Internet friends vs reality friends

Guys,I wanted to tell you something.

I have been feeling so down and sad,I didn't know why.I don't understand but then I eventually knew the reasons to my sadness.
I worried to much about the unknown future.I kept on thinking about negative things,my thought are messed.
Every night,I cried alone. I acted like I'm okay in front of my family. I didn't tell them about my problems as I didn't want to burden any of them or that is what I felt.

I hate it when I told someone about my problems. I never like it as I felt weak and they might exposed my secrets. I was afraid and kept everything to myself.
I bottled up things too much until I cannot take it anymore.

My problems multiplied as I felt like my friends are so far away from me.I felt like they never needed me.I'm just someone who they doesn't want to be friend with.I think like that,I was sad,worried,lonely and felt so tired. Everything I did seems to be so boring. I don't know what to do anymore.

It's been like that for a month,I don't know anymore. I shut down myself from my friends,hiding from them. They didn't really care much though,I felt disappointed and sad once again.Crying became my routines.

I tried giving them hints about my problems but no one really care.That,really hurt me a lot. I felt so sad and I wanted to disappear from this world.After giving a few hints,I stopped as they never really care.

I noticed that,I'm all alone. I am weird,I knew that already .

I told my problem at twitter, and this one particular person actually willing to help me. Do you know how happy I was ? Someone, a stranger actually willing to help me,listening to my worries and problems. I felt very grateful and I cried because I was so happy. Somebody actually care ! She/ he is an ARMY.

That person gave me advices and told me that I should be brave. I was so grateful,I cannot describe my happiness.SOMEONE ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT ME ! THANK YOU SO MUCH ! That special someone also tell me that it's not a problem because we're FAM,Wah ! Now,I knew that internet friends is indeed awesome.

I am so happy. I'm so thankful . Thank you for lending your ears ~ I REALLY REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE IT !

To me,it really helped a lot,having someone who willing to hear my problems. That person really gave me the energy to be happy. I'm so thankful,I really wanted to give her a big hug for listening to me.



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I'm glad that you meet a kind soul who's willing to hear and help you out :) Sometimes in life, all we need is some encouragement and moral support. Its always amazing how a kind gesture can actually give out hope. I hope that you'll continue to seek for help and support that you need . No matter how hard life may seems to be, know that nothing stays the same forever , just like the season , all of your pain and sadness too will stop / end at some point. Never give up continue to invest on your well being. Know that you're a fighter . I will cheer on your well being. Please know that you're not alone :) Heads up keep going
Oh yes i agree. Last month i encountered a problem and told an online friend and she was more useful than my real life friends lol