Whiskas and Blackie - Character Application


☞ User Information ☜

AFF User Name: addictedtoyourlove

AFF Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/90963


☞ Information about You ☜

Character’s Name: Ryu Nayoung

Nickname(s): Na-Na. Yongi.

Age & Birthday: 20 years old. Born 14 February.

Blood Type: B

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea

Hometown: Incheon, South Korea

Height: 169cm

Weight: 53kg


☞ Beautiful You ☜

Name the ulzzang for your appearance: Min Hyo Sun

Links: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4klhqyQST1qbu1tso1_400.jpg

Back-Up Ulzzang: Kim Da Hyun

Links: http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvk53nNjI61r5xj03o1_500.jpg


☞ Famous You ☜

Which group; Whiskas (But Blackies if it's easier for you >_<)

Stage Name: NaYoung.

Persona: Calm Kitten, Charismatic Leapord, Quiet Panther.

Position(s): Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist ||| Jack of all trades, Centre ||| Sub Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper.

Aside from being the singer, rank the extra positions from 1 to 4: 1 - Model. ||| 2 - Variety Person. ||| 3 - CF Model / Actress. |||| 4 - Active Sporty Girl.

Fanclub You: Youngsters.

Fanclub colour: Indigo.


☞ Flawless You ☜

Personality: Nayoung is someone that always trys her best to stay calm and hates losing her cool composure. She keeps things bottled up inside her and get stressed frequently. On the outside she seems charismatic but on the inside she's a real dork. She can be quite quiet around others but sometimes has sudden moments of loudness. She likes have a wide range of variety, hence why she has her position in the group. She gets along with others sometimes but doesn't like having to take responsibility so therefore is grateful that she wasn't put as the leader for the group. Also, she can be quite greedy, not wanting to share her food if she has brought it out of her own money or other peoples money. Romance-wise, she is a soppy romantic but thinks that the boy should make the first move and can be difficult at times to impress. Speaking of boys; her ideal type is a rapper / vocalist who can surprise and impress her and is also very romantic and sweet - not a bad boy. One thing she hates is over excessive cuteness in others - even if it in boys. When it comes to food she is very fussy, not eating most vegetables like mushrooms or leeks and hates flavours like lemongrass and ginger. 

Languages: Korean - Fluent. English - Basic. Chinese - Fluent.

Talents: Baking cinammon swirls (the only thing she can cook), Copying dances, Singing low notes, Hurdle running.

Singing voice link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7eQrhNOnmU

Rapping link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MMXO4RiiRU

Dancing link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pxF5pSOKEw


☞ Like it or not ☜

Likes: Cinammon Swirls, Snow, Rapping, Music, Cloudy Days, Food, Eating, Singing, Staying Calm, Being able to perform.

Dislikes: Sour foods, Lemon, Lime, Most Vegetables, Having to share things, Overexcessive aegyo, Sunny Weather, Storms, Rain, Insects, Fire.

Habits: in her cheeks when bored or thinking. Cracking her knuckles if annoyed or bored. Tapping her finger when she gets excited. Shacking her leg if she feels the need to dance. Fiddling with her hair randomly. Biting her nails.

Hobbies: Baking food. Learning other groups dances. Listening to music. Reading books.  Singing / Rapping.

Trivia: She's fairly smart when it comes to maths. Her favourite rappers are Miryo and CL. Her favourite colour is indigo. Her favourite drink is coffee but she prefers it sweet and creamy - preferably a frappucino. She can't stand to go near flames.


☞ Background History About You ☜

Family History: Nayoung is around two to three years older than her younger sisters. She was born in Incheon and they lived there for two years with just her and her parents before moving to China for around two years which is when Hwayoung and Hyoyoung were born. As a child the three of them were very close and she was extremly protective of her younger siblings, never letting anyone insult them without them seeing harsh consequences. This made others think Nayoung was umma like she she grew out of in her teen years as she realised that they didn't really need her to protect them. In school she did have a large amount of friends but didn't speak much due to her personality. Hwayoung and Hyoyoung were scouted as trainees earlier than Nayoung was; despite the fact that she herself was older than both of them. However, finally after having just turned 17 she was recruited by TOP Media and has trained under there ever since. She did consider going for other entertainments though, like DSP or YG. She is glad that she did not audition for Core Contents Media as she would have gotten fed up with seeing the twins so much and since they all had similar talents they would be rivals for spots in groups. 

Parents: Ryu Soohyun, Father, 49, Scultper; He's very carefree and relaxed, always wanting the best for his three daughters even if he does get fed up with them occasionally. Ryu Byunmi, Mother, 50, Fruit Juice maker and seller; Due to her low paying job she has always been pushing the three of them to get high paying jobs so wasn't happy at first when they chose to become trainees / idols.

Siblings: Ryu Hwayoung, Younger Sister, Member of T-ara; She is the twin of Hyoyoung and the brighter and more confident one but onstage is feirce - Nayoung tends to argue more with her. Ryu Hyoyoung, Younger Sister, Member of 5Dolls; She is the twin of Hwayoung and the more docile, calm and quiet one of the two which naturally means that Nayoung gets along better with her.

Relatives: I don't have any relative.


☞ Trainee Lifestyle ☜

How did you get in: She auditioned for TOP Media through an email. From there she auditioned for the company and was accepted.

How long have you been trained: 4 years.

Lifestyle of being a trainee: She would wake up in the morning feeling groggy with her muscles and body being stiff and sore. For breakfast she would have something simple but filling like fruit and toast with a cup of a random drink. Following this she would attend dance practice and after that would have lunch with the other trainees. Nayoung would never give her food up to other trainees though or share anything at all. Once lunch had finished she would go to vocal practice / rap practice. Before dinner she would also have another dance practice. But after dinner she was free to do what she wanted with the rest of the evening that was left. Trainee life for her was exhausting and really physically and mentally demanding. She really struggled with composing music, lyric writing and choreographing dances. Although she was good at singing, dancing and rapping she couldn't create her own things for them.


☞ Friendly You ☜


  • CL (2NE1). They met whilst she was a backstage dancer at a music bank.
  • Sulli (f(x)). When they first saw each other in a cafe, Nayoung disliked her aegyo usage but they get along fairly well.
  • Min (Miss A). Whilst she was on a variety show they would talk oftenly.
  • Taemin (SHINee). She met him through her younger sister who were friends with him.
  • Mir (MBLAQ). She met him by chance but got along well with him so became friends.

Best Friends:

  • Yoobin (Wonder Girls). She met her when she attended a concert of the Wonder Girls.
  • Hyoyeon (SNSD). They have known each other since they were young and were neighbours.
  • Nicole (KARA). There are was a time when she thought of auditioning for DSP and was about to go but bumped into her.
  • Sungmin (Super Junior). She met him through Hyoyeon but are very good friends and tries to match him up with Hyoyeon.
  • Hyunseung (BEAST). She was a back up dancer for TroubleMaker and talked to him alot whilst they practised.

Rival(s): Hyuna from 4Minute because they are both good singer, dancers and rappers plus Nayoung is close to Hyunseung which she dislikes - Nayoung is always trying to irritate her and make fun of her. Hyomin from T-ara as they both sing and rap to a high quality and Nayoung feels as if she takes Hwayoung away from her and Hyoyoung (she gets protective of her) - she wishes they could get along but they always seem to argue.. 

Twitter username: RyuNa1402

Facebook username: Nayoung Ryu.

Role Model(s): Miryo from Brown Eyed Girls.


☞ Lovely You ☜

Top 5 boys you love: Rank them. State why you love him, including your opinion/thinking about him. Look on the chart list above this application.

  1. Ha Minwoo || ZE:A || She loves him because he is cute, sweet and can sin, rap and dance fairly well. || She thinks that he is handsome and cool, not to mention charismatic. She loves his hair as well.
  2. Hoya || Infinite || She loves him because his dancing is amazing and he sings and raps too. || She thinks that he is interesting but maybe a bit to bad boy looking for her liking.
  3. Dongwoon || BEAST || She loves him because of his personality and his deep-ish voice. || She thinks that he is a nice seeming boy and met him through Hyunseung. Her eyes usually glance towards him.
  4. Joon || MBLAQ || She loves him because of his sheer talent but thinks that he is quite sweet. She has a weakness for his chocolate abs. || She thinks that he would be a romantic lover and enjoys it when he buys her food as well as drinks.
  5. Heechul || ZE:A || She loves him mainly because of his hair and rapping and not his personality. || She thinks that he is a grumpy old man and they don't get along very well at all as they argue alot.

How do you meet each other at the first time: It was a snowy day, around two years before she debuted. She was walking through the thick snow, holding a frappucino and cinammon swirl from Starbucks in her hands when suddenly someone knocked her over, making her drink and food go all over her jacket. She glared at the boy in front of her who was actually another trainee at the time. However she did not know him and demanded that he pay for a new drink and food. This is an example of when she lost her calm composure. Nayoung forgave him after he did so, smiling happily. Ever since then they have remained in contact in various ways.

How do you act towards each other: She is close to everyone except Heechul who she doesn't get along with very well and argues with too. She is friends with the others.

Crush(es): Hoon | U-Kiss | He is in her class and they talk to each other because they sit next to each other.

Ex-boyfriend(s): AJ | U-Kiss | They dated for around two years whilst she was a trainee but broke up because he was too annoying and she was too busy to keep hanging out with him whenever he wanted to see her. But he keeps pestering her as they are class mates.


☞ Nothing to say more girl ☜

Official Group Fanclub Suggestions: Blackie - Bamboo or Patches. Whiska - Kitties or Kittens.

Promise you will comment in at least 1-2 chappies: YES

Promise you will be there: Yes

Promise you can be patient with me: Yes

Any comments: Nope ~ ^_^


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