but perhaps a war would, dare i say it, change your life for the better."
"if i don't get stabbed first, sure." 
loyalty to your kingdom should be valued above all. we believe there are...traitors in our kingdom. what are your thoughts on that?
nathaniel blinks at jaimes in shock, letting the words sink in before his eyes harden. "there are traitors in hajnal? who would dare?" he scoffs as jaimes grunts in amusement at the younger boy's surprise. "it's a must that these individuals be eliminated. in a kingdom that values loyalty and trust, we must stand together, not fall apart. if someone fails to uphold this belief, they have no place to live under the umbrella protection of this rule." nathaniel speaks strongly, words quivering with strength.
"i'm glad your conviction is so strong, nathaniel." jaimes says with amusement, lips curving in mirth as he looks at the other with fondness. "king kalum was right in saying that your loyalty to hajnal is unrivaled."
"he said that?" nathaniel immediately drops all hardness in his disposition in his surprise, mouth opening in surprise. "king kalum?"
the positive beam that decorates his face is rare but bright.
well, thank you for your time. we will make sure your feedback will be considered while our monarch makes his decisions. have a nice evening, and glory to our kingdom.
"and to you." nathaniel straightens his back as jaimes makes to leave, shoulders wide in a standard military stance. still, his eyes dance with familiarity and warmth as he peers at his companion.
"long live the king, and all glory to the kingdom."
credit   /   edited by seon (wisterais)


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This app is epic! I’m curious, how do you add those SoundCloud players? I’ve never been able to figure them out
this? is? a? beauty???
and that fanart ???
how to code like this rlly
highkey jealous of this app but-
HOW I'M?????
this is too amazing and it's so pretty uGH
lowkey ashamed of my app now ;;A;;
yamitan7 #5
O. O I was making a character who's called Aiden too and was surprised when I saw his name while stalking XD
"hardass" "soft" the DUALITY OF A MAN