noah fence lol or an essay on blackpinks and ygs borrowing and misrepresentation of black esthetics and other cultures also a mini rant on why u gg stans are annoying as hell

bp's ddu du ddu du slaps or whatever but its tiring to see their entire aesthetic be a misapropriation of blackness lol

like not one member of bp has spent an extensive time in america interacting with black americans but literally all of their songs and albums as well as the image they portray is rooted in afro american aesthetics. like lisa's aiiyl rap with that actually awful butchering of aave is one prominent example like,,,, u kno in thailand they don't teach people what "finna" is or what "gon'" means and lisa's out like "u gon finna catch me" like,,,,, sis they're synonyms they either gon catch u or finna catch u aint no "gon finna" up in here lol. and like that isn't her fault at all, its more of the fault of teddy who is korean-america, takes from afro american aesthetics ( im not even gonna say culture bc some of yall like to start about cultural appropriation ), and misinterprets them bc he isn't black american and doesn't have an intimate grasp on the lingo or aesthetics. and this in turn gives us someone who doesn't know about american blackness telling people who have no interaction with american blackness about american blackness without calling it american blackness and being wrong about it.

and blackness isn't the only thing yg has misinterpreted, chola culture in cl's the baddest female, a bastardization of native american war cries and rain dances in boombayah, the quran parts in cl's mtdb, a bunch of big bangs . instead of appreciating the cultures yg does have within them, they choose to take from the ones they have absolutely literally no connection to. and its like they do a terrible google translation of it and then sell it.

and like im 85% positive that the members of blackpink have never been in close proximity of a gun or have even seen an actual one being used to harm people. so like them singing about hiting ppl with that "ddu du ddu du ddu" ( aka gunshots ) is like embarrassing. sis,,, yall aint ever seen a drive by so idk why ur talking about shooting people up lol. and when roses bridge when shes like "what u gonna do when i come through with that uh uh" like yall know she doesnt know what a glock is right??? and its like,,,,, most of yall hate american hip hop bc its all about "shooting people, drugs, and objectifying women" but ur all ting urselvs like "OMG BLACKPINK DID THAT" and what's even worse is that seungri said he's afraid of black ppl bc he thinks they'd shoot him. like theres an actual stereotype that all black people own guns and shoot people and nonblack people ( specifically koreans ) use this justification to put down black people or justify their baseless fear of them and leads to black teachers having a super hard time finding employment in korea but thats not what we're talking about today ig

this isn't entirely related but jisoo saying "test me" honestly makes me laugh bc u kno if she was actin all big and bad around anyone she would get her handed to her like noah fence jisoo stans but she just isnt hard or badass at all lmaoooo  also their song "forever young" actually lol its literally the same as every other song with the same theme

and has anyone else noticed that yg also makes lisa act the blackest?? like shes always the one who has to be hard and do english raps and use terrible aave and thats a whole other thing i can't speak on bc im not se asian and i don't entirely have a good grasp on korean-southeast asian relations but im just sayin theres somethin there about that lol. not to mention she's probs makes the least amount of money bc as clc's sorn said, companies pay non-korean group members less than their korean counterparts. they also dress lisa ugly as hell but thats just fashion ig

but gg stans are so toxic that u literally can't call out any gg's problematic behavior without "hating all women". and it creates this culture of ization and black and white extremist thinking. yall are too caught up in loving ur gg's that u infantize them and protect them from all criticism even ones that would fix problematic behavior. and most of u gg stans are either White Feminists™ or performative allies that care more about virtue signaling than actual solidarity. like yall are against racism until black ppl call out rv's wendy for saying racist against black women. and its like,,,, not every song every gg releases is good. half of twice's discography . aoa's bingle bangle is like the worst aoa song i know of, mamamoo's starry night is weak and they are fading in relevance in the internation fandoms bc of their blackface and they deserve it tbh.

tl;dr : ddu du ddu du is a good song but im tired of blackpinks entire aesthetic being a bastardization of Black Esthetics™ and gg stans are performative allies who are super creepy when it comes to e asian women 


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oh you WITH the s ?!
It's true and you should say it.
Lmao, all jokes aside.
Honestly, you put what I've been thinking into words. This was really great to read and I think you did a great job explaining why.
now im not black just se/e asian so i dont feel i can really have a (cant find the right word but) formidable? relevant? opinion on this as it's not my culture so on and so forth
but like. yeah. thank you for saying this (that last paragraph especially!!) and to bring up the gun violence stuff bc that's rly impacted my life (obviously not as much as some people in the us and i'm very thankful for that!) and it was making me uneasy and i couldn't really get my finger on it but you put it into words Very well.

i guess i dont really have anything of substance to say but! thank you a lot for writing this i wish more people could see it
me, eating my popcorn: