Graphic or Trailer Request??

Aye guys! Been a long time since I last update any blogpost but hey-- I'm currently working on a new ff featuring min suga, our savage grandpa :) But I'm not gonna talk about that, sadly lol. 

So! Anyone have been searching for graphic shop to request a banner or poster for your story? Or maybe a trailer? Well you don't have to scroll up all those dozens shops in the tag search and contemplate which one to request at-- cuz I'm recommending you a daebakk shop which don't even require you any karma for their services!

Jjang~! It's Sakura Trailer and Graphic Shop! Let me tell you why I recommend this shop to you--

First, cuz it's free! Yes any services is free here! (apart from the advertising slot which you have to spend ONLY 10 kp if you want your story to be featured)

Second, cuz the designers there just create a whole new level of art. I love their artwork so much, I keep confusing which designer I should choose XD

Third, their trailers are... majestic. I rarely found any shop which produce a trailer that really suits my taste-- but this shop is an exception.

Lastly.. just check it out yourself. I'm lost at words. XD

p/s: click on the banner to be directed link to the shop.






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