Happy, upset & scared at the same time.

So yesterday I finally told my mom that im BI but that im more interested in girls than guys. I have to be honest I was really scared because before I told her, I ask her of what she thought of the LGBT community.  She like "even though I dont think of them as some one that's of a lower status than me, I dont like them. The people who are trans think they aren't in the right body and that Jesus made a mistake when creating us. I dont believe in the same love because Jesus made us as a women and man who are made to be together. You know that's how i was raised but I still think of them as humans. If there's a guy couple near with a kid, I wouldn't mind." then she went on about if gay couple do end up getting married, how can they have a kid? Im like, there are ways to have kid even if you are couple of the same . She told me that that's not natural and that the baby wasn't made from love. She also said that the people who are guy, lesbian, bi are mentally ill or that they havent spend enough time with the opposite or that something happen to have them like "this". I was upset and scared of what would happen if I did tell her,would she kick me out or would she accept me? If she kick me out, I knew I could go live with my uncle and aunt. My aunt and uncle accept me and say that if I need a home, I could always go to them. I was ready to call them and ask them if they can come and pick me up but luckily my mom didn't kick me out but I feel like she didn't really accept me especially after what she and asked me, she like "are you sure? Do you really like girls more than guys? Do you have a girlfriend?" she kept asking me like she didn't want to believe me and just making sure I was playing a prank on her. She stayed quiet for a bit then proceed to tell me that she accepts me so that why im not sure. Im also scared for my oldest sister because she just got married to my sister in law today in Vegas :)) im so excited but with what my mom said yesterday, I dont feel like right time.. She hasn't told anyone from my family, like siblings or parents. The only that know is me, my uncle and aunt, 2 of my younger cousins, their older sister and her husband. No one else knows and I feel bad because I want to tell them but its not my place to say anything. Im just happy for her because I can tell how happy she is! Im upset that I wasn't there for her but im just so happy!! It was funny when my sister told me that their were dating but im like " I already figured that out a long time ago but I didn't want to say anything until you told me yourself" oh geez you should have seen her face! She was so shocked about it! She asked me how I knew and when did I find out? I asked her if she remember when all of the girls of our family went to the movie theater to watch the new movie? She like "yeah, why?". I told her when we got home, I went to my room and got pissed off because her cat was in my room and somehow dropped my mirror that was on the wall along with some photos. When I was fixing that, I heard some weird noises coming from her room. When I moved closer, I heard some sounds and my sister in law panting, then they like "shhh, I don't want anyone to find out or hear us.." clearly that didn't work when your younger sister is sleeping right next door and the walls are really thin..-.-' *sigh* really? Im trying to sleep and your having .. But I don't care since I really love my sister and sister in law xD im upset that my brother told my sister to move out.. Now none of my siblings nor my mom talk to her. Im the only one that does, stuff happened which made my "dad"  leave my mom and his kids at he house without saying goodbye.. I dont even consider him as my dad now,.. Im a , I know. But knowing that he did stuff to my cousin and him not even doing anything when I told him and my mom that his younger brother touched me inappropriate made me so mad to the point that I dont even want to talk to him.. I get nightmares every time I sleep thanks to my "uncle" who inappropriate... Yes, I'm grateful for everything he has done for me and for my siblings.. But him running away was not the answer but anyways let him do what he wants to do. Since I and my oldest sister doesn't want to talk to him or want him at the house, my older brother told my sister to leave instead. Everyone including my mom went at my sister and my sister felt betrayed because they dont believe my cousin and me. She's like "okay dont believe her but believe your sister/daughter" she didn't want to leave me alone, she's like if you dont feel safe at home, call me i don't want you to feel stressed and uncomfortable in place without me being there to help you. I've been at my house for almost a week now and I still feel uncomfortable here.. I feel scared here. My family is like trying to make me feel guilty so I can stay here with them while they talk about my sister. I dont feel comfortable with that and my mom is talking about her own daughter as well when she like " I care for her and I worry about her as well". She tried to force me to comeback with her when I wasn't ready and when I told her that, she said that she was alone and that she didn't have a family. She was about to drive without thinking straight in the rain! She was mad when my sister left but for me I was glad and relieved that she did but I seriously feel upset that my sister has to hide her relationship with her wife from her OWN family!! Ugh!! Im so mad, upset, frustrated, happy right now!!! I also got a tummy ache which !

P.s. my sis and sister in law are planning to have kids and my sister in law wants to get pregnant by the end of this year! Also I might be getting my driver's license soon!


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No matter what love is love regardless of the gender . Everyone should be respected and given equal freedom to love anyone they want. Stay strong