We LOST weight!

So, my mom and I weighed ourselves and found out that:

Mom lost 20 lbs.
Raven lost 10 lbs.

I'm so happy for mom. She's doing so well since she got out of the hospital. Of course, my dad is still being an , but as long as I ignore him, he doesn't talk to me. My mom told my dad that we lost weight and he said, "Was it because you wanted to lose weight, or was it because of mom?" How stupid of a question is that? My dad has been trying to get me to lose weight. So, I lost weight for myself, but also for him. But, get this? He doesn't give compliments, only negativity. He says, "Nice. But, you still need to lose more." WTF? He's such an idiot. 

Anyway, my mom looks REALLY great since she lost the weight. I think I'm going to start eating less so that my mom and I can lose more weight, while my dad gains weight and gets fat. I don't care anymore about what he does with his body. He doesn't care about his health, neither do I.

And also, in two weeks, mom is going to graduate from not having the nurse here anymore. That will be sooooooooo awesome. Mom won't be homebound anymore. We are going to enjoy getting out of the house more.

Also, on Sunday the 22nd, my mom will be 71 years old. I'm so proud of my mom.




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i am so so happy for you and your mom. your mom SLAYSSSS despite her age. tell her i'm proud of her!!! and im most certainly proud of you as well!!! <3
I'm so proud of both of you and I hope your dad doesn't get you down too much. He's being mean and abusive, so just ignore him. I'm glad you're doing well, though♡.
An early happy birthday to your mom, Raven.
And though it is cool to lose weight by reducing your food intake, but be sure to not get yourself into having gastric. Remember, just stay healthy and fit, being slim or whatsoever shouldn't be the aim.