About insanity and why i put it in the drafts

So, earlier I've been reading the other chapters of Insanity and the new one that I'm making. The whole plot...was too long and i don't know how I'll finish it. It was getting harder to add scenes and dialogues because I'm running out of ideas that can satisfy the readers so i put it in the drafts. I'm still going to continue it in the future with a new plot. I'm very sorry for those who subscribed. I hope you won't leave this author until she matures and get even more better in her English.. i hope ya'll like the songfic that I'm currently working on ^^  kudos to all of ya and thank you~


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I can't wait to see your new songfic! ^_^ I'm confident that you'll return to Insanity when you're ready to write it and it'll be better than we could have imagined!