My dad is a Narcissist!

So, I found out my dad is a Narcissist!

He is selfish by nature.

Everything revolves around him, and he's very difficult to deal with when it doesn't.

He treats strangers better than he treats his own family.

As long as he is having a good time, he doesn't care if everyone else is unhappy.

Very superficial more concerned with how things look, as opposed to how they actually are.

His personality changes depending on who he is with. He can go from being a tyrant, to being charming and sweet.

He never admits he is wrong, and either blames you, or get mad at you for bringing up the possibility that he could be wrong.

He's a Narcissist!


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i could relate my brother is the same way. he always put himself over a pedestal over other human being. the thing that i do is i just ignore him and not let him corrupt me and change me or be like him. dont get influence by your father just survive through until you get out of your home.

Personal achievement: this was my fastest record in editing a video i only took 2 days instead of usually 2 weeks uwu things i do for Sehun
Hey buddy are you okey...