replace with fc
replace with fc

birthname. Yoon Moonae

• Moon Moon - She was really into that meme until the actual artist took it from him. Now that he's out of the picture, maybe she can take back her meme?

birthdate. 02.15.99
birthplace. Ilsan, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean

• Korean: Totally fluent in the Seoul dialect too.
• English: Basic, she was always too busy with other things to focus much in school, especially when it came to languages. Will stare blankly at any international fans and panic as she doesn't understand them.

faceclaim. Loona Kim Lip
backup fc. Pristin Nayoung, CLC Yeeun

• Holy resting face, Batman! Moonae has a stone face, she's very unexpressive especially off stage. She doesn't mean to, that kind of thing just happes to her! She forgets that she has to smile as she concentrates, or she just zones out and people think she's super angry but she was really just thinking about what to have for dinner, she promises! She's a shorty, 1.58m tall and 53kg, most of which is muscle. She lifts, okay. She lifts real good.

fashion style.

• Moonae does like dressing simply but fashionably. She knows she has a nice figure so why not show it off? She loves her blonde hair too and how it looks with red, she's really happy with how the member colours worked out! Her style is the perfect combination of comfort and style, and distinctly feminine which is probably not what you expect from a former athlete.


personality traits.

+++ surprisingly positive, mature, surprisingly funny too, hardworking, indepedent, loyal, strongwilled
///dark sense of humour, sassy, logical
---competitive, resting face, introverted, scared of responsibility, quiet, intimidating

elaboration. If Noir Media had a yearbook, Moonae would be voted most likely to kill someone, probably. She has this resting face and she's an independent introvert who tends to rely on herself more than anythig. Moonae loved being alone, she loves depending on just herself so she has nobody to be responsible for, she's allergic of responsibility for others. Other people are unpredictable, you can't account for what they do, they could do anything man! ANYTHING. She's not about that life. If it were up to Moonae she'd account for herself and only herself at all times.

That's not to say she doesn't like people though, she likes people well enough if she doesn't feel like they're relying on her. She has some problems connecting to others because she tends to be quiet and on her own a lot, but she'd fight for any friend she does make. She's fiercely loyal to her own crew, her own little pride of... well kittens most of the time let's be real here. Just don't put her with the really young ones, please, she doesn't really know how to handle actual children and gets really stressed (babe you're one step away from a child yourself).

She's got a kind of off and dark sense of humor full of sarcasm and amusing pokes at negativity. Her humor can honestly be rather scandalous and really surprise anyone who doesn't know better, she's completely deadpan as she sasses you, not a muscle in that stone face moves aside from her brows, which shoot up in amusement. It takes you a good long moment to realize she is, in fact, joking. A relieved laugh might come out of you as she cracks a smile and you might think to yourself 'wow, she's scary'. (she's basically Hoya: 1 2 3 (but replace with red) 4 5 6 7). Sass or moments of absolute ridiculousness are the only times her face is very expressive, honestly. 

Her normally calm and sort of absent veneer is completely SHATTERED as soon as a game is played though. Moonae is super competitive, frighteningly competitive, and as soon as there's something to win she gets a fire in her eyes brighter than a thousand suns. She has a singular focus for a singular goal: winning. Nothing else matters. She's terrifying. If Moonae wants something she will go for it 100% and nothing can stand in her way. Is there any wonder she's mostly known as the intimidating unnie/dongsaeng? She's either got her resting face on or she's got her FIRE on, there is no inbetween.

background. While Moonae was growing up, there was one thing she was very good at. Good beyond anything else, in fact. That was playing soccer. She would destroy the boys on the playing field (who'd previously complained about having the girl in the team, before they knew her), she honestly had a natural talent. She always knew what she had to become, she knew what she had a god-given talent for. 

She played for the local women's team for a while before qualifying for the nationing under-17 team when she was 14 and played as a forward for two years until, when she was 16, she suffered a car crash and broke her right leg in 3 places. It took 6 months for the bone to heal and even longer to rehabilitate, Moonae knew that in all likelyhood her career of a soccer player was over, it would take her at least a year to gain full control of her leg back and then she'd basically have to re-learn everything she knew. She was completely devastated.

A represented of Noir Media actually came to her. It wasn't like she was all that well-known, Korea never took women's soccer that seriously, but this scout happened to be a fan of women's soccer and recognized Moonae's pretty face and star potential. She offered the career route as an idol instead. It would offer its own kind of excitement and competition, and isn't that all that Moonae wanted? Not have any other prospects, Moonae accepted.


fun facts.

• She really hates how women's soccer is an afterthought for most soccer fans and hopes to rectify that somehow. 

• Would insist of playing with the male idols for futsal during the idol olympics. She'll show them how it's done.

• She loves eating meat, gotta get that protein! KBBQ is heaven.

• She works out a lot, especially running and strength exercizes. She's not doing soccer anymore but somehow she can't let go of that body type. You ever know, right?

• She absolutely adores her song, Eclipse. She thinks it's perfect for her. She doesn't even have to smile!

• Bi as hell.


• Best friend, Kim Seungah | Football under-20 player

Seungha is her former team mate and still her best friend. They're the same age and Moonae sees what she could have been in Seungah, but she does her very best to not let her own jealousy color their friendship. Seungah is silly and rather easygoing, always making jokes and making light of things. It seems like a combination that wouldn't work but Moonae grouds Seungah and Seungah lightens up Moonae.



stage name. Moonae

talent. Vocals, dance

unit. Bebe and Daydream (depends which you need, find yourself a girl who can do both) (aka one of them has her screaming internally and in the other one she shines)

talent twins.

• Kim Lip x2

trainee years. 2 year

trainee life.

• She actually took very well to idol training. Like I said before, when Moonae sets her sights on something she commits fully, and this idol training is no different. She'd never done anything musical before but they found she had a nice tone and she worked and worked until she was a capable vocalist and a capable dancer. She's not the best in either but she makes up for it in allure and stage presence. Well, as long as the stage is for something elegant and mysterious, she'll be.... something during Bebe promotions. Save her.

you can matchmaker if you want, or stick to something that's only flirty? Or maybe I'll acually stop being lazy and think of something sometime, who can tell? xD

comments. hope you like her! I wanted to go with someone sporty and then Kim Lip was like hey there *wiggles eyebrows* and I was lost.
password. Red (wow someone took my owl), lynx, Ecliiiipse

• here



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