fyona zhang 
( iheartswag/ britz / 9 / イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : zhang ying na, fyona
( nicknames ) : 
xiao na / means "little na" / family and friends
jie / "sister" in chinese / younger brother 
( date of birth / age ) : 17 • 12 • 1994 (24)
( birthplace ) : california, usa
( hometown ) : shanghai, china
( ethnicity ) : chinese american
( languages ) : 
chinese / native language / very fluent
english / native language / fluent
( height ) : 163 cm
( weight ) : 54 kg
the face
( fc ) : dilereba dilmurat
( backup fc ) : hannah quinlivan
( appearance ) : - 

( style ) : ying na loves very casual style. she isn't particular about her dressing as long as she feels very comfortable. which is why she loves denims a lot. she is also not a fan of heels because it is uncomfortable, thus she loves flats or slip ons. check out ying na's closet
the deep end
"laughter is the best medicine!"
( persona ) : miss sunshine || ying na is your ray of sunshine, bringing laughter and smiles to everyone whom she meets. 
( personality traits ) : cheerful. optimistic. enthusiastic. kind
clumsy. nosy. talkative. lazy.
enfp | hufflepuff 
( elaboration ) : ying na is a very cheeful girl. she is always smiling and laughing. when asked before why is she always smiling, she once said that she believes that smiling to others could somehow help someone get through their day even if it's just a small gesture. she is also a kind person. she loves helping others and would always do her best to help those who are in need. ying na is a "look on a bright side" kind of person and whenever a problem arises, she will remain optimistic and look for solution. "if one door closes, just find another. if there are no doors, find a window!" she says. this girl is also very very easily hype about things she gets excited about. for example she loves parties and surprises, she gets very hype about it. she loves concerts as well and you will see her screaming her lungs off which always result in a loss of her voice the next day lol. but she doesn't mind. 
ying na, however, is super clumsy. she trips and fall very easily omg. like she could even trip while walking even when there is nothing on the floor that could cause her to fall except her own legs sigh. this girl gets hurt because of her clumsiness so easily. she is also somewhat a nosy person. she is like a nosy homemaker who loves to find her neighbours and take part in their gossip as well. though she is not the type to spread news about others but she do love sticking her nose into people's lives. someone please put a duct tape on this girl's mouth please because she can talk non stop. like i mean, she could go on and on forever. she is a very good talker and is very witty. but some people do find it quite annoying though. ying na is also lazy as well. she hates doing chores. whenever it comes to something she dislikes, she becomes lazy and is always reluctant to do or participate. 
( background ) : zhang ying na was born on the 17 of december, 1994, in los angeles, california. she was born to an american mother and a chinese father, she has a younger brother who is 5 years younger than her. born to a middle class family, ying na had a fairly normal life. her father was a university professor whereas her mother was a housewife. however, because of her asian looks and half asian ethnicity, she was often looked down upon and made fun of, in elementary school. but ying na, being the usual optimist, didn't complained much and believed that as long as she still treat her classmates kindly, they'll like her. however in 2004, when ying na was 10 years old, her family along with ying na and her little brother, decided to move to shanghai, china, because her father was to be transfered to a university there. 

initially ying na had a hard time adjusting due to the unfamiliar environment, but she is able to settle in quite fast after getting used to speaking more chinese. she felt more comfortable at school as everyone was like her and she loved it. the family of four is a seemingly close knitted family and though there are fights at times however, the zhangs are still very bonded. currently, ying na is a student at shanghai university, majoring in journalism. 
( family and friends ) : 

PAPA ZHANG / philip zhang / 48 / ying na and her father are quite close. a charismatic professor, he turns into a playful dad at home. he is always teasing his children and love playing pranks on them. ying na enjoys interacting with her dad and doesn't mind his dad jokes. in fact, she loves them. she and her father are always teaming up to mess with her younger brother, much to his annoyance. since ying na is his only daughter, he is quite protective of her. he's the type of father who would definitely cry at her wedding. (fc: daniel wu)

mama zhang / avery mckenzie / 45 / ying na is more afraid of her mother compared to her dad tbh. since young, her mother has always been the tigress in the house, in charge of disciplining and well, being the bad person at home lol. but, ying na love going to her mother whenever she faces troubles. she got her optimism from her mother as well. (fc: amy acker)

younger brother zhang / leon zhang ying he / 19 / ying na and her brother have the typical sibling relationships. tbh, if you saw them in real life, you'd think ying na was the younger one. this is because ying na is always the hyper one who can't stop talking, whereas her brother is more of the quiet and studious type. which is why ying na loves teasing her brother and playing pranks on him. because he's the youngest, she takes that to her advantage and sometimes make him do things for her when she feels lazy. like asking him to wash her dishes or taking the laundry out lol. but ying he still does it reluctantly as much as he finds it annoying, he still love his big sister. he will always go to her whenever he is upset or troubled because she will always manage to cheer him up with her funny antics. (fc: wang jun kai)

best friend / chen xiao juan / 24 / also studying in shanghai university, xiao juan and ying na has been best friends since their middle school days. xiao juan was the first friend ying na made when she moved to shanghai. they do everything together including fangirling over kpop stars. (fc: wu qian)
( trivia ) : 
likes; chocolates. rollercoasters. parties. horror movies. kpop. beer. puppies.  
dislikes; coconut. sci fi movies. insects. jazz music. getting ignored. 
habits; singing in the shower. screaming when she's excited. dancing when she is drunk. 
hobbies; watching dramas online. going onto kpop forums and writing threads. reading fanfics.
• she has a special and rare blood type called the rh negative blood (panda blood)
• thus whenever she has some accident (due to her clumsiness), her family always panic
 • she is intrested in journalism because she loves writing 
• she is a senior in her university 
• she get drunk after three or four glasses of beer
• she has never been to korea before 
• she loves singing karaoke to destress herself 
• when she is drunk, she not only dances, but she will start hugging and kissing people
• she loves vanilla latte
• she has to always drink a cup of warm milk before bed 
• when she fangirls, she'll always be screaming and jumping up and down 
the interview
"OH. my. god. i just saw that comeback mv and i died."
( how and when did you get into kpop? ) : ying na started grinning, getting excited about the interview. "i started liking kpop when i was in high school! my best friend started showing me music videos of several boybands like super junior, shinee, big bang etc.. that's when i started loving kpop!!"
( how long have you been into monsta x, especially i.m? ) : ying na starts giggling as her bias was mentioned. "i started liking monsta x after their song 'hero' came out. so it has been about a year..? since then i started watching their videos.. and started liking i.m because he's just so cute! like a cheeky puppy!"
( how did you find out about sbs' online contest? ) : "i followed sbs on their social media, so i saw their posting about the contest."
( how did you feel when sbs contacted you to let you know you were one of the lucky winners? ) : "i screamed!!! duh!!!! super excited!!!!!!" 
( how was your first meeting with i.m? ) : ying na smiled as she recalled their first meeting. "It went exactly how I thought it would be. it wasn't awkward and it was nice as he acted like a gentleman even though i'm older than him heh"

as you spend more time with your idol in person, do you ever feel disappointed that maybe he/she was not the perfect person you expected them to be? why? ) : "not really. i mean they are still humans so they're bound to have flaws. though there are sometimes where he surprises me but in a good way."

after your 100 days is over, you will go back to your home country and your everyday life. how do you predict you will feel and what will you do? ) : ying na pouts. "i don't think i could even function for a week after i go home." she makes a sad face. "but of course i do hope that i will be able to forge a friendship with him after hundred days.. and make nice memories!" she smiles. 
the romance
( love interest ) : monsta x i.m 
( backup ) : ikon b.i
( nicknames ) : 
kukkung / cause he look like a puppy / s 
maknae / youngest of the group / s
( date of birth / age ) : 26 • 01 • 1996 (22)
( on-cam ) : he loves playing pranks and love making puns and cold jokes here and there. because he is the youngest in the group, he is a little immature and is always hyperactive. he loves running around and having fun everywhere. 
( off-cam ) : he is actually super caring and considerate. feeling cold? he'll prolly give you his jacket. feeling hungry? he'll share his snacks with you. though he is always very hyper, there are at times where he will want to have some alone time and just be super quiet. 
( first meeting ) : when ying na and i.m first met, both were super shy towards each other. it wasn't awkward. they were just shy. well, i,m was more shy compared to ying na. ying na was the one who reached out to i.m first and since she's a chatterbox, she was able to break the ice fast. i.m was very shy towards ying na and he was a little surprised by how she kept chatting as he could see she was making an effort in breaking the ice between the two of them. but he didn't mind her chatter because he liked it that she was initiative. 

( interactions ) : communicating with one another was not a problem since both of them could speak english. though there are at times where ying na will blurt out a few korean phrases here and there which i.m finds it cute. i.m also requested ying na to teach him a few chinese phrases as well. i.m was a gentleman towards ying na as well, he even blushed when ying na complimented him. 

both of them got a long well due to their almost similar personalities, such as their love for parties and easily getting hype about stuff. their favorite bonding activity would be drinking together. but of course not until the point where they both get drunk lol. 
( status ) : friends
the goodbye
( comments ) : hope i filled in everything correctly!! ^^
( questions / concerns ) : -
( scene suggestions ) : 
• ying na tripping and i.m rushing to hold her
• ying na and i.m taking a selfie and sending it to her family who then teases her 
• shy i.m 
• i.m putting his coat over ying na's shoulders when she is cold 
( password ) : 幸运
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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