My mom is in the hospital

So, just wanted to give you an update. I had to take my mom to the hospital today. She had a slight cold yesterday, then it progressed to not speaking clearly, repeating herself and always sleeping. Then, when we were trying to get her to do something today, we decided it would be best to take her to the hospital.

We found out that she has heart palpitations, so she's on a heart monitor. And then we found out that she had a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) which could be the result of her not talking right.

We had to leave her at the hospital overnight. I hate doing that. I miss her already. :( Mom and I had a lot of things we were planning on doing tonight, but have to change it. I hope she'll be able to come home tomorrow.




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I hope your mum gets well soon! My wishes are with her!
I'll pray for your mom to get a quick recovery. Please stay strong Raven.
May your mom get well soon. Stay strong .