For SugaDaddyVMinKook

 Hey Bray!! 

uuuuwuuuu how do I start this off? 

Even before I became your friend you were nice to me. Our first interaction was when you replied to my comment on Siren's Kiss and then you friended me. You always replied to me or talked to me in such a way that felt comforting like you were there talking to me happily. 

We have a shared love for chanbaek, (CHANBAEK FOR LIFE MAN <3) anyways, Within the time I met you, I found out so many things about you like that your favorite color is cyan (which is such a pretty color like ugh omg) and that you were being hurt by so much. I never would've thought that you held all that pain inside you, you are such a happy person. I can't say I know what you're going through. 

Bray I know you wrote about how giving hope isn't helpful to people, but Bray if you need time to get yourself together, please do. take time to yourself. you gotta have a treat yo' self-day. just take some time to figure things out, and don't forget WE WILL BE THERE FOR YOU. at least I WILL BE THERE FOR YOU. 

Please don't listen to those people who say that you don't deserve anyone, I don't know everything that you've done or known you very well, but I know that every single person deserves a support system and people who care about them. and you are no different. don't listen to those people who are harassing you, please. I'm begging you. 

You deserve everything Bray, even if you don't believe it yourself. SAY YOU TO THE HATERZ. Like Namjoon said so nicely, "Y'ALL PLAYA, HATERS, YOU SHOULD LOVE YOURSELF."



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