I made a YoonMin fanfic poster!


Look! I made a thing! What do you think?

I just got so inspired by the graphics shops I subscribe to that I wanted to make my own posters for a fanfiction that doesn't exist (yet... ;D)

I'm trying out different styles. Maybe if I have the time, i'll open a shop. But.. meh. This is just for fun 


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Dude, this looks AWESOME!!
The first thing I noticed about the poster is the a e s t h e t I c s! The blue-pink colour scheme looks so cute and nice and soothing to the eyes, it’s really nice and a pleasant thing to look at. And the thing about the ‘awards’ to the side, and the movie cover at the bottom, it makes the cover look even more realistic and nice than it already is.
This is another great piece, well done! (OuO)