NAME : jang in na 
 na na // short form for inna // family and friends
cosmos princess // because she the chaebol of one of the biggest technology company // reporters
BIRTHDAY : dec 17 1994 (24)
OCCUPATION : COSMOS Corps marketing VP 
PROFANITY : she curse only when she is angry or in pain.
korean // very fluent
chinese // fluent 
english // fluent

FACECLAIM : dilireba dilmurat
BACKUP : hannah quinlivan 

APPEARANCE : she has a belly button piercing (which her parents does not know about) 
STYLE : inna's wardrobe

(+); cheerful. kind. enthusiastic. determined.
(=); forgetful. absentminded.
(-); nosy. messy. lazy. talkative. 
hogwarts house; hufflepuff
PERSONALITY : inna is a very cheerful girl. she is always smiling and laughing. when asked before why is she always smiling, she once said that she believes that smiling to others could somehow help someone get through their day even if it's just a small gesture. she is also a kind person. she loves helping others and would always do her best to help those who are in need.
inna is a "look on a bright side" kind of person and whenever a problem arises, she will remain optimistic and look for solution. "if one door closes, just find another. if there are no doors, find a window!" she says.
this girl is also very very easily hype about anything and everything, even when it comes to things she has never encountered before, like trying new activities, she will always be very enthusiastic. she is also a very determined person, "never say never" attitude and she hates giving up halfway. 

inna however, is like a nosy homemaker who loves to find her neighbours and take part in their gossip. though she is not the type to spread news about others but she do love sticking her nose into people's lives.
someone please put a duct tape on this girl's mouth please because she can talk non stop. like i mean, she could go on and on forever. on certain occasions, it's bound to be bothersome and annoying. for example if she's feeling awkward, nervous or anxious, she'll babble non-stop. she does it without realizing and people do find it quite annoying and wishes she could just shut up for a moment. inna is also lazy as well. she hates doing chores. whenever it comes to something she dislikes, she becomes lazy and is always reluctant to do or participate. she is also a very messy person, mind you, do not ever step into her room, you'll probably get lost with all her dirty laundry on the floor which annoys her mom all the time. 

she is also a very forgetful and absentminded person. she sort of have STM (short term memory) and forget things easily. and yes that includes important things. there was a time where she forgot bring important documents to a meeting with a client and so she ended up being yelled at by her mother. since then, she carries a notebook around to keep track of important stuff and dates. even when she is not at work, she uses a mobile app to help her remember stuff. her memory is just that bad and apparently eating ginko nuts didn't help much for her. 
likes // chocolates. edm & pop music. k dramas. beaches and oceans. food. soju. red color. 
dislikes // coconut. rain. jazz music. sci fi movies 
habits // pouting when no one listens to her talk. singing in the shower. dancing when she gets drunk. 
hobbies // netflix. yoga. cooking. baking.
✤ she is foodie, so she loves eating 
✤ she hardly gain weight because of her high metebolism 
✤ she gets drunk only after four glasses. 
✤ she had a boyfriend before but broke up because the dude only liked her for her money
✤ not a but had only once with her then boyfriend 
✤ she needs to have a glass of warm milk before sleeping
✤ she is allergic to peanuts 
✤ she needs to have a latte in the morning 
✤ she loves planning parties 
✤ she can play the flute and piano but stopped when she went to university
✤ she stopped learning ballet when she was eight because she finds it boring 
✤ the only chores that she don't mind doing would be wahsing of dishes
✤ because she loves eating, she loves cooking too 
✤ she learned to cook when she was studying abroad for uni 
✤ she is quite good at it as well 
✤ she loves cooking korean and western food 
✤ her specialty is kimchi fried rice & tomato pasta
✤ she learned chinese when she was younger from her mother who wanted her to stay close to her chinese roots 
✤ she learned english when she went to new york

BACKGROUND : jang inna was born on 17 december 1994 to a korean father and a chinese mother. she was born in seoul. she has a older brother. though inna grew up in a wealthy family, she isn't overly spoiled like those rich girls you see on tv. unlike the rich girls who love buying branded goods, inna doesn't really do much of those, probably due to the fact that her parents kept her grounded since young, trying not to overly spoil them. she is someone who loves discounts and promotions. 

since young however, she grew up learning different skills such as musical instruments and ballet. she is also the heiress of COSMOS CORPS, an advanced technology company that was founded by her parents. along with her older brother, she is expected to take over the company one day. because she is a chaebol and the only daughter, she is always surrounded by paparazzis, however being the kind person she is, no matter how annoying it gets, she try not to lash out at them. 

though she is often lazy, she is actually quite smart. at the age of 18, she enrolled into new york university, majoring in business. at the age of 22, she graduated with a degree and came back to korea to start working at COSMOS. now at the age of 24, she is actually managing with her work well, which seems to pleased her parents. 


JANG DONG HAN // 50 // FATHER // calm. decisive. sensitive. (fc: lee byung hun)

INTERACTIONS : inna's the ultimate daddy's girl. dong han love his daughter alot. if it weren't for his wife's nagging and stern scolding, he would have over spoiled inna when she was young already. ultimate father and daughter pairing, inna is always giving her father hugs which he loves. even though at work he is very serious and intimidating, when it comes to inna, his heart melts. he's definitely the type of dad who would cry at his daughter's wedding and so he did. lol.

*15 minutes to the wedding*
"oh my god dad, what if i trip while walking down the aisle? what if i make a fool out of myself? what if i stumbled over my words? what if i-"
"hush nana, listen to appa, i'll be holding you carefully alright? you're going to be fine."
"...*breathes out* thank you appa.." *inna hugs her father* 

CHEN WEN XUAN // 45 // MOTHER // determined. strict. hardworking. (fc: li bing bing) 

INTERACTIONS : if her husband is the good person, she's the bad person at home. a tigress mom, she is very strict to her kids and husband. because she came from a poor family, she made sure to keep her children grounded when they were young. which explain why inna isn't really interested in dressing up and designer goods even though their household has the ability to have them.  wen xuan is inna's role model in terms of determination. inna knew how her mother and father had worked really hard to built COSMOS and so she wants to be like her mother, a woman who never gives up no matter what happens.

"inna ah, did you bring Mr Lee's proposal report?"
"...erm.. hold on.." *inna rummage through her bag* 
"nana ah, please tell me you remember to brought it!" *her mother crosses her arms*
"....found it! YAY!! see ma, I BROUGHT IT!! HEHE" *inna jumps up and down, holding the file* 
*her mother shakes her head*  

JANG IN WOOK // 28 // BROTHER // reserved. kind. quiet. (fc: ma tian yu)

INTERACTIONS : in wook is the opposite of inna. he is more meek and more quiet. usually in the house it is always inna talking the most, he would always be the one listening and entertaining her. though he looks weak, he is kind of strong and is very protective of his younger sister. he is the only one who can tolerate inna's messy and talkative personality. inna love her oppa a lot but she would sometimes 'bully' him into doing things for her lol.

"oppa!! i heard you and wendy are going kayaking this weekend!"
"you don't even kayak"
"hey i'm your only little sister, if you can't even do this little small thing for your sister, what kind of brother are you! if you don't bring me i'm gonna tell dad and he'll come after you and then -"
"OKAY OKAY, I'LL BRING YOU. just shush please!"

WENDY SON // 24 // BEST FRIEND // bubbly. shy. generous. 

INTERACTIONS : inna's best friend and childhood friend, the pair are like sisters. because inna doesn't have a sister, she treasures wendy a lot. they do everything together and tell each other anything and everything. fun fact, wendy is also in wook's girlfriend. let's just say inna is quite a good matchmaker.

"jang inna! how could you not tell me you're getting married?! if i didn't hear from wook oppa, will i still be kept in the dark?!"
"sorry wendy.. it was quite a rush decision" *inna sheepishly smile* 
".. arranged marriage! can you live with it?"
"if it helps mom and dad with COSMOS, then i could, it's a plus point!" 

KANG WOO SUNG // 48 // FATHER IN LAW // charismatic. aloof. stubborn. (fc: jung woosung)

INTERACTIONS : inna and her father in law isn't that close. however, inna always acts as a mediator between woo sung and daniel because the two tend to argue and fight whenever they meet. 

"father, i'm sure daniel doesn't mean what he said earlier on. he's just a little tired today -"
"thank you inna ah for speaking up for him.. but he's my son, i know what he's like.."

CHOI JI WOO // 42 // MOTHER IN LAW // caring. quiet. submissive. 

INTERACTIONS : jiwoo definitely wins best mother in law award. she cares a lot for inna. always scolding daniel in making sure he takes care of her.

"is daniel taking care of you? don't hesitate toscold him if he does something wrong alright?" *ji woo smiles*
"hehe, yes mother, don't worry!" *inna grins* 




"a source close to the two giants of the industry said that there might be a upcoming marriage between the heirs of COSMOS and TECH INC! more to be revealed soon!"


to be honest, inna was kind of indifferent when her parents broke the news about an arranged marriage between her and TECH INC chaebol. it was her brother instead, who was disagreeing to the marriage. he felt it was ridiculous to marry his sister off to some dude who do not have exactly a good reputation (as a future husband). but inna didn't mind because firstly, she knew that it would help COSMOS alot and this could ease her parent's burdens, and two, the marriage won't last so she won't be stuck forever. 

daniel felt the same. as long as he gets to go out and club (since he knows his wife to be probably won't care) and not be in the same house as his dad, he's fine with anything. 

so there you have it, the Jangs and Kangs decided to meet to discuss the wedding arrangements etc. that was when daniel and inna first met.

"hello, my name's jang in na." *inna smiles as she reach her hand out for a shake* 
"hi, i am kang daniel" daniel smirked as he shook inna's hand.

*this is gonna be fun..* both of them thought as they sat down with their parents. 


when inna first saw daniel, she was kinda captivated by how handsome he was. but she knew what kind of guy he is since she did read some reports on him. sure, he was handsome, but she didn't feel anything else. it was more of a "meh" feeling.

daniel was kinda awed by inna when he first saw her.
unlike other ladies who immediately oogled at him or just try to get his attention someway somehow, inna didn't really pay much attention to him, it was obvious that she was just there because of her parents.   


"a spokesperson from COSMOS has said that Miss Jang In Na, also known as the cosmos princess, will be getting married to TECH INC's Mr Kang Daniel, who is also known for his playboy acts.

A fellow spokesperson from TECH INC has confirm this news as well. We quote "the upcoming wedding between Miss Jang and Mr Kang will be held next month. We are delighted to share the news and hope that this could bring COSMOS and TECH INC closer." Though some are indeed surprised by the news considering that there were no reports of the two chaebols dating, however, this do signify a change between the longtime rivalry between COSMOS and TECH INC." 


"just three days before the upcoming wedding between COSMOS and TECH INC's chaebols, kang daniel was spotted leaving a club in hongdae with a girl in his arms! and it's not his fiancee, jang in na! looks like kang daniel's playboy ways are not going to change anytime soon! will the wedding still happen? hmm!"

daniel's parents were infuriated when the article came out. they were embarassed especially when the wedding date was nearer. daniel was nonchalent about it but promised to be more careful as he knew his dad would cut him off from the inheritance if he fked up again. inna was cool about it and she even defended daniel in front of his parents by stating that she's alright with him hanging out with other girls and that she's sure he would be more careful about it. (this girl is too kind bless her omg)


the wedding was HUGE. hosted in the most expensive hotel in seoul, there were about 700 guests or more whom are mostly clients. Everything about it was grand. Because TECH INC was paying most of it, they wanted everything to be the best.

And that includes inna's gown, hair and makeup artists. She had three gowns, all custom made by designer brands. Two hair and makeup artists constantly fussing over her the whole time. She wasn't comfortable with the attention she was gettting but hey since it was her wedding and there were dancing and music, she was happy. 

Compared to her, daniel was mostly flirting with the ladies at the wedding if not at the bar getting shots to drink with his buddies. Because it was a private wedding and reporters were not allowed inside, he kinda just did whatever he wanted. 

The "couple" only stayed together during the ceremony. After which, the pair kinda just did their own thing lol. 





if you thought that their wedding night would be awkward af, you thought wrong! their first night together as a married couple ended up with daniel being drunk and knocked out on the bed with inna taking care of him (cause she's just so kind).

*inna plops drunken daniel down on the bed*
"..aigoo.. you're really heavy!"
*daniel slurs before proceeding to fall asleep*
"you know.. you are really handsome.. i know every girl out there would die to marry you.. it's a pity that you're a playboy.. if not i would definitely fall for you."


for their two weeks honeymoon, the married couple spent the first week in the maldives before spending another week in bora bora. the chosen destinations are due to the pair love for oceans. 

"WOW!! look at that!! the water is so blue and clear!!"
*inna jumps up and down in excitement* 
"you've never been here before?" 
"nah.. didn't have the time, too busy helping my parents, work at the office is just too busy and therés just so MANY THING TO DO!"
"well, now you have two weeks to enjoy the sea!" *daniel chuckled as he watch inna ran closer to the water* 

*she's cute.. definitely different from other girls..* 

the pair spend the two weeks of honeymoon getting to know each other. though there were no romantic feelings involved.. yet, but they still had fun, like two friends on a holiday together. and no, the two did not consumnate their marriage... yet. 

DAILY LIFE TOGETHER (married for 5 months)

after the honeymoon, the two moved in together at a upscale apartment in gangnam where it basically lives the rich and famous. they have a partime housemaid who does the cleaning and other stuff (i mean hey they're super rich) for the first three months of their married life, nothing really stood out tbh. it was more of roomates living together rather than a married couple. 

the two slept in different rooms and lived their own lives. of course there are at times where inna would be cooking and conversing with daniel, who's paying attention and at the same time texting other girls.

speaking of which, inna doesn't really mind. because she knows that this is an arranged marriage and they're both not in love with each other, so he is allowed to hang out with other girls. but she tells him to be careful and to make sure no reporters caught him if not their parents will come after them.

"please be careful though, our parents are going to come after us if there's another article about you at a club, again."
"don't worry! i'll be suuuuuuper careful heh"

after three months of marriage, that's where the baby questions started popping out. not just their parents but reporters as well. everyone was wondering when a little baby will arrive for the chaebols. inna and daniel would usually sheepishly smile and not answer them because how could there be a baby when they didn't even have yet lol. 

daniel being his playful self would sometimes attempt to seduce inna, baiting her to spend the night in his room. but to his dismay, inna doesn't seem affected by it and does not take him seriously. 

"inna ah.." daniel slowly moved his hands, touhcing inna's back. 
"yes?" inna continued to watch her favorite k drama on tv. 
"since everyone is asking us about babies.. why don't you spend the night with me tonight?" daniel smirked as he go nearer to her face, hoping she would blush and become nervous. 
"heh, no thank you. i'd like to spend the night with song joong ki instead!! he's so handsome and perfect and is just the most ethreal human being on earth!!!" inna giggled and pointed at the tv while pushing daniel away. 
"..." daniel was stunned as no girl had rejected him before lol. 

it is only at their fifth month of marriage, that's when things started changing between the two. daniel's heart condition acted up (he somehow got into a fight with one of his ex girlfriend's boyfriend who hated him) and he had to be brought to the hospital. inna panicked when she heard about it and she rushed down and spend the night acompanying him there. throughout his week stay at the hospital, inna was by his side, making food for him and feeding him, making sure he was comfortable etc. 

daniel saw how inna took care of him and for the first time, it made his heart soft. he had never encounter any girl like her before. it was strange, he felt weird, is this what you call love, he wondered. 

"hey.. you're awake, how are you feeling? any pain? do you want me to call the doctor? or are you thirsty? do you want some warm water? or tea?" 
*inna propped a pilow behind daniel and hold him as he sat up*
"i'm okay.. did you go home last night?"
"yes.. and i bought you something to eat.. well not bought as in buy, but like i cooked it. and erm, hopefully it's nice cause i always think my cooking is nice.. well anyway, here you go."
*inna opened up the hot flask and started feeding daniel*
daniel smile as he opened his mouth. he stared at inna, wondering why he never saw how beautiful she is. much more beautiful from all the other girls he was with. 

ever since the hospital moment, daniel started feeling weird around inna. he started paying more attention when she babbled her day away or when she cooks. he stopped texting other girls and devoted his attention onto her. he started turning into a shy guy whenever she smiles at him. with just a little touch of her hand on his shoulder and he would start blushing. 

he was damn sure, he's in love with his wife now. but he didn't know what to do because she wasn't in love with him. 

"... hello daniel ah?" *inna waved her hand in front of his face*
".. uh yeah?" 
"do i have something on my face..? why are you staring at me like that?" *inna touches her face* 
"oh.. uh no.. it's just that.. you're so beautiful." daniel blushes as he looks down. 
"heh bet you say that to other girls but thank you" inna chuckled
true, he did say that to other girls but it was the first time he meant it. 

inna didn't show it, but when daniel told her she's beautiful, she almost went crazy. truth be told, she didn't feel anything abnormal for her husband, not until the day he was admitted to the hospital. when she saw him lying on the bed, looking lifeless, being very pale, her heart ache. she had always seen daniel, the charming guy, the jokester but it was the first time she saw his weak side. it compelled her to take care of him. it made her soften, for him. 

inna knew she was falling for him and that meant trouble because afterall, he was a notorious playboy. he goes after y women, not a boring girl like her.


the most obvious problem would be daniel and his playboy ways. even though his heart is starting to soften up for his wife, that doesn't mean he's able to quit his clubbing and playboy ways. with lots of reporters always following him, waiting to write something dirty about him, it's going to affect his and inna's marriage one day.


weekdays // she goes to work from 9AM to 5PM, give or take, since she is the marketing VP. though she always stick to the normal working hours because she does not want to abuse her status of being the chaebol. 

she gets along well with her colleagues and her subordinates, they all love her because even though she is the boss's daughter, she doesn't act haughty or mean.

in the evening after work, she would sometimes go and have dinner with her best friend, wendy, if not she will go home and whip up a meal. 

she spends her free time doing yoga, watching korean dramas or just going out for a drink. 

weekends // she sleeps in during the weekends. after which sometimes she will hang out with wendy to shop or catch a movie.

sometimes if she is free, she would personally go out and do groceries. (rather than the housemaid doing it) 

she spends sunday nights at her parents place to have dinner with her family. 


weekdays // like inna, he works from 9AM to 5PM on the weekdays. sometimes he might call in sick if he doesn't feel like going to work. but he tries not to do it often becauase his dad will come after and that would upset his mother again. 

the people at TECH INC dislike him because he is hardly serious at work. however, the ladies are all over him and is always offering to do his work for him. 

after work, he will always end up at a club or one of his friend's house party. always ends up getting drunk at the end of the day for 2/5 days of the week.

before getting married, he will always spend the night at some girl's place. however, after getting married, he'll try not to spend the night out. (out of respect for his wife)

weekends // spends the weekend doing moderate exercises such as jogging. sometimes he would hang out with some of his friends or on some days he would volunteer at a cat shelter. when he stays at home he would be playing video games.

he spends saturday nights going to his parent's house for dinner (as much as does not want to see his dad).


both confessing their love for each other + BABIES OMG  

✤ they have not kissed each other on the lips yet 
✤ during the wedding, daniel only kissed inna's cheek
✤ the most skinship that they had was just holding hands 
✤ they act lovey dovey only when they are in public together (holding of hands, waists, shoulders) 
✤ no matter how much of a player he was, daniel still acts as a gentlemen especially towards inna 
✤ he holds the door for her, holding her hands when she is in heels, making sure she is walking in the inner side of the pathway beside a road etc 
✤ inna is always the one killing the insetcs in the house because daniel is always the one standing on the bed and screaming
✤ inna teaches daniel how to cook whenever they both are free at home 
✤ does couple yoga together along with inna's brother and her best friend 
✤ double dates with in wook and wendy
✤ daniel learning chinese from inna
✤ sometimes the pair would start conversing with each other in english 
✤ the most attractive couple at a business event 
✤ inna accidentally walked into the bathroom when daniel was showeirng, forgetting that he was in there (the door wasn't lock lmao)
✤ and so inna saw daniel's everthing OOHLALA
✤ they both ended up screaming with inna running out and daniel trying to cover his ahem
✤ inna was kinda impressed though by dan's ya know hehe
✤ cause it was much more impressive than her ex lmao 
✤ one time they were watching a movie  at home together when inna accidentally grazed her hand along dan's thigh 
✤ low and behold when the movie ended, dan was looking very suspicious and was covering his crotch
✤ inna knew what was up (GET IT?! lmao) and pretend she didn't see it 
✤ dan proceeded to stand up slowly before running to his room 
✤ leaving inna giggling lol poor dan
✤ dan gets jealous when he sees other guys staring hungrily at inna especially at formal business events 
✤ cause ya know that's his wife
✤ the jealousy became more intense when he started to fall for her
✤ daniel will sometimes bring inna to a cat cafe and a cat shelter to volunteer together 
✤ inna heart eyes when she sees daniel and cats interacting together 
✤ daniel poured his heart out to inna about his anger towards his father
✤ ended up in him crying and inna consoling him by hugging and pulling him to her chest

✤ their housemaid will always be very stress because the two of them are very messy 
✤ on saturday nights, they will go over to daniel's parents house for dinner
✤ on sunday nights, they will then go over to inna's parents for dinner

✤ dan's pet names for inna: honey, wifey, nana
✤ inna's pet names for daniel: husband



BACKUP : monsta x i.m 
niel // short for daniel // mother 
chaebol hottie // because he is one of the most handsome chaebol ever // fangirls & reporters
mr kang playboy // his reputation as a playboy // reporters

BIRTHDAY : dec 10 1994 (24)
OCCUPATION : operations VP for TECH INC
PROFANITY : curse only when he is angry
(+); charismatic. eloquent. persuasive
(-); playful. spendthrift. messy.  
hogwarts house; ravenclaw
PERSONALITY : one word: playboy. this chaebol is the ultimate playboy. he loves his girls. different one each week. super charismatic which is why girls fall at his feet. he is also very spendthrift. since he has everything since young, he doesn't really know the meaning of saving money. so he loves spending his money on high end restaurants, diamonds and pearls for his girlfriends etc. of course designer suits and shirts as well. 
very playful guy, he loves playing pranks on people. especially in the office to people whom he dislike, he will always pull a prank and embarassed them in front of other people. his main prank targets are usually the old shareholders (cause they dislike daniel even though he's the son of the CEO) this causes a lot of chaos in the office and his father would be so angry but hey YOLO right? plus daniel's also doing this to spite his dad.  
he cannot stick to the same routine  and gets bored easily which is why he finds it hard working for his dad. when he gets angry (which is hardly cause of his heart), he tend to get a bit violent and uncontrollable. but he is hardly an angry guy. when he is upset though, he tends to ignore the people around him and just coop up in his room. 
BACKGROUND : kang daniel, born on the 10th of december 1994. born into a wealthy family and being the only son (he has a younger sister), whatever he wants, he gets. vastly different from how inna was raised. his father and uncle is the founder of TECH INC, one of the biggest technology company in the industry as well. TECH INC is COSMOS rival too.

at the age of 13, he caught his father kissing his secretary in the office. it turns out his mother had already knew about the affair but chose not to divorce because it would affect daniel. since then daniel disliked his father for the way he treated his mom. he had wanted to move out and live on his own but for the sake of his mother, he continued living with his parents. 

at the age of 18, he went and studied in the university of london. after which he returned to work at TECH INC, as much as he didn't want to. but because of his mother, he obliged. he is exempted from national service because of a medical condition.
likes // edm music. wine. clubbing. oceans and beaches. cats
dislikes // seafood. horror movies. insects. 
habits // biting his nails when he is nervous. smirking when he charms girls. 
hobbies // wine tasting. playing video games. reading comics. 
✤ he was dignosed with a heart condition  when he was sixteen
✤ he could get a minor heart attack if his heart is being stressed out
✤ thus he avoids over strenous exercise and so he keeps it to the minimum 
✤ definitely not a  
✤ he had about six ex girlfriends 
✤ his longest relationship was three months 
✤ shortest was for a week 
✤ spends money like crazy 
✤ he knows girls want him only for his money 
✤ but he doesnt mind since they are gorgeous 
✤ hardly get along with his dad
✤ loves his mother more 
✤ he learned taekwondo and jujitsu when he was younger before his heart condition
✤ he loves cats so much but he couldn't keep one at home because of his mother's allergy to the fur so he plays with cats at a cafe or at a shelter 
✤ he is super scared of insects, would always scream and run away
✤ his thighs are super sensitive 

✤ he secretly love babies  
NICKNAME : britz
COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS : i tried.. hope everything's alright!! :D 
✤ inna and daniel cooking together
✤ daniel teaching inna how to play video games 
✤ couple yoga together?? 
✤ babies questions from parents 
✤ DANIEL AND INNA MAKE LOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME YOOOO after they confess to each other (no need for explicit scenes lmao but like just an indication) 
✤ jealous daniel 
✤ jealous inna (YAS) when she sees girls all over him 
✤ daniel protecting inna from paparazzis (you know like how david beckham always hold victoria hands so tightly when they are getting away from paps??? heh)



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