my space bar is broken

omg so let me tell yall how annoying this is ok i have to likeSLAP my spacebar tomake it work and itsso painful but im tryna write a fic and myspacebari slike OOPS am not gonna work i'm so INFURIATED



what should i dobecause i can't keeptyping likethis itsso painful to look at....


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There are keyboards online that you can use but it's better to just replace it if you're using a desktop. It'll be unfortunate if you're using a laptop. Tell us if you fixed it! Good luck~
Babe, copy a space bar and just paste it when you're done writing inalongstringofcoherentsentencestructureandfanfictionbeautylikethis
OMG been there! In my case I just replaced the keyboard, because it was on my desktop computer. If this is a laptop, it's not so easy - it might be time to call in the professionals.

Good luck, and let us know how it works out!