are u one of the boys

+ if your character's love interest has a name that only fills one line, just hit enter between their first and last name.
+ make sure to fill out the section to the right of the first image! it was intended to be a character summary, but those can be hard to write, so now it's for anything you want. i would've removed the whole thing, but the layout looks weird without it.
+ feel free to customize your app! or use a different layout, because this one can be finicky. the colors i used are:  #8d8479  (character name, l/i's name, user info),  #e6e3e0  (background), and  #333333  (text).
+ delete this and all other notes before you turn your app in!!

won jisung
a 440 ✕ 100 pic of..... anything tbh. idk why i put this here??
Is he actually the angel everyone thinks him to be?
a 100 ✕ 100 icon of your chosen faceclaim.
a 100 ✕ 100 icon of your faceclaim.
full name 원 지성
aliases basic
- Wonnie : this is what his mother has called him since his birth, she never refers to him by his actual name ut rather an affectionate form of his last name; this is a way for her to solidify his identity as his father's son. 
- Rabbit : This is his nickname on an online crime forum; this is also something his old friends called him because they thought he looked like a rabbit.
- Mr. Example : this is more of a mocking type of nickname that his current friends use. For the teachers at Myeonghwa high, he has become a student to appreciate and many of them use him as an example to follow  when scolding other student.
d.o.b June 4 (16)
birthplace Yonghyeon-dong, Incheon.
hometown Yonghyeon-dong, Incheon.
ethnicity Korean.
faceclaim  Astro's Rocky.
backup fcs NCT's jisung & NCT's Jaemin.
height & weight  177cm & 63 kg
characteristics Jisung has always been skinny and short, but always carried a confident and playful aura with him. He walks quick and confident, willing people to part and make way, always looking into their eyes. He gained muscle in the last couple of years and now sports a delicious six pack. 
style  Jisung likes to look presentable at all times, so even his casual clothes are always thought out carefully. Lately he has taken a liking to grunge style of clothes and has thought of a way to incorporate it into his style with which he would still look presentable to his father. casual - skinny jeans, loose fitting shirt, sneakers, always a wrist watch on his left wrist. formal- dress pants, dress shirt, shiny shoes and a tie(never wearks a bowtie), a vest is also a must, he has a golden pocket watch he likes to wear with it as well.
year first.
transcript Jisung is a straight A student; Jisung is a student who takes advanced classes; Jisung is a student who's friends with everyone that matters in there year. A member of debate, science and chess clubs + student council, Jisung is a true role model for the students. It's really amazing how as soon as he came to the school he was suddenly one of the best students, but he tries his best and loves to see himself succeed. 
jersey number  14, 17, 26, 27, 
position  attacker - midfielder
division c-team
past seasons  Jisung only started playing lacrosse the summer before 10th grade and the onyl reason he started was to try and get close to his brother, if they had something in common, maybe the older boy would take a liking to him. He has never been particularly sporty, only good at running fast, maybe he should have gone for track and field, but he's starting to like lacrosse and wants to stick with it, not only for his brother, but also because he has come to like the team. He wants to get better and spends most of his time practicing, so he can catch up to Haeil as soon as he can. 
again, a pic of anything. just make sure it's 500 ✕ 100!!
personality  ENTP - Ravenclaw/Slytherin - The Jester.
(+) Intelligent; Witty; Quick Thinker; Creative; Original; Charismatic; Excellent Brainstormer; Energetic;
(-) very argumentative; Insensitive; Intolerant; Finds it difficult to focus; Unpredictable; Too independent - has trouble asking for help; overly competitive; 

At a fist look Won Jising is an angel; good at everything he does and as kind as anyone can get; His smile lights up the world and everybody swoons when he directs that smile at them. Almost nobody gets past that first look, but if you see him at his debates you'll know that he can also be unapologetically ruthless. With quick mind and a sharp tongue, Jisung was made for humiliating and degrading people verbally. He loves this; he loves proving people wrong and digging out the truth. His love for this rearely gets him in trouble though. He knows when to hold back his horses and when to let them gallop. He knows he has to hold his tongue in front of his father and authoritative figures like teachers; he never fails to make them feel pleased even when he's actually insulting them; his smile and positive disposition do the trick. 

He is certainly mischevious and playful. He loves to play pranks and joke savagely with his friends. His moral compass is completely skewed and his priorities are a mess. What comes first is his success and nobody should get in the way of it. What comes second is his relationship with his brother and he's willing to sacrifice some of his time, efforst and pride to establish a civil and maybe positive relationship between them. He is very prone to boredom and he gets reckless when he's bored. It's crucial to keep him occupied in some way, becuase when he's bored the ideas he gets are not good for anyone involved. 
background Won Jisung was born as the son of a mistress, but grew up a perfect son. It might seem absurd to some, but Jisung's first memory comes from when he was 2 years old.  It was a truly nice day; the sun was shining down on Jisung's head, making it warm. He remembers his mother's back looking glum, as he followed her up a flight of stairs made up of iron bars, with gaps wide enough for him to slip through. The first though he remembers hinking is that he could walk on his own; he did not need his mother to hold his hand. He insisted and the tired woman let him have his way. He fell through and landed on his back; instead of crying, Jisung smiled because he felt a certain freedom. 

He was also 2 when he realized that his father was a man married to another woman. He did not really know what that really meant, but it did not seem to fit right with him. He was 3 when he told his "best friend" in kindergarten about his family situation and he was 3 when they had to move because a man he did not know came to their house to yell at his mother about his upbringing. The man turned out to be his father. He was 4 when his mother became a married woman, their family finally complete. 

Jisung tried his best to be the best son he could be, because his mother always told him that if he was not the best then his father would leave them. He tried his best and was the best at everything he did, but his father's heart was not with him, but with the man's first born son.  As long as Jisung kept the family name clean, their was no reason for the man to feel anything towards him. If Jisung did anything to cause harm to the family, he would be disowned. Everything was clear. 

At first, he was extremely envious of his brother. the older boy seemed to hate the man, but their father still loved and cared for him. Sure his father was strict and awkward about expressing his feelings for Haeil, the man still cared. They were never close, but the more time Jisung spent with his brother - which was not much at all - the more he seemed to like him. Soon he started to adore and admire the older boy. Haeil, on the other hand, seemed disinterested - just like their father. That's why Jisung decided to go to the same high school and join the same Lacrosse team. 
trivia likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, et cetera.
another 500 ✕ 100 pic. did it for the #aesthetic... again.
connections format this however you like, just be sure to include these basic things: their name, age, occupation, and a description of their relationship to your oc. more information is always appreciated, though!
l/i's name
a 100 ✕ 100 icon of whatever you want.
a 100 ✕ 100 icon of your character's love interest.
a 100 ✕ 100 icon of whatever you want.
full name self-explanatory. include characters if you want.
aliases once again, nicknames and other names put into the same category.
date of birth month day, and age.
faceclaim monsta X - jooheon
backup fcs  monsta X - shownu; 
personality self-explanatory.
transcript a brief description of your love interest's school life, just like the one you did before.
past any important parts of the past. how the two of them met is appropriate here, for example.
present your character's interactions with their love interest, including a description of their current relationship.
future what do you want to happen with their relationship over the course of the story? or do you want me to choose? pls don't i'm not good at that whatever works for ya.
trivia miscellaneous facts related to your character's love interest and/or relationship with their love interest specifically.
afterthoughts including but not limited to: questions, comments, and concerns.
suggestions any ideas to make this fic better?
requests scenes, plot points, et cetera. i'll try to get them done, but i can't promise i'll be able to fulfill each and every one.
password here.
username alias turn-in cheatsheet


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