Update on my mom

I came here to update you on my mom.

She is doing MUCH better. Her heart is beating normal and she's gotten antibiotics in her as well. The doctors were telling her that she'll likely come home tomorrow. Oh man, that sounds so awesome.

I've been lonely without my mom for about 3 days. Even though I was visiting her in the hospital every day, it was still lonely without her at home. Though it will be VERY annoying because my stupid dad is going to be ing to her about getting on the treadmill and losing weight. Geez, she's 70 years old. I don't understand his thinking. He wants her to act like she was when she was in her 20s. 

My dad was telling my mom and I that if the cardiologist tells mom that she needs to change her diet, that means she can't eat certain things, and we'll have to change the meals. I looked at my dad and said, "If the cardiologist tells mom that she needs to change her dinner food, that means we ALL change. I will NOT make everyone a different food. If mom changes, EVERYONE changes." I even told my dad, that "if her diet consists of eating vegetables and you don't like it, you can very well make your own food." 

I'm so sick and tired of him telling us that he doesn't like eating certain vegetables. Who cares. I'm not going to feel sorry for him. He'll have to it up and be a man. He doesn't like the food I prepare, then he can make his own damn food. Mom is more important than he is.

So, just wanted to let you know that she's doing better and there's a pretty good chance that she'll be released tomorrow and then she'll be back home. I know she'll be happy because then she won't be bothered by nurses coming in every 4 hours.

Thanks to everyone who has sent their prayers and were worried about my mom. 




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*hands you a bouquet of gladiolas

Please send your mom my regards.