Recruiting Son Hakyeon to Special Code!

character name
applicant. Kurrokochi
active rate [1-10]. ...8/10
nickname. elle

plotline. function sigma
BACK-UP plotline. function gamma
full name. son, hakyeon

▸ sigma — his codename; not quite used to it, but tries to adjust.

▸ hakkie — this is something his mother used to call him and something he often thinks about.

▸ chef — this is what the other kids and villagers used to call him as he cooks liked one(hyperbole)

birthdate. 10/21/99
birth place. jinju, south korea
ethnicity. korean

▸ korean — native

▸ latin/archaic latin—fluent; he was taught by his mother who thought that knowing such a language was essential as many of the old scrolls they had in their possession and existed in the outside world, about mutants were written in latin.

face claim:
astro's rocky
backup face claim:
Got7's Yugyeom


▸ Hakyeon is blessed with lean muscle and incredible strength that those muscles provide. He has several small scars from mundane, everyday life, but he also has a scar on his chest and abdomen delivered by a bear's claws.

FASHION STYLE. hakyeon is your average joe when it comes to clothing. he is not much concerned with fashion and he is quite frugal when it comes to buying new clothes. anything's good as long as it's comfortable, easy to move in and does not make him look like a complete idiot. despite this, he does have a few all time favorites, including overalls, sneakers and loose fitting tees, even though he only wears them when he does not have much to do as they always get stuck on something



 PERSONALITY TRAITS. ENTP - Debater + Slytherin and Ravenclaw
smart; witty; knowledgeable; quick-thinker; creative; original; charismatic; energetic; quick and great decision maker
(-) argumentative; intense; insensitive; intolerant; rebellious; dislikes day-to-day practical matters; bit airheaded


Hakyeon is someone who many people dislike, but can't help being enticed by. His smile is contagious and he has unrivaled charisma, but sometimes his argumentative nature complicates things so much that even those two features can't help. Despite this, he has be taught to hold back his unwarranted comments(all thanks to his late mother). overall Hakyeon is a great guy with a quick mind and a smart mouth, but he is also a complex person beyond that.

growing up as he had, most of his peers would have probably turned out naive and immature, but instead Hakeyon learned to be cautions and mature. His mother, along with some other individuals, was his role model and he remembers every advice she has given him. He has a great appreciation for the things he has and never takes them for granted. He is quite frugal and likes to keep a certain control over all of his surroundings, but finds adventures to be thrilling, something he desires greatly. 

Hakyeon is very ambitious and loves arguments. He loves the feeling of having won over someone and that might prevent him from seeing the bigger picture, but mostly he remembers to think beyond that. He likes to imagine every possible thing that could follow his actions. He never acts before thinking things through and evaluating every option he has. Some people might think of him as spontaneous because his thoughts run so quickly through his mind and he makes decisions quickly, but he never fails to weigh his options with great care. 

When he talks, he can be quite intense, especially when he talks about something he feels strongly about. Some people might even assume that he sounds angry, but his loud voice and passionate way of speaking do not relfect anger. It is very hard to make Hakyeon lose his cool as people often fail to find and push the certain buttons that would make him crack. Because of the unique life he has led so far, he does not seem to care about the societal things most of his peers have insecurities over. When he does get angry, he is merciless. He might say and do things that people find unforgivable and he tries his hardest not to let anger take over, but it's a flaw he's still working on. 


Hakyeon was born in the city of Jinju, a son to a single mother, Heejin. Son Heejin was an exceptional pers, a mutant just like her son, but with a personality of a ferocious lion. She was a great leader to many and had created a hideout for mutants who had accidentally caused trouble big enough to ruin their outside lives. As soon as Hakyeon turned 1, He was taken back to their mansion-size house, out in the wilderness, surrounding a village near Jinju. The small mutant association was protected from the view and malice of others by a protective barrier, a product of Heejin's flair. She had the ability to produce an impenetrable protective barrier. 

Heejin raised Hakyeon with great care. all of his positive traits and knowledge come from all those evenings he spent with his mother and various other people, sitting at the table of their home and being forced to learn all the things he did not think he needed. Even though he had always been rebellious, found it hard to focus on the study material before him and whined as much as he could, he could never resist his mother's kind smile. Spending time on new ideas and possible inventions was his favorite passtime, but as much as he argued with his mother, she always managed to keep him in check with a strict hand. Hakyeon's rebellious nature started to show in aspects other than studying and he would start sneaking out of the house with some of the other kids - all of whom were older than him. At one such instance he discovered that he was a mutant just like his mother, something he had anticipated greatly. The situation, in which he had found himself, was not as favorable though. 

The association led by his mother procured food on their own by the means of hunting and gathering. Thing they could not attain by those means were provided by the kind people living in the village close by.  He was 10 at this time. Children had always been forbidden from accompanying the adults on the hunting trips, so the kids found ways to entertain themselved while the adults were out. During one of these hunting trips Hakyeon and an older boy snuck out of the house. They wanted to hunt for themselves too. Small Hakyeon naively thought that with all the training he had received to far he was ready to face the dangers outside of the house. He had never been so wrong before. 

on their adventure, Hakyeon and the boy were faced with a family of asian black bears. Confrontation was inescapable. The encounter embedded fear of god and all unknown into both boys, but they did not go down without a fight. The older boy had a pecualiar flair. He had the ability to turn any part of his body into a weapon, thus he fought. Hakyeon on the other hand felt helpless and powerless as he had no flair to use to his ability. He had brought along a bow and arrows, but most of his arrows missed his targets and at moments it was too dangerous to shiit as he could have hit his friend. The whole ordeal was a blur, but what he remembers very clearly is the moment his friend was struck down by the papa bear. Till this day he believes that his flair was triggered at this very moment. The next thing he knew, he had a blade where his hand used to be and he was charging in to try and save his friend. 

Both boys survived, but both boys suffered extreme injuries and Hakyeon's mother was furious. That day they both learned a valuable lesson. From that day on, none of the kids dared to ignore the warning of the adults and none of them thought that just because they were mutants that could defeat anyone. 

At first, Hakyeon thought that his friend and him had the same ability, but it soon became clear that his flair permitted him to copy flairs of other people and life was suddenly way more interesting that it had ever been. He still had his daily duties that he loathed, but now he could look at things differently, now he had his flair. As he got better and better at using his flair, his mother got weaker and decided to teach him about all the flairs she had encountered before. Soon Heejin's health was bad enough to limit her to her room and bed. Her end was near and so 16 year old Hakyeon had to copy his own mother's flair before she died. 

3 years later, Hakyeon is the one in charge of the association, even though their number has dwindled and only few of them remain. He keeps the barriers up and takes care of everything he has at home, only bound to the place out of respect for his late mother. So when his mother's old friend shows up, looking for her and in desperate need of help, Hakyeon thinks he has no right to refuse as his mother would do anything she could to help.


- riddles
- card and strategy games
- wilderness
- oranges & their scent 
- all kinds of food
- physical activity













▸ relation — name (age) / occupation / personality traits / closeness

▸ relation — name (age) / occupation / personality traits / closeness


LOVE INTEREST. last name, first name
FACECLAIM. last name, first name
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST. last name, first name
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST FACECLAIM. last name, first name
FLAIR. for mutants only


▸ start here

▸ start here

▸ start here


▸ start here

RELATIONSHIP STATUS. current status please

ENDING. here

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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