Not All Sugar and Shine

People always assume that I am a positive person and that I am very cheerful but despite these things that you see and read, I am not all sugar and shine.

I also get tired, scared, and stressed.

I am also human.

I have inclinations, even violent ones because I am human. I am not all sunshine.

I have days that I want to drop dead or cry my eyes out.

The reason I cheer on people is because I know how it feels like. I don't want others to go through painful things on their own because it hurts.

Every time I open up, it hurts.


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Stay strong beautiful. You have given so many people encouragement and support. I want you to know that I believe in you even on your worst days. I know I'm not the only one that believes in you and I hope that you always know how much I love and support you!
Hey sis plz be strong... As we are all humans we have many weaknesses but we can't give up or we can't be sad forever... Here all loves you... You are a good person... So always stay strong and positive... Everything gonna be okey sis... God bless you...
I understand. I am similar. After all life is not a bed of roses. But I applaud your effort.