Dieting is so hard | VENT

I want to lose weight but I'm no where near motivated. I used to be so into dieting and exercising but idk what the happened to that drive. Relied on emotional eating too much and still am. I just feel like starving myself if I can't eat what I want. 

The only thing I know I could get some motivation is from my deep insecurity..sighs though it'll probably affect some personal relationships. 

Man life sure is tiring, wish I can do what I have to do so I can leave peacefully


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Eat in moderation. And exercise. Dieting if not done the right way is harmful. You can lose weight. Hwaiting
Instead of completely cutting off the things that you want to eat , how about reducing the portion and intake? I think as long you eat moderately with the right portion it shouldn't be a problem . However , starving yourself is just not right . I hope that you'll gain your motivation back and continue to eat and live healthy