I just need to let this out

I respect the decisions of those who really got offended but not of those who just blindly ride on the CA issue. Don't just automatically agree that doing such an act is wrong just because someone said it is wrong. Especially if that someone cannot even explain well why it is wrong. Know the real meaning of what you are standing for. Know exactly when CA is applicable because there are cases when it is not. 

You are stanning an Asian group. You want to educate them about your culture. I hope you also tried to find out why they don't see your point. You grew up from different parts of the world. From different upbringing, different beliefs. What you think is wrong may be acceptable on the other side of the world. It's possible you won't understand why they think that way. If then, I hope you also see that it's possible they couldn't understand your point too.

I guess the boys lost a lot of followers after that. It pains me and made me worry about their future. I just try to think that it's okay to lose those shallow thinkers. But it still makes me anxious whenever the topic comes up. I want to say these to all of them. But how can you convince a closed mind?

I hope music is more powerful. I hope people would see the real intentions beyond the visuals.


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