A little update

Hello dear friends,

I've just noticed that my last post was about Christmas, so that means that it's my first blog post in 2018. Yey! Anyway, I've just wanted to give you a little update on what I've been doing lately and what are my future plans.

Guess what! I took my last written exam today and now I can start studying for the oral parts. XD It's not that bad actually though I'm not really fond of the idea of a Maths oral exam but that's what I have to do. ^^ It's also the reason for my absence and lack of stories yet I hope you understand. Now that I have more free time, I hope I can write and read more. Keep your eyes out for more fics in the future!

Until then, thank you so much for all your love and support! Take care!





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Banghimlo #1
Good luck!! I know you can do this!
Oh my gosh an oral maths exam??? That sounds rough. I believe in you though. You'll be fine. <3